Elle Falahat

Running for Contra Costa County (northern California) District Attorney

I would like your help and support. Vote for me on June 8th, 2010, elections. Every crime matters. I know there is no such thing as a victim-less crime. No matter the severity of the offense every crime has an impact on individuals and our community. That is why I am running for District Attorney. I know, that if you want to stop major crimes you cannot ignore so called minor crimes. Early in my career I worked in the Ventura County D.A.’s office under Michael Bradbury, who is one of the pioneers of the “broken windows” theory of law enforcement. It is a proven fact that when you vigorously prosecute the minor offences, it greatly reduces the more serious crimes in the future. You simply must be tough on all levels. Contra Costa County’s legal system needs to move into the 21st century. Not a single woman or minority serves in a senior position, the office has had nearly 100% turnover since 2003, while resources are wasted on bloated salaries and ill-advised cases where justice is not being served >>>


Nader Vanaki

خانم فلاحت تو رآی من رو داری

Nader Vanaki

به شرطی که اگر گرفتاری برام پیش اومد به دادم برسی و آقا پسر من رو هم یه شغلی توی اون تشکیلات براش پیدا کنی.  اگر هم مقدوره چند تا جریمه پارکینگ دارم، اونها رو هم بدی صاف و صوف کنن.  راستی یه خواهش دیگه، یکی از دوستان در کانتی شما یه غلطی کرده و گوشه زندونه، اگه می شه یه کاری براش بکن به هر حال هم وطنه و عیال واره، خودم ضامنش میشم.  قربون اون دستت که با امضات کار مارو راه بیندازی!