Esfandiar Rahim Mashaei

Ahmadinejad's top adviser has many enemies


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more from Ghormeh Sabzi

"Sag Zard Baradar

by Arthimis on

"Sag Zard Baradar Shoghaaleh"

For 31 long and miserable years, these Satan worshipers (I.R.) have been re-inventing themselves with all kinds of so called different characters to stay in power as parts of same "Evil" body...Hellllloooo!!! any body home???

I am bewildered by some Iranians who still assume and fantasize and worse, seek refuge in bastards like him!!! No wonder these criminals won a devulotion in 1979 in Iran... Az Maast keh bar Maast...Somethings haven't changed!!!Aakheh taa kay??

Awareness, Ham-Meehan, Awareness!!

Free Iran



by cyclicforward on

A clown trained by another clown who does know what he act suppose to be. Let's get serious.


az chah bia birron bioft to darreh

by Fatollah on

thanks, but no thanks ...


حالا مونده ما


حالا مونده ما چشم به راه نوچهٔ نوچهٔ رهبر قاتل بشیم که این جوونهارو از ملاها نجات بده. از یه طرف دایره دنبک مکتب اسلام از اون طرف مکتب ایران.  این مرتیکه که اکابر هم نرفته از مکتب حرف میزنه.  همه دس کسخلا رقص.


Ahhh ... playing the violin ... for youth... cry me river!

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred


Correct...I haggle...

by Midwesty on

for the lives of the kids and youth who'll carry out your plan.


Midwesty you want to haggle! Gradual change and all r all hooey!

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred


Anon jaan...

by Midwesty on

Let's not dance around the subject. You want change I want change and everybody on this website wants change.

However what we differ on, is the rate of change we'd like to see. You want a sudden change (rather explosive) one and I want a gradual (rather a controlled) one.

Historically and logically your rate of change will be disastrous to the soceity.

How did I find that you want a explosive change (among other reasons) is the way you are responding to this blog that it seems nothing would satisfy you, kind of right down the Fred and DK's alley.

If you want a gradual change this is as close as it can get.

Aside from that, the bigger problem we have seems that is not the rate of change but the nature of it. I think we can't even settle on the nature of the change. 

So no further argument...

Happy surfing!


Midwesty jaan you're as "in-the-box" as they come!

by Anonymouse on

When you think Ahmadi's son's father-in-law has broken dragon's horn by "standing up" to Mullahs you're marginalizing the more important and life threatening positions others have taken, including those closely associated with the regime itself.

You think by micromanaging the irrelevant inter relationships of the Islamic Republic leads to a more accurate reflection of the fight against the injustice.  Not that there is anything wrong with it!  Just don't flatter yourself by identifying yourself as someone who thinks outside-the-box! 

Everything is sacred


جنگ زرگری


Mashaei is the father of Ahmadinejad's son-in-law (his son married Mahmoud's daughter). Given the nepotistic nature of this regime, it should not surprise anyone that he stands by his relatives.

This is not diversity of opinions. This is tolerating the crazy uncle!


anon jan

by Midwesty on

never set me as your dictionary, I will fail to convey the in-the-box entries.


معنی‌ جلوی آخوندا در اومدند رو هم فهمیدیم!


Everything is sacred


حالا یکی‌


حالا یکی‌ اومده جلوی این آخوندا در بیاد ما هی‌ می‌‌زنیم تو سرش. ما آخرش نفهمیدیم شما آخوند‌ میخواهید یا نه؟

نکته: معنی‌ آخوند‌ در اینجا به معنای آدم عمّامه دار نیست بلکه اشخاصی‌ که از عمّامه یک سندیکا ساختن.


بیا اینم گزارش یکی‌ از "خودیها" برای مراسم مشایی


۱۵ نکته خواندنی از همايش ايرانيان خارج از کشور

۱۳- سخنرانی بی سر و ته رحيم مشائی که آن بالا برايش يک ميز مخصوص گذاشته بودند و پشت آن می نشست، با نمايش بوسيدن پرچم ايران همراه شد. اما همين نمايش هم بسيار مصنوعی و مضحک بود. يکنفر يک پرچم ايران را که مخصوص روی ميز اداری است پشت رحيم مشائی نگهداشته بود و تا سخنرانی اش تمام شد، پرچم را آورد جلو تا رحيم مشائی ببوسد و آن را نوازش کند!
روز دوم که شتابزده ختم همايش را اعلام کردند، يک گروه دژبان آوردند روی “سن” تا سرود “ای ايران” را بخواند. خيلی خوب و مرتب بودند و خوب هم تمرين کرده بودند. تا شروع کردند به خواندن سرود، همه ما که در سالن بوديم شروع کرديم همراه آنها سرود ايران را خواندن. رحيم مشائی فورا رفت به سمت در خروجی سالن. چند نفری که سن و سالی داشتند و ارشد ايرانيان بودند، به او اعتراض کردند که : شما که پرچم ايران را بوسيدی، پس چرا وقتی سرود آن را می خوانند از سالن می رويد بيرون؟
موقع خروج از سالن، هرکس از جلوی دسته سرود رد شد، از آنها بخاطر خواندن سرود “ای ايران” تشکر کرد.
۱۴- تا يادم نرفته اين نکته آخر را هم بگويم. روز دوم، يکی از پرفسورهای معروف ايرانی مقيم آلمان به رحيم مشائی گفت: ما از اينجا (داخل کشور) بی خبر نيستيم. شما می گوئی ۵ ميليون ايرانی در خارج از کشورند. اين ۵ ميليون اگر با خانواده خود، همسر و پدر يا پدربزرگ خود درتماس باشند، حداقل شامل ۱۵ ميليون ايرانی می شود. فکر نمی کنيد که آن ۱۰ ميليون، به اين ۵
ميليون می گويند که در کشور چه می بينند؟

Original news post 

Everything is sacred


Sargord monolithic, totalitarian state is proved wrong now?!

by Anonymouse on

If a two bit Ahmadi bowl licker who has zero authority is smacked silly by the more powerful IRGC that brought Ahmadi to power via a coup in the first place and told to sit your ass down, it means that Islamic Republic is not a monolithic and totalitarian regime?

You think all totalitarian regimes are monolithic? Is this word new to you?!  There are various levels of dictatorships and while Islamic Republic is better than Khemer Rouge it is still a totalitarian regime.

Everything is sacred



by Midwesty on

He is fighting against the status quo and that's always a good thing.

Note: Status quo in Iran is always retracting to our discriminatory and segregated "Utopian" Sassanian society.

No Fear


by No Fear on

Wow, they still don't get it, what a bunch of fucking idiots.
Its pathetic when BBC claimed this guy is all about "Mahdaviat" everytime they reported on him in the past, and now they can't explain his comments about Iran.
Who is going to believe that Ahmadinejad likes to keep Mashaei close to him because they are , (wait for this), best friends !  LOL
Please enlight us more BBC ... open our eyes to the political realities in Iran by reducing it to the simplicity of a school playground politics!


Darius Kadivar

عموجان LOL I was thinking of the same thing ;0)

Darius Kadivar

Amazing Ressemblance ...



How can any body not like Mr Bean

by عموجان on



he is a moron

by asadabad on

Israel/USA will screw him and the rest of the leadership no matter how much he tries to kiss their behind.  The fact that he is trying to cozy up with Israel shows the weak position the IRI is in.  He knows their time is running out and he wants to prepare for a suitable position in the Post-IRI government.  Saddam did the same thing right before his downfall, trying to portray himself as a friend of the american people in a desperate attempt to avert the inevitable.

Sargord Pirouz

So much for claims of a

by Sargord Pirouz on

So much for claims of a monolithic, totalitarian state. 

Now what have you to say?