Reza Pahlavi: Green Movement

New York City, September 25, 2009

YouTube intro: Friday September 25, 2009, Rockefeller Center, NY I got to interview Reza Pahlavi on our third day in NY, where we had flewn to in order to protest Ahmadinejad's stay in NY and talk at the UN. On Friday, around noon, as a group of us GREENs were in front of the NBC building in NY watching Reza Pahlavi's lecture, I got to get an interview while he was on his way out. The interview was necessary since some Pro Monarchy groups have been compeletly against the GREEN movement and as a journalist I needed to hear what Mr. Pahlavi himself had to say. To my surprise, he is very pro green and even wore the GREEN wristband my sister handed to him. This clip clears up a lot of issues that have caused rifts between our people outside Iran. Hope we all unite in solidarity with the people of Iran. Video & Copyright by Bita

Part 1

Part 2


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Damet Garm Agha Reza

by masoudA on

Fan TAS TIC - especialy wearing the Green wristband says it all.   Doing your part to enhance the solidarity.  Many IRI supporters are posing as RP supporters and attacking the Green Movement. 

Dorood be sharafet.    Dorood be ravan paak pedar va pedar bozorget.



Mayor of Qazvin

by Zara on

I'm not the first to suggest this, but he should run for mayor of Qazvin first before aiming any higher.  Show us what kind of skills he can bring to the job.


Reza Pahlavi

by Onlyiran on

has more patriotism in his pinky than the entire IRI cadre (and its apologists on this site) put together.  And I'm saying this as someone who really doesn't like him, his father or monarchy in general.


Javid Shah....

by IIAF on

He is right on.


Absolutely !

by Souri on

The French proverb: Plus royaliste que le Roi (means kaaseh daghtar az aash) fits very well here :)

In MHO, what RP wants is just a recognition for his father's deeds as being good for his people (or not that bad :))

While the Monarchists, they want the total lost advantages come back to them! They miss their wealth and the glory of a "powerful past"  ....

They don't even care about RP!! Anybody else who can provide the same past for them, will be okay. Hamchin dele khoshi ham az RP nadarand.


It is a Hasan Kachal story (to Souri)

by kharmagas on

Well said Souri. It is a Hasan Kachal story, except in this case the aristocrats (and the "freelance journalist" AristoClown) are trying to cover RP2's head with a sheep's shekanbeh, ...., even though RP2 says "this thing you are trying on my head stinks"!



by Souri on

He is a very great man. One must see him personally or at least follow his speeches. He always says it clearly that he is not after the crown, he is not trying to get back his taaj.........
Still,he enjoys the support of Monarchist illusionist and it seems that he is somehow intimidated :)) by them. He can't say "agha velam konin  berin pay karetoon digeh"

The Monarchists want to have a king! and for the time being, there's nobody available to this "charge" than this dear "the crowned prince"

I have been watching a TV program by the Monarchist Dr Oskooee, who almost insulted RP for not supporting them :)) lol

Can you imagine?

They just talk to the wind. As long as they are not harmful, let them talk. Who care?

میرزا چغندر

Once A Bubble-Boy, Always A Bubble-Boy

by میرزا چغندر on

من نمیدانم ، این شخص ،تا کی میتواند دولّا دولّا شتر سواری کند. آیا اطرافیان و مشاورانش شعورش را ندارند و یاجرأتش را ندارند تا سعی کنند به او بفهمانند که فلسفه وجودی او در گذشته خانوادگی وی ریشه دارد. او برای دستیابی به یک وجهه ملّی ابتدائاً باید تکلیف و موضع خودش را با تاریخ ایران در زمان سلسله پهلوی روشن کند. آنطرفها کسی نیست که به او بگوید خمینی هم همین قولها را میداد و میگفت که میخواهد برود قم طلبگی کند...


he clearly distances himself from the monarchist crowd!

by kharmagas on

Even he has no faith in monarchists who support him .... he clearly distances himself from the monarchist crowd. I give him credit for knowing that majority of his supporters are imbeciles. His father (Shah) found that out too late......


He sounds ok!

by choghok on

But I do not like his supporters, say he will be back and become a shah, then his followers will be just like before the revolution and like hezbollahis today, some yes sayers and ass kissers that try to get the power of country by limiting peoples freedoms, just what Sepah and basij and their supporters do today.


I don't like RP because I

by vildemose on

I don't like RP because I think he is not brave enough to be his own man but I know he has no blood on his hands un like Mousavi, Khatami, Khamenie, Ganji, AN et al.


Darius Kadivar

IRANdokht RP2 NEVER Advocated Military Attack on His Country

by Darius Kadivar on

You are making False Statement. Just like those who claimed VOA Persian was advocating a Military Strike on Iran and Now are ALL watching VOA Persian ( rather than the BBC Persian News comfortable neutral Stance) for its unconditional support for the Protesters in IRan and for covering the elections before and after by giving voice to all groups.

And If you are refering to his "Eye of the Octopus" Statement ( Basically Refering to Khamenei ) in the aftermath of Sept 11Th it was probably not the most subtle metaphore but it was in no way innaccurate in that he was refering to the fact that Tehran financed and supported terrorist groups in the Middle East such as HAMAS or the HEZBOLLAH !

In addition the Islamic Republic's Stance against America was and is ideologically rooted in the advent of the Islamic Revolution of 1979.

From that point of View not only do I agree with RP2 but also Shared his assessment at the height of the September 11th Tragedy. And My Opinion has not budged a millimeter.

Something which the recent events in GAZA clearly illustrated Iran's direct interference in the region by taking sides both Ideologically and politically with the infamous Palestinian organization HAMAS against even the Official Stance of the Palestinian Authority represented by THE FATAH.

Iran takes advantage of Gaza crisis (bbc)

As for the SAVAK and Would be Crimes of the Monarchy, contrary to you I have always believed that the Monarchy and the Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi are Accountable for any wrong doings that took place under the previous regime in the same way that the French Republic is Accountable to the Reign of Terror during the French Revolution or the Blood spilled during the Colonial Wars in Algeria or other colonies. Does that make the French Republic or successive Presidents "Guilty" ? I think Not.

Clearly Neither You Nor YOUR champion Trita Parsi have Read Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi's Book " A Time to Choose"

Reza Pahlavi New Book (A TIME OF CHOICE) Q&A With French Media

For CONTRARY to Many fellow "reformists" or Former Supporters of the Islamic Revolution now converted to Secularism, The Crown Prince as much as his Royalist supporters ( which includes me) believe in taking responsability in regard to the past and ready to debate in full transparency in regard to such shortcomings as the lack of democracy or violations of Human Rights.

I find that there is absolutely NO SHAME to be a Constitutional Monarchist in our times No more than there is any Shame to be a Secular Republican ( like you and Trita Parsi seem to be. In his case he never has the honesty of claiming it loud and clear ).

But to hide behind Character Assassinations towards Reza Pahlavi and Monarchists by the likes of NIAC people all these Years has been one of the Cheapest Shots for which Trita Parsi and his "grass root " Organization are paying the price of unpopularity for their lack of credibility by overlooking the true nature of a regime that they thought was unharmful to Iranians.

To Paraphrase "HOLY TRITA":

If "Treacherous Alliance" there was it was between His Organization and the Clerical Regime in Iran in trying to buy them a reputation in the West and America in particular. All that in the name of the Iranian American community it claims to represent and who for the most just like Reza Pahlavi were Kicked out of their own country.

I am glad that FINALLY Trita Parsi has finally reached the same conclusion as Crown Prince Reza who has been advocating the Support for the Iranian People's Rights be them Humanitarian or judicial from the Very begining!:

Ahmadinejad's trap by Trita Parsi

As the Expression say's it best:

"Only Imbeciles Don't Change !"

And Trita is No Imbecile ! ... But He Could be a Better Patriot and so could you by getting your geo political priorities Straight and in line with those of the Iranian People's Interests and Not those of the Regime that Brutalizes them and Humiliates them even in respect to their very own genuine Identity!



Large active crowd in Stockholm confronting islamic thugs







RP2 or just another Iranian in US?

by IRANdokht on

First of all, I was glad to hear his views on the flag waving monarchists! 

Personally I think too many people blame him for what his father's SAVAK has done. He was a teenager when he left Iran so as far as I am concerned, he should not be held accountable for any of the old regime's alleged crimes. He's just another Iranian in diaspora and probably just as political as many of us. In a couple of instances, in the past he advocated military attack on Iran and more recently strict sanctions.  I don't think he would have any effect on Iran and her future, but I don't hold any grudges against him.

I liked this informal interview of an Iranian. He said all the right things. In a free and democratic Iran why shouldn't he have the right to become a candidate in an election? He's an Iranian citizen and he's not a criminal. 

Thanks for the clip


ali hakkak

to American Dream

by ali hakkak on

How do you know he can't win an election?! I'm not saying he will and if there's an election he won't be my candidate but my problem is this fundamental incorrect view of elections some Iranians have. It almost sounds like we never NEED an election in Iran since we are so sure about our understanding of what people like and don't like! You'd know the result of an election AFTER an election...unless you are an Ahmadinejad supporter which I doubt you are. So think, speak and act democratic if you want democracy....hala ke albatteh na kesi gharare electione fair rah bendaze too iran na kesi ejazeh mide har kasi candid beshe!


 Let's give the guy the benefit of a doubt. We did forgive Moussavi and Karroubi (Rafsanjani missed his chance!) for all the injustice they were part of for years, Reza Pahlavi is no worse. 


Payam, your view points are also "inproving"!

by kharmagas on

.. on daily basis.


His view points are improving on daily basis.

by پیام on

Although he lacks his father's charisma, but he is definitely improving. I hope to see him and his family soon in Iran.


EDIT: thanks Kharmagas jan, a little spelling error is nothing to be woorried about ;)

American Dream

In a Free Election, if there was a debate...

by American Dream on

You know how many questions Reza Pahlavi would have to answer of topics from the Pahlavi dynasty?

American Dream

Regarding the Green Movement

by American Dream on

Reza Pahlavi's answer to the question: "What if you return to Iran and the Iranian youth are still chanting ya hossein, mir hossein and vote for mousavi by a majority, would you accept the reult?"  He responds by saying, "Is there free elections at that I have a podium".  This guy is so full of it.  He still believes he can win an election.  He has never run for a political office in Iran or anywhere else for that matter.