Elham Gheytanchi

Talking about support for Mournful Mothers' Committee in Iran


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Face of a killer

by statira on


Everybody knows who was the killer!

by statira on

In the video somewhere the lady mentioned that we still don't know who killed Neda. Yes everybody knows who was the killer. Poeple got his identity card and he was a basiji thug. His name was Kargar.


Solidarity Under Totalitarianism

by Les on

Ebi, Elham et al.,

Below is an adaption of an old Soviet era joke about Stalin.  This and similar jokes were whispered throughout the Warsaw Pact but only to those whom one trusted implicitly.  

President Ahmadinejad summoned Iran’s Postmaster to his office.  He wished to issue a new postage stamp to commemorate Grand Ayatollah Ali Kamenei.  Ahmadinejad explained that the stamp had to be perfect.  He must use only the best ink, only the best glue and only the best paper.  The Postmaster understood.  He promised Ahmadinejad that he would produce Iran’s best stamp ever.

A few weeks later an angry President Ahmadinejad summoned Iran’s Postmaster back to his office.  Ahmadinejad explained that there were distressing reports that Ayatollah Kamenei’s stamp would not adhere to envelopes.  Ahmadinejad reminded the Postmaster that he was instructed to use only the finest materials.  “What happened?”

The nervous Postmaster was aware of the problem.  He insisted that only the finest ink, the finest glue and the finest paper were used.  Ahmadinejad asked “So where is the problem?”

The Postmaster explained that the problem was not with the stamp.  The problem was that the public was spitting upon Kamenei’s picture on the face of the stamp rather than upon the glue on the sticky back of the stamp.

Darius Kadivar

FYI/Abdorrahman Boroumand Foundation

by Darius Kadivar on

This may be useful to anyone who wishes to inform about the Violations of Human Rights in IRan:

Official website:


Based on the foregoing principles, the Foundation adopts as its mandate the promotion of public awareness of issues concerning democracy and human rights in Iran. Through its programs of research, documentation, publications, and outreach, the Foundation hopes to help restore the dignity of Iran's countless victims of human rights violations.

The Abdorrahman Boroumand Foundation was founded in April 2001 by Ladan and Roya, the daughters of Abdorrahman Boroumand.


Contradiction in terms?

by KouroshS on


If justice holds in such a case it will drastically cut the life of this sagjoon regime.

Is that what you were getting at?

American Dream

The Reform Movement might win

by American Dream on

If the people who killed and tortured these young lads are brought to justice the reform movement will win big time.  The reform movement is a member and staunch supporter of the theocracy.  If justice prevails in the case of the murdered and tortured youth that occured after the June Presidential elections the life span of the Islamic Republic of Iran will be increased.  It's all one big catch 22.  In the end, no matter what, Ayat'Allah Seyed Ali Khamenei will be the winner.