Lover Boy

Chases girl

At a juice stand in Tehran, families have gathered for a lazy summer's night outing. A baby boy, Farbod, is immediately attracted to a little girl, Helia. It is remarkable how affectionate he is toward her, following her, trying to get her attention, and all the time barely able to keep his hands off her! Helia seems aloof and cool. As life would have it, towards the end of the clip Farbod gets scooped up by his father who is going to leave with him. Now Helia wants him back! Cute!


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Like i said

by KouroshS on

It takes one to know one.

ex programmer craig


by ex programmer craig on

FYI 1-3 years old is considered a toddler!

You are right of course! More evidence KS is a sexist virgin! He knows less than nothing about child development!



by HollyUSA on

FYI 1-3 years old is considered a toddler!


What do

by KouroshS on

You think?

ex programmer craig


by ex programmer craig on

I wrote you a reply and the deleted it because the formatting is screwed up. Are you "John"?



by KouroshS on

A Sexist virgin? hmm... And "We" established that. So that means... That perhaps craigorooni and the other craigoroo's running around in craigorooni's head, are cooking something up. What an amazing creature.

As for you not being an exploitative guy, well... it's pretty easy to not exploit people when you don't have the opportunity to.

So has it been really boring for you lately? I am sorry. I am sure you will get your chance.

No craig, that was not "pretty" good evidence of me being exploitative. If we are going to go on that basis. You should receive Two awrads, one for your Ingenuity and one for your exploitative abilities.

ex programmer craig


by ex programmer craig on

I'd be happy to help, but I thought we had established you were a sexist virgin? Lemme know when that changes and I'll give you some of my special tips!

As for you not being an exploitative guy, well... it's pretty easy to not exploit people when you don't have the opportunity to! I admit I could be wrong about you, but I thought that little discussion in the other thread was pretty good evidence!


EPC and HollyUSA

by KouroshS on


well. First of all let me tell you that you are dead wrong andi am far from being an exploitative guy...Secondly. My god. Craigorooni. You have turned into a monster on this website haven't ya? You can figure people inside and out... Whoo hoo. You have gotten real good at this . I wish there was an award or something this site could have honored you with or somethin...So much talent here is going totally unrecognized. :)

You know, I think you should start tutoring me on how to be "well attuned" to needs and sensibilities, especially that of the opposite sex. I mean. With your expertise on multiple subjects,  having been demonstrated brilliantly, I am sure if anyone can fill those shoes, it would non other than craigmister. what da ya say there craigo?


Wrong. You need to stop making such quickie assumptions about everyone now. That is a form of bullying lol . Just felt like saying that.

You are talking about Toddlers. This boy is not a toddler. Besides, regardless of how he does what he does, He is not feeling the same lasting and enduring feeling that actually can be defined as real "sexual" . To him it is all a game. and if you noticed the little princess towards the end after all than naz o eshveh, and resisting (while it was for damn sure she was enjoying playing this game) finally gave in. Bottom line,  Kids will always be kids. Simply Immitating someone,  does not necessarily result in understanding the behavior and drawing meaningful pleasure from it.

All that bullying stuff was a joke. I know what you are saying.




by HollyUSA on

Ok fair. We'll agree to disagree :)

ex programmer craig


by ex programmer craig on

Which part of that do you disagree with exactly?


Well, I don't really "disagree" per se but I think the amount of blame you assign needs to be adjusted! If I'm a married man and I'm pursuing a woman with the intent of getting in her pants just because I can tell she's attracted to me  - and I am successful (lucky me right!?) - then do we share the blame equally? Likewise of I'm a single or divorced guy and a married woman decides she thinks I might be a fun diversion from her boring married life and she uses all her feminine wiles to make that happen, and I'm thinking with my &^#@ instead of my brain, are we equally at fault?

Hmmm... not sure how we got onto this one! I haven't even commented on the video yet! Anyway, I think we only disagree on the degree to which each party is at fault.




by HollyUSA on

I'm sorry to hear that your that was that way BUT the facts remain. What I'm saying is women aren't always victims and they have to bear responsibility also. All those women that had affairs with Clinton, XPC Senior etc etc knew full well the guys is married so their sob stories after the fact is meaningless and manipulative at best.

Which part of that do you disagree with exactly?

ex programmer craig


by ex programmer craig on

Well think harder!

OK! I'll use my dad then! You know at my Chinese wedding banquet my dad gave a speech (that's what chinese wedding banquets are all about! speeches and karaoke!) and afterwards guess what happened? All these pretty young Chinese girls, younger than me even, showed up bright eyed and bushy tailed talking about how charming my dad is, and how handsome he is, and blah blah blah. I felt like telling them the stories about how my dad ended up being married so many times (he never found a wife as forgiving as Hillary!) and I felt like telling them some stories about stuff I had observed as a kid. I also felt like asking them how come they aren't telling me how charming and handsome I am, considering I'm pretty much a 25 year younger version of him but I cancelled that part pretty fast since I just got married... So anyway, I just said "Thanks! Yeah, he's a great guy isn't he?" and I figured they'd figure it out on their own sooner or later. Most women do!



by HollyUSA on

"He's the best example I can think of,"

Well think harder!

ex programmer craig


by ex programmer craig on

You leave Bill outta this!

No way! He's the best example I can think of, except for my dad... but nobody here knows my dad, and everyone knows Bill Clinton!


Pedar Sokhteh

by capt_ayhab on

I mean Tokhme sag che dookhtar bazi shodeh already ;-0)

Mama seems to be proud though, and why not?




by HollyUSA on

You leave Bill outta this! Those women were every bit as responsible as he was for what took place between them. It's not like they were minors for God sake. Monica even saved her soiled little black dress. Does that tell you something? Be fair! I'm a woman and I can be fair on this subject, why can't you?

You two love pickin' on eachother. It's fun to watch :)


p.s. KouroshS yes I do watch people occasionally and I have the ba**s to admit it ;)



KouroshS ...Ewwwwwwwwwwe

by HollyUSA on

Dr Ruth is just gross to me. Nuff said.

So you lied I take it. That means you are not COMPLETELY innocent ;)

Yes priorities. It is a matter of economics plain and simple. The kid gets what? 5 mins or so? She can get 30 secs of that and the overall benefit is maximized :)

You know, sexuality in toddlers is a fairly well researched scientific field. Plus they immitate adult behavior (makes u think how the boy's daddy acts when Mommy ain't around lol). Not having kids should not be an excuse for not being aware of facts relating to them :P

Last but not least, I never accused you (or anyone else) of being a bully or sexist. There is no such thing unless one allows it and I don't. There's in general plenty of insecurity and ignorance however, whether we allow it or not. 

p.s. Glad keh Haal nemoodi...or are u gonna blush and deny that too now? ;)

ex programmer craig


by ex programmer craig on

All ladies are all the same. never fails. Come. come. gather around , I just made sexist remark.

Yes you did! Though I wouldn't disagree if you said most women have certain weaknesses when it comes to male behavior that are easily exploited by guys like Bill Clinton. Most guys have similar weaknesses when it comes to female behavior.

Personally, I'm hoping you never find out what they are because I'm guessing you'd be one exploitative guy. Not that there's anything wrong with that! But actually, I think the ladies are pretty safe because you don't seem like the kind of guy who could ever be that well attuned to anyone else's sensibilities, especially if they are of the opposite sex!


Doctor Ruth (or Ghoot) HoleyUSA

by KouroshS on

Marvelous. Ahsant . Hal nemoodam shadid.

Na baba, i was not watching you, never tried to bully you. I hate doing both. baba i am innocent... Bekhoda:)

Set priorities? LOL is that how you justify a selfish take over of this kid's moment? Hmm. All ladies are all the same. never fails. Come. come. gather around , I just made sexist remark.

Aspiratiions of other kind? What could those possibly be? This is a kid for thelove of jesus and mohamad and Jehova. How could he possibly have any healthier aspirations than love and affection?



by HollyUSA on




by HollyUSA on

Dude you said you were watching me in response to my Where have you been. Did you lie ya just khajalat keshidi paash vaysee? ;)

As to stealing the boy's moment, I beg to differ. His pursuit is way too cute to be taken by thievery. Borrowed momentarily to set priorities at hand in order? Yeah and would do it again in a heart beat :P

And those were not 'loving aspirations' my friend. They are aspirations alright but of a different kind. Didn't you see how he goes into complete convulsions over and over? It's perfectly normal and healthy but it ain't love.

"hali be hali. (or is it Holly be Holly)??" Now that's cute!


Holly USA

by XerXes. on

You are that American Wife again?


By the way

by KouroshS on

I have not been watching you.



by KouroshS on

No. I have not. It will be over long before she can even think about sayin "busted".

 It is just that you stole this sweet boy's moment, well, you and his khale joon or amme joon or whomever joon that lost her mind for one split second and became hali be hali. (or is it Holly be Holly)??:)

That is utter injustice to this young man's loving aspirations!



by HollyUSA on

Watching ha? kinkeeeeey

I know cuz I've been there and done that plenty in my time Kourosh jan. If you watch you'll also see that after that point the camera is a little too willing to go that direction and a little to reluctant to leave that scene ;)

And yes there are some chips that we are born with and some we acquire as we go. Why? Been caught with ur **** down? lol

Dirty? Naaah not I.



HollyUSA... I have been

by KouroshS on

Waaatchiinnggg u... hoohahaaa.

How do you know that the "vaay asaal" was for the guy who was walking up to the counter? do you girls born with a chip in your brains? or do you all just acquire these detective qualities as you go?

Fine. Don't keep it clean. make it even dirtier and wilder.:) Grrrrrrrrrr:P



by HollyUSA on

Holy Moly! Where've you been? I've missed you!

How do I know what my dear? And I make no promises about keeping it clean.



by KouroshS on

Oh pulleease.

How the heck do you know?:)

Clean thoughts please. There are kids in this video.



by yolanda on

Oh My Gosh, 6 kiss attempts in 5 minutes.....where there are human beings, there is Chemistry!

Thanks for the cute video!


She'll do fine

by HollyUSA on

He on the other hand is doomed I'm afraid ;)

BTW that very excited 'Vay Assaaaaal' at around 1:24 was for the boy that walks up to the counter and nothing to do with the kids. Equally cute.