Law offices of Habib and The Heartbreakers

Played by Maz Jobrani


more from bahram9821
Louie Louie

He's the Orly Taitz of Iranians, an expert in whatever

by Louie Louie on


Ari Siletz


by Ari Siletz on

That's supposed to be a judge's gavel on your shelf, Habib agha, not a carpenter's hammer!!  Much better than grandma's ghand shekan though; business must have picked up. Chaee and pizza?


Hands off The Buns man:))

by Doctor X on

Thanks for the laugthers mazi. Keep rocking bro,

Sargord Pirouz

Take away the hair piece,

by Sargord Pirouz on

Take away the hair piece, but keep the bushy moustache/sideburns, and the office setting, he kind'a resembles my dad, circa 1980.

Which is funny. 

Jahanshah Javid

Brilliant :))))

by Jahanshah Javid on

Got a real kick out of it. Khodeh khodesheh!



by Daadaash on

He looks like Bijan Mortazavi!  Is he wearing his wig?  LOL!


Good job, Maz!


Great job Maz, love the new material

by Bavafa on
