Tehran streets, 1959

Stock footage


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Red Wine


by Red Wine on

تهران اندک صفائ هم که داشت،همان روز‌های قدیم بود، حالا اسلامیان تهران را مبدل به کوفه و نجف کرده‌اند و واویلا از این همه سیاهی که به تهران نمای خشونت و کثافت داده است .


wow no traffic and air pollution

by Fatollah on

wow no traffic and air pollution


Thanks Peykan

by sima on

Very useful breadown. I had missed the ferfereh so went back and saw it!


Mid-20th Century Tehran

by Peykan on




1- The kids are playing with "ferfereh" on the street during the first 10 seconds.

2- Hassan-Abad square (s=22).

3- Shaabdolazim and Reza-Shah's tomb are shown during the final seconds.

4- Most cars were American, with a few W. German-made ones.

5- "Gaaris" were part of the traffic equation all over the city.

6- Teenager boys (probably students) were wearing suits.


ghorme jaan

by shushtari on

damet garm!!!!

i don't know where u get these gems....but it was awesome brother...thank u!!!


brought a tear to my eye....to see our beautiful iran before these vultures took over 



by yolanda on

Wow! Amazing footage from half century ago: blue sky, white clouds, beautiful city, clean street, peaceful people, light traffic, tranquil surroundings, no air pollutions, and no club-wielding basijis... it is soooooooooo cool!

thanks for the priceless historical clip!