Iranian "arms shipment"

Israeli commandos seize "Hezbollah-bound" ship

BBC: Israel's navy has intercepted a ship carrying hundreds of tonnes of Iranian weapons intended for Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Israeli military has said. The Antiguan-flagged vessel, Francop, was boarded 160km (100 miles) off the Israeli coast, the military said, and has been towed to the port of Ashdod. PM Benjamin Netanyahu said the arms were intended to strike Israeli cities. In recent months Israel has stepped up efforts to combat the smuggling of arms to both Hezbollah and Hamas militants. Hezbollah has not yet commented on the latest incident >>>


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Shah Ghollam

I am actually very fair!

by Shah Ghollam on

So, please, go spread this propaganda somehwhere where people are retarded, because everyone with an IQ of 90 and above can see through what this regime, and its propagandists and supporters such as you, are up to. 

you must be numb if you think with a comment such as above you get a boque of flowers! Where the hell do you come from with such expectations?

Anonymous Observer


by Anonymous Observer on

Has there been any occasion in which you answered a comment without insulting the person who left you the comment?  This "response" that you left here is just another rambling set of insults.  What the hell does this sentence mean:

" You will in few more years living outside of Iran, you will for sure mistake Iraq with Iran as superficially as you looking at Iran today."

Were you high or drunk when you wrote the comment? 

For once in your life, stop copying your Basiji bosses by insulting people and explain to us how in pre-Islamic Iran they used fear mongering and fear of external threats to silence a democtractic movement?

Shah Ghollam


by Shah Ghollam on

So, please, go spread this propaganda somehwhere where people are retarded, because everyone with an IQ of 90 and above can see through what this regime, and its propagandists and supporters such as you, are up to. 

Geee! You mean you gave yourself an IQ above 90? Then George Bush must be above 300 on your scale.

Further, if that is your interpretation of unity, then you just pissed on Iranian history including the preIslamic one as your avatar refers to! You will in few more years living outside of Iran, for sure mistake Iraq with Iran as superficially as you looking at Iran today..

Anonymous Observer


by Anonymous Observer on

I don't know if you know this or not, but "uniting to repel external threats" is a claim that every tyrant, dictator and oppressor has used in the face of internal opposition.  It's the oldest trick in the abook when it comes to silencing the opposition.  Even Goerge W. Bush used it for God's sake to consolidate power.

So, please, go spread this propaganda somehwhere where people are retarded, because everyone with an IQ of 90 and above can see through what this regime, and its propagandists and supporters such as you, are up to. 



Mola: Question for you

by Onlyiran on

You always seem to complain about the money that the Pahlavi family took from Iran three decades ago.  However, you seem to encourage Iran's money being spent on weapons and financial support to Hezbollah and Hamas.  Can you reconcile the two positions?  How can you be so concerned about Iranians' money in one case, and seem to want to give it away to foreigners in another?


Shah gholi knows best.

by پیام on

Everyone else is just yapping and yading and spamming here. He is a knower of it all. Please your majesty gholam, enlighten us with your knowlesge. Should we kill any jew who crosses our road? Should we bomb americans while we at it. Please go play somewhere else where you and your few declining number of friends can hang outin your own imaginaryworld. And let us discuss issue's about Iran and Iranians in a civilized manner.


Re: Meydan-e Jaleh and Cinema rex

by AMIR1973 on

A couple posters here have mentioned "the involvement of the Palestinians in the Cinema Rex fire and Black Friday at Meydoun Jaleh". I would be interested to see the sources relating to this. (Please do not take this in any way as a defense of the murderous IRI nor of Islamism--I think Khomeinism has been a disaster for Iranians). I am genuinely wondering whether there is real evidence that proves the claims made of Palestinian involvement in these bloody incidents.

Re: Cinema Rex, it appears to have been the work of Islamist revolutionaries, but I'm not aware of there being a proven Palestinian hand either there or at Meydan-e Jaleh (where the claims of thousands killed was greatly exaggerated).


Robert Baer

by vildemose on


Be a true Iranian and unite

by vildemose on

Be a true Iranian and unite to repel external threats as your first priority. That is if you are an Iranian and consider yourself to be one!

LOL, "external threat"?? You are a collaborator of the IRI. You have no moral highground over Israelis or AIPAC or any other reactionary entity.

You don't care about Iran, only the IRI for your self-serving agenda.

Your anti-semitic regurgitation is only that...Don't be offened when the zionist dish out the same nonsense to you militant Islamists.

Watch Robert Baer interview and see how the Iranians are perceived in the non-jihadist world.

You're blinded by hatred for the Jews and can't see straight...


To all the regime apologists: You are complicit in these crimes. You may as well have wielded the truncheons and batons. You may as well have pulled the triggers.

Sleep soundly

Shah Ghollam


by Shah Ghollam on

wheather you like it or not, Iran is in the cross heirs of Israel, just in case you did not notice. you yap as much as you like to blame IRI or not as much as you like. However, I suggest you and others start thinking practical and be part of the solution rather than become traitors. as they say "peel the potatoes one by one". The greatest threat to Iran is now Israel and as determined enemy they will not rest even if you take a basket of flowers to them, they will simply take you as "weak" and do with you as they have with Palestinians, Lebanese, Syrians and so on.

Be a true Iranian and unite to repel external threats as your first priority. That is if you are an Iranian and consider yourself to be one!



The IRI is playing with

by vildemose on

The IRI is playing with fire and one of these days they will get what they are asking for...Violent militarists like Shah Gholam and Mollah would like nothing better to see Iran and Iranians attacked to solidfy the stranghold on power in Iran. These two entities don't care about Iran as long as Iran uses all of its resources to fight Israelis for them.

Shame on both of you.

Shah Ghollam

Here we go again

by Shah Ghollam on

So sad to see what has turned into in past few months. From a liberal democratic forum where views tended to be moderate and no one was attacked based on his opinion, it has turned into a cesspool of i.r. propaganda makers like those named above with no shame and no regard to their fellow human beings, neither towards esraili's nor towards Iranians

Here we go again having Payam the advocate for Democracy with no deeds of his own to hijack yet another thread by totally spamming it.

He does this whenever he comes short of reasoning.

Is there any moderators reading these posts to warn charactors such as Payam who seem to have nothing but to spam? There are plenty of posts he could go and get himself engaged with on subjects he is most interested in, why allow healthy discussions derailed by a maniac who claims he is for Democracy? 



Why are so many of us so naive!?

by farokh2000 on

It is well known and documented how far the criminal Israeli regime will go and how much they would fabricate lies to divert attention from their dirty, criminal work.

I am not sure why so many of our Country people are not getting this.

Yes, the Mullahs are criminals and must go, but the Israeli Government has committed much more crimes than the Mullahs in their short history of existance and will do a lot more in the future to justify their crimes against humanity.

If you get a chance, "Spy Masters of Israel" is good book to read. It is non-fiction, if you care about those kinds of books, of course!.

Mola Nasredeen

To the Prozac Lazem newcomers to the debate

by Mola Nasredeen on

Here is the points that were discussed:

1. Israel has more than 200 atomic bombs.

2. Israel receives 3 billion dollars worth of arms from United States every year.

So why a shipment of arms for Hazbolla is news?

I tell you why:

A. Israel is in deep trouble for being accused of war crimes resulting the death of 1400 Palestinians in Gaza. The report was created by the United Nation commision and it was headed by Mr Goldstone from South Africa, himself a Jew. He has accused Israel of commiting war crimes when it attacked Gaza last year. United Nations is discussing it today in the general assembly.

So instead of us hearing about the UN session we are bombarded by this non-news of arms shipment for Hazbolla.

B. Hillary Clinton has been in the Middle East and was forced to declare Israeli settlements illegal. So the racist regime of Israel needed a distraction and this piece of non-news is what they've come up with. We shouldn't forget this is coming from the same propaganda machine that brought us the misinformation about Saddam developing atomic bomb. 

Now, do you have anything to add or subtract from the above points? Try to stop the voices in your head and stick to the subject.


Mola and Shah gholi:

by پیام on

comment on this one ( your defendants at work):


پیام is hijacked by characters like Mola N. & Shah gholi.

by پیام on

So sad to see what has turned into in past few months. From a liberal democratic forum where views tended to be moderate and no one was attacked based on his opinion, it has turned into a cesspool of i.r. propaganda makers like those named above with no shame and no regard to their fellow human beings, neither towards esraili's nor towards Iranians ( the group they claime to be a part of which I strongly doubt them to be). The only contribution these radical beings have added to  is their hate and retoric towards anything that is humane and peacefull.

Nousha Arzu

Mola, Shushtari, Bijan AM

by Nousha Arzu on

Mola writes, " Israel is one of the most racist societies on this earth."

And, dear Mola, please illuminate us as to the kind of regime that the IRI is? Let me help you -- it's a torturing meat grinder which beats, rapes, murders, and otherwise viciously oppresses its own people and has been doing so for 30 years! It executes minors as young as 15 years old. It gang rapes virgin girls the night before they're executed and then forces their parents to pay for the bullets, liquidates political prisoners by the thousands, and violently discriminates against its religious minorites.

I dare say, pot meet the kettle. Your stench of hypocracy is suffocating. I dare repeat Bijan's words, "F**k Israel," but what about our beloved IRI -- F**K them too!

Would you agree, Mola Nasredin?

Shushtari -- I could not have said it better! The Palestinians are not our friends, and never have been. Even with all the financial support that the IRI has given them over the years, when the Iran/Iraq war broke out, the Palestinians helped the Iraqis. As Yasser thief Arafat famously said, "Iranians are our friends, but the Iraqis are our brothers."

Not to mentions the involvement of the Palestinians in the Cinema Rex fire and Black Friday at Meydoun Jaleh, and even today, where Palestinian thugs are raping our innocent people jailed for protesting against the IRI.

True Iranian patriots only care about Iran and only Iran. Let's fix our broken home FIRST before we shed crocodile tears for our neighbors!

Bijan AM and Shushtari -- your genuine concern is not lost on those of us who are true patriots of Iran. Keep up the good work!


Reza-Rio de Janeiro

Sanayeh Petro-Chemi Iran ...

by Reza-Rio de Janeiro on

How hard is to pay attention to this clip? It's written all over those bags.... (Sanayeh Petro-chemi Iran) !!!!

All the other weapons are identified as iranian made too! unfortunately...

So either this news is true and I.R. is arming their Iranian killers, hezbolah, hamas and all the other bastards or The Islamic Republic and Israel cooporating behind the scenes (like their recent Cairo nuclear negotioations)  and staged another act to fool everyone again...

Don't be so naive...

Free Iran and Iranians

PS. If I had to choose between Israel and Hezbolla and other Islamic entities, I would choose Israel in a heart beat! For 2500 years we have had no problems with them until the bastard Islamic Republic was born in Iran 30 years ago! Like it or not, we True Iranians are much more similar with Israelis and Jewish people as nations who suffered massively by all those bastard Islamists and we share mutual disgust  for our mutual enemy, The Rapist Islamic Republic and other terrorist Islamic entities...


So obvious

by KouroshS on

With the mentality that the X country is the most Brutal and hated country on earth, or any outside support for the iranians would automatically translated to Wanting to bomb The hell out of Iranians! with such incredibly exterimist and fanatic attitude, there is absolutely no hope for the future of Iran.


I personally DON'T GIVE A DAMN....

by shushtari on

about the palestinians......

they have been murdering iranians at the orders of the mullahs for 30 years.....from cinema rex, meydoon jaleh, dissidents on the streets of paris and istanbul and up the recent protests.

that POS yasser arafat had 400 million in his bank account when he went to hell.....where they heck did he get that money???? from selling cow dung on the streets of west bank???

iran's wealth has been siphoned off by these fat mullahs to send arms to the palestinian terrorists.

now, I'm no fan of israel, and I don't give a hoot about them either.....ONLY OUR VATAN IRAN!!! 


There are

by Onlyiran on

more important things happening in Iran that we should be paying attention to.  This is just a distraction from the important events in Iran today, which showed that the Green Movement is alive and well, and the IRI is truly on its death march.

Other than that, I say let Israel, IRI, Hamas and Hezbollah beat each other over the head until they all drop dead.   The world will be a much happier place if that happens anyway.  Hell, I'd even throw in the "Christian Zionists" in the mix for good measure!

Shah Ghollam


by Shah Ghollam on

and if you have the slightest regard for peace you would not condone arming of Hamas and Hezbolah (no matter how criminal Israel is)

From what I read from your posts regarding Israel, HZ and Palestinians I can only expect you to do nothing and keep walking away if you just happen to see a woman being rapped on the st. Why would you wish her to defend herself with anything if that may mean pepper mist or a nife?

I am curious to know what "peace" means to you?



X1 and Bijan

by IRANdokht on

Ma migim nareh shoma begin bedoosh!

I am saying there is no evidence that this shipment is from Iran to Hamas.  You keep calling it a shipment from IRI to Hamas.

I don't trust the Israeli navy's report. This could be their own shipment. After all it's a documented fact that Israel has armed different groups before, just to turn around and kill people in retaliation.

The background I gave about Israel was to emphasize on their lack of credibility, so if you learn to read without getting too emotional, you'll see that my comment was not irrelevant at all.


Mola Nasredeen

Agha Bijan, I put the same question to you word by word:

by Mola Nasredeen on

"What the F**k are you doing for peace?"

It's you who has a heart attack when it come to speaking of or criticizing Israel or Zionists. It's you who propose Palestinians give up their land, Muslims and Iranians give up their third holiest temple and to bend over so the settlers from New York, Chicago and Philadephia would be able to build their "dream houses" on confiscated Palestinian land.

It's you who is blind to see the fact that Israel is one of the main reasons for the existance and growth of terroist organizations such as al Qaeda and Israel's actions towards innocent people is not much different from al Qaeda, invading somebody else's land bombing and terrorizing the population. You have told us that you are Jewish but are you a Zionist too? If you are why hide?  

And what do you do as soon as you hear any criticism of Israel? You call them Islamist, anti-semite, Jew hater and the rest of that nonsense. By bringing up these accusations your're trying to sell your goods from Holocast Industry collection. //

Israel is the most hated country on earth according to the last poll and it's not because the Jews live there but because of the barbaric policies of Israel towards non Jews in Middle East.


just a misunderestanding

by MRX1 on

you see the shipment of all these arms to peacefull humanistic organiaztions like hezbolah, islamic jihad and hamas are all for peacefull purposes just like all the nuclear stuff that are being built in Iran. In fact the whole idea is to produce electricity from fifty year old soviet technology and export it to palestine. Why can't these damn Isreali's underestand that IRI is a compassionate, humaneterian speacefull ystem and every thing they do is for peace and humanity that's all.


And Bijan, since you seem

by Bavafa on

And Bijan, since you seem to know it all, please tell us what you would suggest:

Let me put it this way…. You and your family live in your house and all the sudden a "Narehkhar" comes and occupies part of your house, maybe even terrorize your kids on a daily basis. First you fight a bit and see he and his buddies have more force and they take even more of your house as a result and terrorize your kids even more. The people in the neighborhood ask you not to mess with him and let him have the two rooms he took but as you try to negotiate with them they start taking even more rooms because they have the force to take. Now you are living in the garage with no access to running water or any thing. If your kid needs to use the toilet, h/she needs to go and get permission. Now what will you do?

Maybe nothing and you might be satisfied with that garage … but some folks believe that they should fight for their family and home. This is what I see the Palestinians are doing.

In regards to the arms that may or may not have been seized:

I don't know where the arms came from but if the report is true and it was meant to go to Hamas or Hezbollah, then I am very sorry that it did not reach them. I am sorry not because I like to see more war but I like to see people who are under siege to be able to defend themselves. In my view Palestinians are for sure under siege by a savage military force (IDF) and so is Lebanon.


Bijan A M

Aa mullah, you say:

by Bijan A M on

 "Israel is an aggressive entity that invades the land of natives, imprisons them, bombs them and confiscate their land. Israel is a major problem facing the people in the Middle East."

So, what are you gonna do about it? Are you suggesting to terrorize them until they leave? It has been tried, and the result is more misery for the people you are trying to defend.

Are you suggesting to go to war with them? It's been tried and the result was loss of more teritory and more bargaining chips in their hands.

So, tell me, what the f**k do you suggest other than peace?

What has this got to do with support of Israel? When you think about it, it is in support the palestinians to get out of their misery, if that's what they want.

I don't know where you live Mr. shotor, but you sure sound having some deep rooted Islamist tendencies (not just for your comment here, but in general). 


Mola Nasredeen

Agha Bijan, don't get so emotional when Israel is criticized

by Mola Nasredeen on

Why do you get so vindictive?

Why finger pointing and name calling? It's you who say:

"F**k Israel" And I sure hope that you mean it because Israel is one of the most racist societies on this earth. Israel is an aggressive entity that invades the land of natives, imprisons them, bombs them and confiscate their land. Israel is a major problem facing the people in the Middle East.

You blame Irandokhot for commenting on this thread and say:

"So, keep popping up whenever any post or news comes up that by any chance might promote or condemn Israel."

But so are you! You are the one who pops up as soon as the name of Israel is mentioned, you write about Israel, you criticize and put down others in denfence of Israel. Why are you so concern, may I ask why?

In conclusion as I have stated before, iranian dotcom should start selling Prozac and tranqualizers it may come handy to you and a few others. 

Bijan A M

Ms. Irandokht

by Bijan A M on

I have never known you as an open minded and fair individual, like you may have fooled some on this site, and this comment of yours proves I was right.

Can you see how irrelevant and biased your post is? What has the nonsense you have posted got to do with how I feel about Iran? Pardon my language, but f**k Israel and their current policies, but, if you have a shred of decency in your entire being, and if you have the slightest regard for peace you would not condone arming of Hamas and Hezbolah (no matter how criminal Israel is). You know that means more bloodshed. I know as an Islamist you don’t care about bloodshed as long as your pride is kept intact.

So, keep popping up whenever any post or news comes up that by any chance might promote or condemn Israel. Show your prejudice. And, keep on putting the mask of vatan parasti, but behind the scene follow your anti-semitic agenda.

I’m done with you, lady. Not worth getting emotional.  



by IRANdokht on

Lets be honest with each other. You don't care about Iran being bombed, your loyalty is to Israel no matter how illegal its settlements, how arrogant it is about its nuclear weapon, how aggressive it is against its neighbors and how disrespectful of human rights.

It's all about your loyalty to Israel that trumps the Iranian people's lives and well being for you. If Israel wants to attack the Iranian cities, you don't care if it hits the IRI regime leaders or a bunch of innocent civilians. Don't try to turn the table and accuse others while you've openly shown your loyalty to Israel many times, even when they were slaughtering the children in Gaza. 
