Iran nuclear fuel deal 'agreed'

Iran exporting uranium to be enriched in France and Russia

BBC: Iran and three world powers have been handed a draft agreement aimed at reducing international concerns over Tehran's nuclear programme. The International Atomic Energy Agency, which proposed the plan after talks in Vienna, wants an answer by Friday. Details are yet to be confirmed, but the plan is believed to involve Iran exporting uranium to be enriched in France and Russia. Iran's chief negotiator has not commented on the uranium export plan >>>


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by sag koochooloo on



Their cover is blown away

by onlyinamrica on

Talk with their so called enemy has begun. Iranians are the real victims.


Wonder what Iran is asking in return? Aberro. Cover their asses

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred.


Wonder what Iran is asking in returns

by Abarmard on

I would like to know more about the give and take part of the negotiations. Hope removing sanctions is a part of the debate.

Good news, let's wait and see.



by hazratee on

You loose the support of your people, then you start to loose everything and contradict your useless and empty oratories.


this guy

by shushtari on

el baradei makes me sick.....he's a paid goon of the mullahs....he just wants to prolong the misery of our people by protecting the mullahs and their bloody grip on iran

shame on you  

ex programmer craig

same old

by ex programmer craig on

I read the article and this is what I got from it:

1) it's a draft proposal. That means it isn't final. I assume an Iranian agreement to a draft proposal just means that they have agreed to review it, since there's nothing final for them to say "yes" or "no" too.

2) the agreement only covers IRI shipping uranium to the Russians and to France for enrichment. It doesn't require IRI to stop enriching its own uranium in Iran. It may make people feel warm and fuzzy to just assume IRI will not enrich uranium on its own once it has access to the nuclear fuel it needs for reactors, but I don't think that's a safe assumption at all.

3) El Baradei seems to be asserting that this agreement can and will result in complete normalization fo relations between IRI and the rest of the world, if IRI agrees to it. IRI isn't even required to do anything except receive free enriched uranium, so that seems like wishful thinking (to say the least) on the part of el Baradei. Or maybe on the part of the west collectively... they get to declare success and then accuse Iran of violating the agreement if they go ahead and produce their own weapons garde uranium, even though the agreement doesn't have any meaningful requirement for Iran  not to.

Looks like business as usual to me. Normally, since this agreement look so hollow I'd think I was missing something, but on this issue it just seems to be the way the game is played.