Sazegara: 17 Shahrivar

Mohsen Sazegara on anniversary of 1978 massacre and current protests


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یکی‌ هست سازگارا


 یکی‌ هست سازگارا
یکی‌ ناسازگار است
یکی‌ هست صاحب زر
یکی‌ بر چوب دار است
یکی‌ بیچاره چون من
یکه سرمایه دار است
یکی‌ از کار بیرون
یکی‌ پر کارو بار است
یکی‌ صاحب امکان
یکی‌ از کار بیکار است
یکی‌ گردد جریمه
یکی‌ بس نامدار درست
یکی هست بی‌ سرانجام
یکی‌ با اعتبار است
یکی‌ با شیخ بوده است

یکی‌ از شیخ بیزار است
یکی‌ هست معلوم الحال
یکی‌ مردم تبار است

This is partly my life story

khaleh mosheh

He has my full support

by khaleh mosheh on

Seems to have very good management capability.


upset at jahanshah for posting this

by spatima on

This guy sazegara keeps getting awarded political capital by different iranian websites and groups.

I must say judging from comments here,  most fellow users are not shortsighted. I mean no one here has forgotten Sazegara's past. This guy was involved with the IRI regime up until they refused him to run for presidency in 2001.In other words, there is no guarantee on whether he truly wants democracy.

Sazegara must think either iranians are very stupid or he is very smart.



In hope of a Free, Independent and Secular Iran


Here is the problem

by MRX1 on

Neither he, Ganji or other people in similar position never ever appologized to Iranian people for the policies that they implemented. These policies cost the life's of tens of thousends people and destruction of life's for millions of Iranians.At the minimum they should appologize publicly to the families of people suffered from these guys direct or indirect policys.  How can you take them seriously if they have not repent or applogized for their past behavior?  It's like founder of SS  decides to leave Nazi Germany and all of sudden lecturing people how to fight the SS!


Absolutely no creditability

by IRANdokht on

Sazegara has a habit of taking notes from what people are actually doing in Iran or on the websites and frame it as his own idea!  Most of his speeches are about what someone has already done or where people have already gathered or how they have fought bassijis successfully (by showing its video clip from youtube)... No original idea, no added value!  He's just trying to change his image and hide his horrific background just in case the hardliners lose the fight.

This guy is full of it and most people already know it too. That's why his videos are so lame. 



Please  kindly

by ahosseini on

Please  kindly see ahosseini'c contribution to this argument in  satirical rhyme.

Mr Javid, with respect, I hope you don't approve Sazgara's political past and don't nominate him as one of our political leaders.

Farah Rusta

Thou Shall Lie - in the interest of Islam

by Farah Rusta on

The Islam that Sazegara and his Imam (Khomeini) have followed is the only religion that has offically sanctioned the spread of falsehood in the interest of the faith.


Sazegara is a seasoned follower of this creed. 




by vildemose on


University shutdowns?



Should I believe him?

by Benyamin on

Mr. Sazgara is the founder of Islamic Recolution Gaurd corps! and now he calls it "Hayoola" a Ghoul. I wonder if he was behind the design and how this "Hayoola" should get founded?

What is he after? what is it that he is trying to accomplish? another Islamic type of government? what does he think about the 1367 exacutions? was he part of the system when they killed so many innocent young people?

If he or Rafsanjani or khatami were behind the executions, then why should we forget?

I think he needs to clear the air and tell everyone where he satnds and what he wants.


There are  possibilities

by vildemose on

There are  possibilities for closing universities if condition gets worse.
