"Cries for Democracy" narrated with computer generated voice:
Person | About | Day |
نسرین ستوده: زندانی روز | Dec 04 | |
Saeed Malekpour: Prisoner of the day | Lawyer says death sentence suspended | Dec 03 |
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day | Iterview with mother | Dec 02 |
احسان نراقی: جامعه شناس و نویسنده ۱۳۰۵-۱۳۹۱ | Dec 02 | |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Graffiti | In Barcelona | Nov 30 |
گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
محمد کلالی: یکی از حمله کنندگان به سفارت ایران در برلین | Nov 29 | |
Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
Iranians are the most " Namak be cheshm Haroom" people
by statira on Tue Nov 03, 2009 11:14 AM PSTAfer reading most of the comments, I think Iranians really deserve whatever happened to them in the last 3o years. We experieced the darkest points in our history during the Akhond rules and still we blaming Pahlavi for everything. The Islamic brutal regime is in fact the wrath of God toward us due to these very ungrateful fools who still are a lot of them exist in Iran.
We used to make fun of Turks but they are way more advanced and brighter than us. Kamal Ataturk is their national heroes for the past 100 yrs and see how we appreciate our great men and leaders such as, Reza shah the Great.
Lanate khoda bar shoma bad( U ungrateful people).
Not sure
by amirkabear4u on Mon Nov 02, 2009 02:15 AM PSTI should express a happy birthday to him as 1960 is the same year as fool's birth year. HAHA
shushtari, contrary to what you write...
by American Dream on Sun Nov 01, 2009 08:03 PM PSTshushtari, contrary to what you write, I do go out and talk to the media here on Iranian.com. Reza Pahlavi is a snake and can not be trusted. Unlike Reza the man from Maryland, I have been fighting for the freedom of Iranians for more than 37 years.
god bless him....
by shushtari on Sat Oct 31, 2009 10:50 PM PDTat least he's speaking out about the plight of our brave hamvatans.
i don't see you, american nightmare, going out and talking to the media about the mullahs' plunder and rape of iran and its people
The innocent grandsons
by Fair on Sat Oct 31, 2009 10:18 PM PDTReza has no blood on his hands and has done nothing to deserve all this attack. In my opinion, His speaking out in public has helped the Iranian people. I personally think he is politically irrelevant for Iran, although the mere fact that people discuss him so much here would suggest otherwise.
Reza Khan did much to create an Iranian state, give women's rights, build important infrastructure, and bring us into the 20th century. with nothing.
His son did much to strengthen that state, expand women's rights against the wishes of akhounds and their followers, build more universities and industries and jobs, build a strong military which gave us 37 years of peace in an otherwise wartorn neighborhood, and put Iran on the world map as an important country.
There was corruption and dictatorship during both of their reigns, but I would argue the corruption and dictatorship was small by regional and Iranian standards. Show me a counterexample and I will take this back.
None of them had royal blood or any other kind of blood. They were human beings. They were from a screwed up society trying to figure out the best way they could to bring their country into the modern world. Not back to the 7th century. Or not into the Soviet empire or the proletariat. But to the modern world of the 20th century.
And today- they are both dead and gone and buried in faraway lands having died in exile.
Meanwhile, an Indian man who had no feelings whatsoever for Iran took over with millions supporting him, and is buried under a dome of gold smack in the heart of Tehran.
So where does that leave us today? And how long must we dwell on what is gone and 6 feet under the ground?
Today, the grandson of that Indian man as well as the grandson of Reza Khan are saying the same thing- THE IRI MUST GO AND THE IRANIAN PEOPLE MUST BE FREE.
I thank both these grandsons for joining us- THE PEOPLE OF IRAN- in our cause, and I join them in looking to the future, not the past.
And I hope one day when we are free, both these grandsons can join the rest of Iran's grandsons and live and die in peace in their own country.
No one owes anything to the Pahlavi family
by American Dream on Sat Oct 31, 2009 03:40 PM PDTThe Pahlavi family probably knew that they were at most a temporary fixture in Iran.
In 1925 th British installed Reza Mir Panj as dictator of Iran. In 1941 The British and Americans removed Reza Mir Panj who was going by the alias Reza Khan or Reza Pahlavi at that time.
In 1941 the British and the Americans installed Mohammad Reza Pahlavi as Shah. In 1953 the Shah fled Iran. That same year the British and Americans returned the Shah to Iran by force. In 1979 the Shah again fled Iran. The monarchy was abolished forever.
The Iranian theocracy has been in power continuously longer than either Pahlavi ruler.
Reza Pahlavi Jr. from Maryland is wasting his time. It is safe to say that he will never be able to return to Iran.
by shushtari on Thu Oct 29, 2009 05:46 PM PDTyou are both ABSOLUTELY CORRECT.....
iran owes everything to reza shah the great- god bless his soul.
the goddamn mullahs and akhoonds wanted to do their deed 100 years ago....if reza shah had not stepped in to save iran
his son, unfortunately, was not a strong ruler....he let that POS khomeini fester and fester, instead of eliminating him. khomeini has no country, soul, or heart,- he was a product of the british, trained to ruin iran, and set us back 1400 years.
when you have a looney like him, you need to take care of business...instead of sparing him because he is a fake ayatollah!
either way, the great years we had before these scum took over, are all because of reza shah....
may god bless his brave soul
by maziar 58 on Thu Oct 29, 2009 05:42 PM PDTall the critisizer of pahlavi era (hope fuly) we have no one left over from qajariyeh in 2009...
can go back to Iran and get it (IRAN) back from thr mollahs....
go girls.....Maziar
by فغان on Thu Oct 29, 2009 05:29 PM PDTThe Pahlavis must disclose the source and the amount of their wealth.
Royal Blood
by okhtapous on Thu Oct 29, 2009 04:40 PM PDTMola,
There is no such thing as "Royal Blood". Reza Shah gets a lot of credit for exactly the fact that he managed to raise from humble beginnings to be one of the greatest leaders in the history of Iran. That is to his credit!!
He was not bron topower but achieved through his own abilities. I rather have one like that than inbred royalty.
silicon sally, the dorkiameher ;)
by capt_ayhab on Thu Oct 29, 2009 03:11 PM PDTHow come this Reza 1/3 pahlavi dorkiamehr sounds like Silicon Sally? No disrespect to Sally of course, but did he have a sex change operation or something??
Imagine him in Iran!!! fun site to see.
Mullah: Del to delet koonand, akharesh ahmaghi.
by statira on Thu Oct 29, 2009 02:49 PM PDTReign of terror was actually under Khomeini theocratic regime with all these Revolutionary thugs and basijis who kill, torture and rape our young people and deprived people of their most basic social rights.
Reza shah the Great, Ravansh shad, was like a stern concern father who had to be tough to impose change, because those backwarded mullah and illitrate people were so resistant to change. Poor Reza shah even had to force poeple to use public bathhouses with shower instead of Khazineh. Mullahs like Modares going on Manbar and telling people not to use shower, and if they did so, their Namaz was not acceptable.
از «فضل» «پدر بزرگ»تو را چه حاصل؟ اگر چه
Mola NasredeenThu Oct 29, 2009 02:20 PM PDT
Reza Savad Koohi aka Reza Pahlavi's modernization was superficial and his reign oppressive. During his time corruption ruled and Iranians lived under a reign of terror by him and his lackies.
Shushtari, you are right Sir...
by Reza-Rio de Janeiro on Thu Oct 29, 2009 01:41 PM PDTBut may I share something with you Sir?
As a Qajar descendant and on behalf of any true Iran and Iranian lover, I must confess that Reza Khan (God Bless his soul) was the best thing that happened to True Iran and Iranians since God knows when?... in Persian/Iranian history.
Had Mohamad Reza his son followed his own father's path instead of his own discconected version, Iran and Iranians would at least been like Turkey and Turkish nation today... Only much richer, educated and prosperous...
Free Iran and Iranians.
To Mullah Nasredin
by statira on Thu Oct 29, 2009 01:54 PM PDTAsk your grandfather or father how was Iran used to be before Pahlavi's reign. Pakis and Afghnis were modern compared to us. There was no powerful central government and no security( just the way Afghnistan is right now). It was Reza shah, God bless his soul, who transformed Iran from the most backwarded nation to the most modern nation in the ME.
If U are so concerned about the corruptions, why don't you see these dirty, hairy mullahs who earned fortune in the past 30 yrs by robbing Iranian people. Why don't U see the billions of dollars who sent to syria and Turky's banks for this Velayate Vaghih, Khamenei. Why that mountain goat, Mullah Janati has so much fortune after the Revolution. Why that Damaghi, Mohsen Rezai, who was just a simple pasdar should be one of our millioares. Where did they get their fortune.
There was some corruption during Pahlavi Dynesty, but overally their positive side offset their negative effects.And more important Iran's international image was way more respected that what is right now. Iranians all over the world are embarrased to be represeted by this hairy monkeys, like Ahmaghinejad.
Reza be Like Reza Khan!
by Reza-Rio de Janeiro on Thu Oct 29, 2009 01:24 PM PDTDear Reza Pahlavi, I have only one advise for you on behalf of true Iranian nation!
Just once, Be like your own Grandfather !!!
Following your own current path and your father's path,is NOT the answer for our tragic situation as a nation and country!!!
Reza Khan, followed the path of his friend and counter part (Kamal Ataturk) in Turkey ! Had it not been for the World War -II and his alliance with the Nazi Germany (for the sake of opposition with so called allied evils, Brits, Russians and ...), maybe your father would follow his mission instead of his own failed version of tolerance for Akhoonds and thier evil, psychotic mentalities, dogma and religion... If your father wasn't so disconnected with the reality on the ground in Iran before 1979 and had more guts in the name of Iran and for the sake of Iran , Maybe we wouldn't be in this massive S%$t today as a battered and tortured nation...
Your Majesty, Sir, if you truly want to rescue Iran and Iranians and more importantly want Iranians to follow you, you need to grow a new pair ... Just like your Grandfather's Reza Khan did... God Bless his soul...We need an IRANIAN MAN like him today!
Free Iran and Iranians...
by shushtari on Thu Oct 29, 2009 12:54 PM PDTperhaps, but that is irrelevant to what a great patriot like reza shah did for iran.....
he's in heaven right now, unlike khomeini and khalkhali!
Reza moft khor...
by Emil on Thu Oct 29, 2009 12:28 PM PDTReza born in a corrupt Pahlavi's family, never worked in his entire life to earn a pay check, ( a complete moft khor) now he wants to claim a country...keep on dreaming Reza..ROBOCOP...
Mola Nas
by Faramarz_Fateh on Thu Oct 29, 2009 12:19 PM PDTOne of these times when you come up for air during your ass licking sessions with IRI, read a bit of history.
Many democracies have monarchies; the U.K., Spain, Denmark.
All these countries are far better off than Iran which as a filthy bache baz Ayatollah at the helm.
Now apologize to Shushtari and go do your time out.
Shushtari, Wrong Again!
by Mola Nasredeen on Thu Oct 29, 2009 12:12 PM PDTAfghanistan had a Shah named Mohammad Zaher Shah and then it hit the fan, so did Iraq, so did Egypt, so did etc. Shahs and Kings times are gone, gone, gone, specially when a timid unwilling character like Reza Pahlavi is being pushed by to be one. It is what it is.
mola nassredin.....
by shushtari on Thu Oct 29, 2009 11:35 AM PDTyour attempts to insult a great man, reza shah, is pathetic.
you have no clue what iran would have been like without such a great patriot.
maybe you're related to the 'ayaash' qajars and you're just bitter :)
everyone and their mom knows that iran would have been like afghanistan without such a great man.....
in 25 years he built a national rail road, universities, roads, and gave rights to women....
now, mullah loverz like you are trying to bash this great man.....
go read some history books qajaree
If I'm going to have a King, I'll prefer to have one with real
by Mola Nasredeen on Thu Oct 29, 2009 10:41 AM PDTRoyal blood, a real Aryan, a direct descendent of Cyrus the Great or Sasanian royal family not somebody whose grandfather worked as an stable boy.
2. Vildemose: My paymaster don't pay me enough but I have asked for a raise, meanwhile I ride my camel.
3. Okhtanpous: I'm not talking about the billions that are frozen in Swis banks but the money Pahlavis stole and stored in their personal bank accounts.
4. Statira: Reza Mirpanj, the grandfather, was a dictator who confiscated other people's properties and land, imprisoned, tortured and killed his opponents and as a result we ended up with another dictator, his son "Mammad Damagh" who was crying when he was forced out of Iran. Probabley saying "but my daddy made me a king"
5. And finally we have a momma's boy Reza Mirpanj aka Reza Pahlavi who has lived in luxury all his life and some people want him to be a "King". Get real, his chances are zero and he knows it and repeats over and over "I don't want to, I don't want to"
To Mullah Nasredin
by statira on Thu Oct 29, 2009 10:01 AM PDTAlhagh, U are as stupid as Mullah Nasredin! Reza Shah the great was the reason behind all the improvements in Iran. Suppose, we didn't have Reza shah after Qajar Dynesty, and we had an Islamic theorcatic regime like Sheikh khazal or sheikh Noori or the one Khomeini ( lanantolaho alayhe) brought to us. I bet, we were more backwarded than Afghnistan and our women were 100% uneducated and had to wear the face veil and every Iranian family had the latest model of camel or donkey to ride. God bless Reza shah, it doesn't matter which family he came from, he was a truely open-minded person at his time and a patriot! How much we Iranian are Namak be cheshm haroom hasteem. Lanate khoda bar tou bad Mullah Nasredin.
Royal Blood
by okhtapous on Thu Oct 29, 2009 09:47 AM PDTWho cares what kind of blood they have? There is no such thing as "Royal Blood". We should not chose leaders based on their blood but based on their abilities and chatacter.
by okhtapous on Thu Oct 29, 2009 09:40 AM PDTThe billions were safe and sound in the US all 8-9 billion of them as long as the Shah was around. Then we had a revolution and criminals {aka students like Ebtekar} took hostages. After that the billions got frozen and used to pay various damages done by the IRI.
Mollah: If I ever doubt
by vildemose on Thu Oct 29, 2009 09:39 AM PDTMollah: If I ever doubted that you were an IRGC agent, you've completely but erased all doubts.
A simple question begging a simple answer: Where's our billions
by Mola Nasredeen on Thu Oct 29, 2009 08:32 AM PDTyour daddy and mommy stole from us when they ran away from Iran? Tell us what your family did with that money? Did you invest it real state or stocks or what? That money belongs to Iranian nation and Iranian people.
2. There's no "Royal Family" or "Royal blood" in Pahlavi family to start with. Reza Mirpanj, the grandfather was a stable boy cleaning horse manure. The horses in that stable had more "Royal Blood" in them than him.
Mollah: do you ever
by vildemose on Thu Oct 29, 2009 07:55 AM PDTMollah: do you ever complain about the billions your paymasters have plundered for 30 years now with unprecedent oil revnues that the Shah and his family could only dream of??
Do you have oil stocks in IRGC oil or IRGC INC industries?
by amirkabear4u on Thu Oct 29, 2009 04:00 AM PDTDEATH TO THE MACHINE ...
Don't Forget to Demonstrate on Sunday FOR KING AND COUNTRY !
by Darius Kadivar on Thu Oct 29, 2009 03:56 AM PDTFOR KING AND COUNTRY !
Sunday Nov 1st
4:00 to 9:00 Pm
N'En Deplaise aux Republicains Hypocrites !