Muslim Americans Got Rights?

Stop racial and religious profiling : This video will give you crucial Information about how to protect you and your family when approached by law enforcement. Since the terrorist attacks of 9-11, Muslims, Sikhs, Arabs and South Asians have endured particular scrutiny by law enforcement -- and in some cases, questioning and searches that infringe fundamental rights at the core of the Constitution. In this climate, it is vital that members of our communities inform themselves about our rights as Americans. Then, Take Action. Share the video with your family and friends. Tell us about your experiences with law enforcement. Visit

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che khabar e

still clueless as to your point

by che khabar e on

I agree with Ali who says that there are MANY segments of our society who are prejudiced against.  That's hardly debatable.  If you're suggesting some ulterior motive in agreeing that bias against muslims is no worse than bias against blacks, poor, etc. (too long to list all), then more power to you... whatever makes you feel better.  But I think it's safe to say that most blacks in the US would disagree that muslims are treated worse than they are. 

I personally don't believe there is ANY quantification to bias.  It's either wrong or it isn't.  You don't determine bias or prejudice based on percentages....or who has it worst.

I don't think Ali's intent was to imply prejudice against smokers equates to prejudice against muslims. Perhaps it was a poor choice to include because obviously smoking is a choice.  And certainly my intent was not to equate the two.

I'm sure your "nit picking" MY comments was not intentional because my tone and my comments have CLEARLY stated my opinion against bias. 


forgetful or something?

by capt_ayhab on

Then you should read your prior post and see how you agree with Mr. Ali P. when he calls law against smoking[prejudice] against smokers and equates it with religious or sexual orientation discrimination, and you agree with gentleman's assertion. That is plenty enough to demonstrate total lack of being in touch with prejudicial attitudes and bigotry issues. It will be just telling a black man[I feel your pain], well we really don't do we?

Not confused,  just Read up Che khabr e Read up your own comment. ;-)


che khabar e

confused... or something else?

by che khabar e on

I have NO IDEA why you're suggesting that I think it's OK to hate anything or anybody. 

I couldn't have been any clearer about my distaste for hatred or bigotry or bias. 

Carry on Captain... carry on.


Mr. Babak D

by capt_ayhab on

Allow me to clarify my comment to you. What I was trying to elaborate on was the fact that situation of our Baha'i hamvatans in Iran by no means can be compared to bigotry and prejudice that Muslims face in USA.

Baha'i's are being ethnically cleansed and at times we seem to be just silent about this crime against humanity.

Regards sir.



Captain Jaan

by anonymous111.2 on

Of course I was joking.  I'm for equal rights for everyone.

Have a good day.


Mr. anonymous111.2

by capt_ayhab on

I personally do not approve a gay life style, but whether we approve thier sexual orientation or not should not prevent them from enjoying same liberties as any other human being.

I sensed some satire from your comment, because you have never come across as being prejudice . Hopefully I am correct on my assumption. And as to being able to get married, Amen to that, why should heterosexual men be the only ones who suffer through getting married? ;-0)



"Gay" you say Captain?

by anonymous111.2 on

"So, according to your standards, being white American, it is OK to hate, be it blacks, Spanish, gays, Muslims etc etc etc so as long as you HATE everyone with out discriminating ?"

Personally, I hate gays.  Not hate in the “HATE” sense of the word, but more like, well…envious “hate”.  They’re just too “happy”...too “gay” if you will.  They walk around all dressed nice and stuff, with their good sense of hygiene and fashion…

And they complain about not being able to get “married” in some states.  I think that not only they should be allowed to get married, they should in fact be forced to get married.  They’re having too much fun.  They should be married so that they have spouse to nag them to death everyday like the rest of us…and kids who won’t give them a moment of peace…In the absence of that they should be discriminated against, just so that they be miserable…like the rest of us!  :-)


PS/ I'm not a "white American", just an envious Iranian-American. :-)


maziar 58

Advertisment for (Iranian) immigration lawyers

by maziar 58 on

with an accent, it's all about another jewish conspiracy and advertisment for (Iranian) immigration lawyers in north hollywood (mostly jewish ).

ann ra ke hessab paak ast    az mohassebeh che bak ast?


Right for Muslims = Right for imbeciles

by Emil on

Actually Muslims have more rights and freedom in Non-Muslim countries than in Muslim countries...what an irony... 


Dear Mr. Ayhab

by Babak_SD on

Thank you for your post.  Unfotunately I fail to see where I have directly or indirectly mentioned anything that could even remotely promote prejudice and or bigotry.

Would you please be kind enough to let me know how you arrived at your conclusion?

The 5th principle of Baha'i' faith as proclaimed by son of Baha'u'lla'h in a speech in New York City in 1912 is Elimination of All Prejudices.  I strongly believe and strive to live this principle.

With education, over time, prejudice of all kind will be eliminated.


Mr. Babak SD

by capt_ayhab on

Sadly enough you are so mistaking. Bahai'es in Iran are being murdered, imprisoned, prevented from going to higher education institutes, their businesses are being confiscated, their lives are being ruined, just to name a few.

With that said, nothing justifies prejudice and bigotry.


Red Wine


by Red Wine on


صحبتی‌ دیگر در اینجا خوش نیاد جز آنکه 

سعدی - علیه الرحمه - می فرماید :

      ... و سنت جاهلان است که چون به دلیل از خصم فرو مانند ، سلسله ی خصومت بجنبانند .


Mrs. che khabare e

by capt_ayhab on

So, according to your standards, being white American, it is OK to hate, be it blacks, Spanish, gays, Muslims etc etc etc so as long as you HATE everyone with out discriminating ?

Or are you telling us to accept the hate culture since every one is being hated EQUALLY[give or take few dozen million sites]?

Now once we are done ASSUMING, lets go to the bottom of this HATE culture. Keep in mind the latest addition to [HATE all equally]  is the new application in face book  which solicits [how to k@11 the president of USA]. Such a shame and disgrace.



che khabar e

hate and prejudice

by che khabar e on

racist sites against blacks - 2,290,000

websites against President Obama - 84,200,000

websites against liberals - 17,400,000

At least you could assume that many of the islam bashing sites are overlapping.  But please don't take that for justifying hatred.  I couldn't be further against prejudice if I tried.  I've seen it, I've lived it, I hate it.  I'm not Jewish but I detest anti-semitism.  I'm not Muslim but I detest anti-Islamics.  Fear of the unknown is what drives hatred.  But how can you hate what you do not know?  It's an indication of how afraid the world is right now.  It's not just Muslims... it's what people think Muslims represent.  And unfortunately there has been a lot of baaaaad press regarding them.  Some deserved... most, not.   

Babak is right... prejudice is one thing... removal or non-existent rights is another.

But for the sake of being consistent, I would suggest that since this is a blog about American Muslims, let's keep it about just that.  This tit-for-tat about other issues does neither one any justice. 

Is that what is wrong with us today?  We can't resolve even ONE issue without muddying the water with something else.  No wonder nothing gets resolved. :-)



Islam bashing in U.S. similar to Baha'i' bashing in Iran

by Babak_SD on

No type of prejudice and hatred should be praticed nor tolerated by citizens of countries where these acts take place.

Muslim Iranians are in small way experiencing a part of what Iranian Baha'i's have experienced for over a century and a half, significantly more so in the last 29 years.

Fortunately, for Muslims in the U.S. they are still able to go to university, get government jobs, draw their pension, go to courts and file claims for various things including harrasment of their kids in primary and secodary schools; or buring down of their homes; or desicrating of their cemetaries.  Although I doubt if any of this has happened so there is fortunately no need to go to U.S. courts for these matters. 

I challenge you sir to speak up about the 169 years of injustice that has been systematically inflicted on Baha'i's and I promise you that I will continue defending the rights of Muslims in this country at every opportunity that arises.




Islam hate sites

by capt_ayhab on

True that prejudice is among us and here to stay, but just FYI these are the result of some keyword search in Google:

Islam Bashing 818,000 documents/sites

Islam Hate 599,000 document/sites

Islamofobia 155,000 documents/sites

Islam religion of terror 11,600,000 documents/sites

Islam Kills 2,860,000 documents/sites

Anti Islam sites 162,000,000 sites/documents


Is this much hate normal to be spread about group of people? Knowing that these are merely sample of whats really out there.



Point is "Alcholy" = impaired (driving or not) a "Muslim" is not

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred.

che khabar e


by che khabar e on

I wonder... when is everyone and I do mean everyone... going to have equal rights?  Even when those "rights" are understood to be yours, mine and theirs... will it stop prejudice?  Unfortunately, the answer is "no".  Ali nailed it... no one escapes bias of some kind.  Muslims have it no worse than many many other nationalities, genders and races. 

What a shame.

Ali P.

Blind Justice

by Ali P. on

The law should not discriminate. If the BAC of 0.9 is illegal while driving, it should apply to alcoholics, Muslims, gays, and Uglies(!), uniformly.


Alcholis shouldn't have a "right to drive" w/.9 BAC should they?

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred.

Ali P.

Anonymous jaan

by Ali P. on

If I ever become King, in my kingdom, under my rule, everyone has the same right, including Alcoholics ( who are suffering from a disease , called "alcoholism"), and Muslims( who choose to exercise their right to freedom of religion), as long as they choose to operate within the law of the land.


The way the society - and it's members- choose to treat everyone, however, is a different story.For example, you may choose to become friends with one group, and totally avoid another one, or say no to the conventional God, and worship an ideol, drawing judgmental looks from people, regarding your choices


That would be your prerogative, and I, and my police(!), will leave you alone.



Ali P.


Ali jaan Muslims rights = Alchoholics "rights"?

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred.

Ali P.

Join the Club

by Ali P. on

Not sure the treatment muslims get, is worse than the treatment you get, if you are:

1) Black

2) Gay

3) Fat

4) Old

5) Religious

6) Atheist

7) Alcoholic

8) Ugly

9) Poor

10) Smoker

We are all discriminated against, one way or the other, mostly by the society; in the US, and elsewhere.


Muslim Americans Got Rights

by BIKAR on

even though i agree, with the rights in the us, how about right of iranian muslim in iran why don,t you make a similar video for them/, oh i forgot you do not have any right in iran , shut the f..k up and pay the money , or find a akhond to help you.