Persepolis Fortification Project

Cracking the Code: Using Language to Unlock Ancient History

Professor Matthew Stolper is the John A. Wilson Professor of Oriental Studies in the Oriental Institute at the University of Chicago, in charge of the Persepolis Fortification Project. He was recently in the Bay Area on October 11th, and he gave two talks about his research.

Here he talks about the project and the lawsuit which threatens the collection: "Persepolis Fortification Archive Project: Preserving the legacy of the Achaemenid Persians:"


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Aryaee and so what?

by aziz on

Who cares, man anam ke rostam yalibood dar Sistan! This argument has been going on forever!

Manoucher Avaznia

همسایۀ عزیز

Manoucher Avaznia

بنده از اطلاعات شما بهره گرفتم.  حضور شما غنیمتی بود و چشم روشنی.  خواهش میکنم بیش از این کمک کنید.


با درود و سپاس


hamsade ghadimi

ebi, manouchehr

by hamsade ghadimi on


i understand now that mr. avaznia's question was more specific and required first-hand research rather than my simple wiki reference. 

mr. avaznia,

your blog was educational and thanks for tolerating my yapping.  i wish you the best in finding the answers to your questions.

Manoucher Avaznia

Ebi Jaan;

by Manoucher Avaznia on

سپاس از بزرگواری شما.  خود دانی که اوستا زبانی دیگر دارد و خطی دیگر.  روی سخنم با سنگ نبشته های پارسی باستان از زمان هخامنشی بویژه سرگل آنها سنگ نبشتۀ بیستون است که این گوینده بدان اشارتی دارد.  من سه چهار بار این کتیبه را خواندم.  حتی میخی اش را چندباره نگری کردم و به غیراز آن دو واژۀ آریارمنَ و آریارمنهیا چیزی که دلالت  بر ریشۀ واژۀ آریا داشته باشد که نشان قومیت خاصی داشته باشد نیافتم.  و ناپیداست که این دو واژه پیوند ویژه ای با قوم نژاد یا قبیله آریایی یا سرزمین آریایی دارد یا نه.  همانگونه که پیش از این گفتم، شاید من یکسره اینها را ندیده ام.  این واژه به صوت مستقل به نشانه ی یک قومیت، نژاد، یا مردم نجیب، یا سرزمین خاص ندیدم.  کتیبه بیستون موجود است.  داریوش نخست در آنجا واژة ادم آریم را به مفهوم من آریایی هستم بکار نبرده است.  در حالیکه از اجداد شاهی خود؛ اینکه از اعیان آمده است؛ و اینکه هخامنشی است و چراهخامنشی است به روشنی سخن گفته است البته، اینکه داریوش عین حقیقت را می گوید جای پرسش است.  در حالی که خود را نهمین شاه می نامد از خاندان هامنشی تنها شش نفر را نام می برد.  در صورتی ادعای او درست در می آید که کورش نخست، کمبوجیه و بردیا که او می گوید مغی بوده که به صورت دروغین ادعای شااهی کرده است راهمه شاهان حقیقی بدانیم.  خودش می گوید ادم نوم: من نهمینم. منظور نهمین شاه است.  بدبختانه نمی توانم اصل میخی آن را همراه بفرستم.  قابل کپی کردن نیست.  پایان سخن اینکه داریوش در بیستون خود را شاه بزرگ؛ شاه پارس؛ شاه کشورها دهیانام؛ و شاه شاهان معرفی می کند ولی آریایی نمی خواند.


سپاس از شکیبایی شما

ebi amirhosseini

Manucher aziz

by ebi amirhosseini on

H. W. Bailey
an ethnic epithet in the Achaemenid inscriptions and in the Zoroastrian Avestan tradition. It is used in the Avesta of members of an ethnic group and contrasts with other named groups (Tūirya, Sairima, Dāha, Sāinu or Sāini) and with the outer world of the An-airya “non-Arya.” Old Persian ariya- occurs in the phrase of Darius: ariya: ariya: ciça, “Arya, of Arya origin,” and of Xerxes: pārsa: pārsahyā: puça: ariya: ariyaciça, “a Persian, son of a Persian, Arya, of Arya origin. ...


Ebi aka Haaji

Manoucher Avaznia

Ebi Jaan;

by Manoucher Avaznia on

Thanks for the inputs.  Can you, please, provide me with the word in Old Persian as it has referred to a race?  Can you write it for me please? You are an expert in the field.



ebi amirhosseini

Samsam Jaan!!

by ebi amirhosseini on

Be ghole ma'roof:

Age noone gandom nakhordeem ,be daste mardom[ke] deedeem!!.Naasalaamati maa ham ahle bakhiyeh hasteem!!.lol

What I wrote was not to confirm Manucher's point,but that doesn't mean he can't have a legitimate question!.Sure at Behistun you don't see reference to Areeyee,since its purpose was different,but in later inscriptions,especially in Naghsh e Rostam,you see the reference to his lineage,since this was his resting place.As I mentioned, no relation with the name of the country,the link provided by hamsade aziz & Manucher's question.

Happy tnxgiving pal.


Ebi aka Haaji


Pour Pira

by SamSamIIII on


the distortionist arabo ommatie  Iran-hater has a major too. Ebi jaan, so what? and he uses it to badmouth and spread lies about ancient Iran in his lectures featured in ommatie republic colleges.

Inscriptions of Darius on Naqsh e Rustam. south face of the ridge..lines 78 to 79;

Dârayavaush : xshâyathiya : va

 zraka : xshâyathiya : xshâyathiyânâm  : xshâyathiya : dahyûnâm : vispazanâ  nâm : xshâyathiya : ahyâyâ : bûmi  yâ : vazrakâyâ : dûraiapiy : Vishtâs  pahyâ : puça : Haxâmanishiya : Pârsa : Pârsa :  ârsahyâ : puça : Ariya : Ariya : ci  ça : thâtiy : Dârayavaush : xshâya

I am Darius the Great King, King of Kings, King of countries containing all kinds of men, King in this great earth far and wide, son of Hystaspes, an Achaemenian, a Persian, son of a Persian, an Aryan, having Aryan lineage.

Behistune & Hamadan inscription on Darius & his grand dad Arsames and great grand dad Ariaramneh ;

Ariaramnes, the Great King, King of Kings, King in Persia, son of Teispes the King, grandson of Achaemenes

Ariyâramna : xshyathiya : vazraka : xshâyath  iya : xshâyathiyânâm : xshâyathiya : Pârsâ  : Cishpaish : xshâyathiyahyâ : puça : Haxâmanishah yâ : napâ : thâtiy : Ariyâramna : xshâyathiya

Arsames, the Great King, King of Kings, King (in) Persia, son (of) Ariaramnes the King, an Achaemenian

Arshâma : xshâyathiya : vazraka : x  shâyathiya : xshâyathiyânâm : x  shâyathiya : Pârsa : Ariyâramna : xsh  âyathiyahyâ : puça : Haxâmanishiya

I am Darius the Great King, King of Kings, King in Persia, King of countries, son of Hystaspes, grandson of Arsames, an Achaemenian.

adam : Dârayavaush : xshâyathiya : vazraka : xshâyatha : xshâyathiy  ânâm : xshâyathiya : Pârsaiy : xshâyathiya : dahyûnâm : Visht  âspahyâ : puça : Arshâmahyâ napâ : Haxâmanishiya : thâtiy :


 They dont have to point out to their Aryan lineage in every inscription since it was a given that Persians & Medes came from that lineage so much that their names even implied their background;

Aryasepes; Cyrus's personal guard & god father of Pantea

Arya-bogh; famous admiral of Darius fleet in greco wars

Arya-zand;one of medes commanders

Aryaa mann; Commander of Xerxes navy fleet(Dr pirnia)

Aryeh-sess; Son of king Ardeshir III

Aryeh-issu;Commander of Cyrus army in konakza battles(Anatolia)

Aran;Satrap of Albania

Ayiirdokht; wife of Bahman Ardeshir

Aryehvan;Satrap of Armenia


Aryeh-baan; Achamenead King ardeshiir I commander of G forces

Ayere-daad; Maani head priest

Airmiin; Son of kaighobad

Aryeou;one of Median kings

Arya-benoos; one of Darius I sons

Arya-aasp(owner of Aryan horse); son of king Ardeshir II

Aryanthaas; One of scythian kings serving Xerxes

Airtaabaazus; one of Cyrus commanders

Ayrta-paart; personal guard of Cyrus II

Ayrtaan ;Father of Darius's wife Frataagon

Ayrtman; Xerxes's older brother & son of Cyrus

Airtemis; Commander of the Navy in Xerxes time

Aryuh-keh; one of Cyrus's sons

Aryaa-bod;(guardian of Iran)a name given to men in achamenead times

Arya-tehm(tokhme, from aryan seed)






Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan // //

Manoucher Avaznia

Hamsadeh Ghadeemee;

by Manoucher Avaznia on

Thank you for the link.  I have read the Beestoon inscription several times and have not been able to locate any word sounding like "Areeya, Eeera, araan," or something similar to it except in the name "Ariaramnah" which is the name of a paticular person in Daruish's lineage.  They are the third and the fourth words of the fifth line in the first culomn.   Then, when he (Dariush) speaks of his lineage he calls his nobility as "Amahya" and not "ariya" or anything similar; and calls his heridetory kindom as "Khashaayathyaa".  Can you, please, pinpoint where the word is?  Perhaps, I have missed it all together. 

I have not seen the inscrition in Shoosh, however I have seen what Khashayarsha has left at Takht'e Jamsheed.  It is very short.  Quite frankly what I saw was too pulished and new to look original.  Dariush's inscrition at Naghsh'e Rostam, I have not read.  If possible give me a link to its original Meekhee form as well.


hamsade ghadimi

ebi jan

by hamsade ghadimi on

i believe that the link that i provided answers to mr. avaznia's question.  under the etimiology of the word iran it refers to the aryan concept in the iranian culture from the hakhamaneshi period to other early periods in the iranian history.  the explanation includes pronounciation and references.

ebi amirhosseini

hamsade ghadimi aziz

by ebi amirhosseini on

Mr Avaznia has a legitimate question.He doesn't question the name of the country,but the claim of using the word "Aaryaaee" in cuneform inscriptions by Achaemenid kings.


Let's not forget that his major was history .


Ebi aka Haaji


I dont understand

by OmidKarimi on

Cant iranian-american millionairs buy the collection and secure it from american gheda bazi? Or at least fund this project so that it gets 100% complete before the gheda bazi court sharade (that the ghedas will win)? Shurely this has nothing to do with Iranian politics, but culture..


Discuss, chat and post your opinions about Iran on my new forum:


hamsade ghadimi

mr. avaznia

by hamsade ghadimi on

here's the wiki link on the root name of iran:


iran was originally pronounced "eyraan" meaning the land of aryans.  i've also have come across the name and its root in zoroastraian scholarly articles.  not that i like to bang my drums about being an aryan.  considering our history and geography and the different people coexisitng in our land, we are people of mixed heritage.

Manoucher Avaznia

Can anyone, please, verify

by Manoucher Avaznia on

Can anyone, please, verify this claim that in the Beestoon Old Persian inscription Dareeyoush The First has called himself an "Ariyan"?  What is the word?  Where is the the word: in which line?  How is it pronounced?  How is it translated?  In which culomn of the fifth culomn of the Old Persian inscription it appears? 

I would,also, appreciate if someone shows anywhere in any other Old Persian inscriptions anywhere it has been found that Hakhaamaneshee kings have called themselves "Ariyan's" "Aareeyaaee". 

I would more appreciate if someone shows me these Hakhamaneshee kings have called themselves "Aareeyaee" or "Aryan" in any other languages in which they have inscribed their deeds and commands; and have spoken about their "Aryaaee" lineage.



I dearly appreciate the helping hand