
Lotfi Zadeh

Benjamin Franklin Medal in Electrical Engineering

The Franklin Institute: The 2009 Benjamin Franklin Medal in Electrical Engineering is presented to Lotfi Zadeh for his invention and development of the field of fuzzy logic, a mathematical system that captures aspects of the ambiguity of human language and thought, which has solved problems in areas such as artificial intelligence and the automated control of machines.

Lotfi Zadeh has been called the "father of fuzzy logic" for determining a mathematical way to analyze data that doesn't neatly fit into such black/white categories. Fuzzy logic allows room for a computer to label something "somewhat cold" or "very cold" -- a seemingly self-evident step considering that this is the way our brain works as well, but one that broke through the previously rigid processes of artificial intelligence. Doors opened for adaptive systems that would have been unthinkable -- from e-mail spam filters to nuclear power plant control to driver-less subway trains >>>


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Marjan Zahed Kindersley

To Payam, interesting that you should say that. From Wiki

by Marjan Zahed Kindersley on

- Zadeh is noted to be "quick to shrug off nationalism, insisting there are much deeper issues in life", where he himself is quoted stating: "The question really isn't whether I'm American, Russian, Iranian, Azerbaijani, or anything else. I've been shaped by all these people and cultures and I feel quite comfortable among all of them." -

Thank you, Jasbe. Very interesting indeed.

It explains and raises so many questions (including social ones)!

Maryam Hojjat

I am proud of him

by Maryam Hojjat on

he graduated from Tehran University. He has Iranians' gene.

Payandeh Iran & Iranians  



by پیام on

You sir and your fellow scientists, are what all human beings can offer to the world, wether being Iranian or not. Thank you for being an inspiration to us all.



by Dariush on

But fuzzy logics are what I have been reading on this site for years. 


His dad was from Ardabil....

by yolanda on

Wikipedia calls him Iranian American



Becareful calling him Iranian!

by Disenchanted on


     Or don't fume when people call Rumi Turk or Afghan etc!

     I gather he was born in Azarbayejan/Sovit Union.


My hero Prof Lotfi

by Emil on

I think his father was Iranian and his mom Russian....He still goes around and lectures ..truly a genius to be proud of...

Not many Iranians  would  probably know him,  this is a great posting so he can get more exposure...


His Fuzzy Son!

by Minoo66 on


Thank you

by yolanda on

Thank you for this inspiring and crystal-clear (unfuzzy) video. It is super educational! It feels good to watch a clear video after watching the fuzzy protest video!

Thank you soooo much for sharing! This guy is the undisputed Iranian of the Day!
