Richard Nelson Frye

American Iranologist accepts house in Isfahan donated by Ahmadinejad

(Mehr News) -- President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad donated a house in Isfahan to Professor Richard Nelson Frye, an American scholar of Iranian and Central Asian Studies. In 2007, Frye wrote directly to Ahmadinejad requesting permission for his own future burial on the banks of the Zayanderud River in Isfahan. Ahmadinejad instructed former interior minister, Mostafa Purmohammadi to provide the prerequisites for compliance with Frye’s request. Frye traveled to Isfahan on Sunday and attended the ceremony in which he received the house from officials in Isfahan, the Persian Service of ILNA reported on Sunday. Where in the world is there a country with such rich culture, music and beautiful art, Frye expressed at the ceremony, adding, “It is a great honor for me to be here among the Iranian people in the historical city of Isfahan.” It is said that the house would be converted into a museum after the death of the professor >>>


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Shazde Asdola Mirza

Another DICK head celebrated in Iran ... quelle surprise!

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

There is nothing bigger than the EGO of a university professor, who thinks that he has figured everything out, but actually knows nothing about the real world and the suffering of people.

SHAME on you Dick!


Well Deserved

by HHH on

Enjoy it Dr. Frye and welcome to Iran.

Lifelong scientists, historians and teachers deserve our appreciation. He loved Iran much more than many of Los Angeles Iranians ever have. Home is where the heart is and his heart is in Iran.

Farah Rusta

You are being diplomatic Midwesty jan

by Farah Rusta on

But you have a point! 




by Midwesty on

He is dead. Isn't he? So it would be too late to give him a house.


Have you heard of the expression Beware of Greeks bearing gifts

by kazem0574 on

Come on, this is IRI's Ahmadi bearing gifts, are the sanctions working or something?  Ehhh   what's up doc?

Farah Rusta

میان ماه من تا ماه گردون

Farah Rusta

Which one cared more for Iranians:

Richard Nelson Frye OR Howard Conkin Baskerville?


And please don't be diplomatic in your answer!






I hope he lives for many yrs

by statira on

There are not many people as knowledgable as professor Frye.


Professor Frye deserves this and so much more

by Fair on

I hope that long after this regime is gone and we are all dead, future generations will be able to visit this museum as another monument to the greatness of Iranian culture- a culture so great that it can steal the heart of such a great man from the other side of the world.
I wish some of the bisavad cultureless characters here would learn a thing
or two from him about actually doing something useful for Iran, and about

My beef is not that he was given this gift, my beef is that he was not able to spend more of his life in Iran, helping research and discover our culture even more - for not just us Iranians, but for the whole world.  Because of a stupid anti Iran government that gave not a hoot for Iranian culture, but instead for a culture of death, and made "Death to America" its foundation instead of "Long Live Iran".

That is the real robbery here.

God bless you Professor Frye, may your burial there be as delayed as long as possible.  Thank you for your priceless contributions to Iranian culture and to the world.  But when you are buried, I will come to your tomb, lay down some beautiful flowers, and a card that says on behalf of our fellow Iran lovers:




very interesting comments from everyone,

by Fatollah on

especially, words of wisdom from Ari and also our only divaneh on IC,  



بیاین تو این یک مورد تنگ نظر نباشیم




هر چند مخالف این هستم که رژیم از این بذل و بخشش مقبولیتی کسب کنه ولی امیدوارم کسانیکه با این هدیه  مخالفند با همین پایداری و خلوص نیّت بذل و بخشش های میلیارد دلاری رو به شیخ حسن نصرالله و خالد مشعل و بقیّه اراذل و اوباش که فقط دوشیدن و پشت کردن بلدند تعقیب کنند!

اصلاً اگر حقیقتش رو بخواین باید این خونه رو پس بگیرند، اونو بفروشند و پولشو بفرستند برای حماس و حزب الله!

چی میگین؟ بد عقیده ای نیست ها!



Let's spare Frye from our

by benross on

Let's spare Frye from our short term political issues. Our wrist watches tick on the seconds. Frye's watch ticks on the centuries. He doesn't even notice Ahmadinejad attempt to use him. He won't notice ours. He simply wants to be buried in the land of history he knows and admires.


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

by Fred on

Since you asked, I am of the opinion Islamist Rapist Republic has been the worst thing happening to Iran for the past number of generations.  And it verifiably does not, I repeat does not give a hoot about Iran or her inhabitants, culture or history.

Given that, I am of the opinion a decent individual let alone career academic, let alone one who is a celebrated Iranologist would not care to be under the same roof with any one connected to IRR.

Now if the millennia scale is to be the criteria, many other notables with atrocious behavior have to be excused for their deeds too.

Bottom line a true Iran lover would not consort, mingle and be friendly with true Iran haters.

Red Wine

خلقِ دلْ خوشْ

Red Wine

مَملکت را خلقِ دلْ خوشْ بَرداشته است،مُبارک است انشا الله !


Rumors:some Iranians will think MrKentucky Fry was given a house

by i_support_khamenie on

"Are valla, Kentucky kheili aliye"

"bekhoda ghassam, Khode Aghaye Kentucky Fry omad Ishafan wa ye manzel khareed.  Goft, hameya donya ra gashtam, mesle ISfahan nadeedad."


Architectural Renovation needed

by i_support_khamenie on

I would redo the entire "hayat" area.  Get rid of the "hoze" and all the bushes.  Place some North African style ceramic or bricks.  PLace trees in strategic places.  

If money is no an issue, cover the entire hayat area with a dome, that can easily transmit sunlight- it would be made of glass or fine fiberglass to protect against hail and stone, the fiberglass shouldn't be one piece rather made of squares with some squares intact and others "punched out".  On the periphery the fiberglass can have very light bluish color and as you approach middle it is clear




Ari Siletz wins this thread.


well said.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I strongly disagree with you on this one dude. Frye is old and rightfully worried about passing on. He has done so much for Iran that he should get what he wants: his burial. If that means sucking up to IRR so be it. His action is not going to significantly help stabalize IRR Nor is it going to make a difference in US or other relations. All it does is to guarantee his request. I am all for it and suggest people watch and not put their foot in their mouths.

Faryam: yes the house was probably confiscated. Once the IRR is gone we can work out a proper compensation for the real owner. But if the real owner were me I would gladly take the compensation and let it be a Museum to Frye and his work on Iran. You don't get people like Frye very often. In fact I dare say he is very much unique.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Richard Frye

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Is a good man and a true and honest frined of Iran. He deserves this and much more honor. Whatever government Iran gets must honor him.  He is the single greatest friend of Iran in the West. His home in Isfahan is a well deserved gift.

I hope the house is made into a Museum of his work on Iran.My best to Dr. Richard Frye, VPK

fl O ra

Professor Frye deserves more

by fl O ra on

He is a great man, a true lover of Iran, who has spent his entire life promoting our culture. He does not care about politics. His ultimate wish is to be buried in our land. He couldn't have any hope that they grant him his wish, had he refused the gift!


Another Signal by Ahmadinejad

by divaneh on

This is a good act and a noble gesture that I think many Iranians on all sides support. 

There however seems to be another dimension to this. AN sends yet another signal that his government cares about Iran and Persian culture. The embassy in London now displays verses of Shahnameh instead of Nasre men allah..... The Press TV uses Achamenid arts for some of its decoration, and AN's deputy, Mashaei states that from now on they will promote the cause of Iran as against the cause of Islam. He invites Iranians intellectuals living abroad to a conference ....

Is he trying to appeal to the 4M Iranian Diaspora? Or is it for internal consumption? Is it a strategy to weaken the ultra Islamist factions who compete for power with him? Time will tell.  


The Shah recognized Arthur Upham Pope...

by alborz on a similar manner by fulfilling the wish of he and his wife to be buried in Isfahan.  Today, their Mausoleum is on the banks Zayandeh Rud, just as they had hoped.

In 1964, Professor Pope and his wife, Phyllis Ackerman, were invited to the head the Asia Institute in Shiraz.  Housed in Narenjestan, they spent the remaining years of their lives dedicated to the research and study of Persian Art.

His monumental work of 16 volumes "A Survey of Persian Art" was originally published before WWII and again reprinted in 1973. 

Those who have recognized the people of Iran by dedicating their lives to representing their achievements and contributions to civilization, deserve to remain free from allegations of complicity with the order of the day.




It looks like he has done

by Bavafa on

It looks like he has done far more for Iran then many of our Meehan doost folks on this web site.

Of course should few of these meehan doost get the opportunity, they would love to sanction and then bomb the hell out of it.


Ari Siletz

Why Professor Frye is important to Iranians

by Ari Siletz on

Dr. Frye presented a formidable amount of historical data and analysis to show that the Islamic conquest of Iran did not substantially change Iran's national character: the Sasaanian culture continued despite Islam. He further showed that Islam as a world religion and influential civilzation would not have been possible without the participation of Persia. His three most important works on the subject are:

1.  Translation of Narshakhi's History of Bukhara. Frye's extensive annotations of this 10th century work (translated into Persian from Arabic in the 12th century) connected the pre-Islamic culture of Eastern Iran to the blossoming civilization that is commonly attributed to Islam. 

2. The Heritage of Persia goes directly to how Sasaanian culture persisted in Iran after Islam. Significantly it unites historically and culturally Persians, Tajiks, Afghans and Turkish speaking Iranians.

3. The Golden Age of Persia gives scholarly evidence of Iran's vast contribution to the Islamic civilization.


Of course we've known this in our hearts all along, what Frye did was let our minds rest assured that we were not simply being arrogant nationalists. He showed us the reasons as to why we feel this way. The importance of his works to our sense of pride, confidence, national unity, and consciousness of who we are as a nation is immeasurable.  

Regarding his non-hostility to the IRI, we have to keep in mind that we are dealing with an intellect that perceives Iran on the scale of millennia, not a few decades. As for Iran's theocracy, he says in this video,  "That's going to change." Given his vast wisdom about Iran, I believe him.



Whose stolen/confiscated property is this?

by faryarm on

Whose stolen/confiscated property is this?

This House most probably once belonged to a family who has had to leave Iran..

Can any one recognize and confirm this ? 


What burns Fred and the neofascists

by Q on

They have decided that we, Iranians should sacrifice all cultural exchanges, trips to Iran, scientific progress, advancement of our nation, any and all international prestige, any visit by Iranian experts, all "unapproved" pride in our country, and lastly suffer actual tragic deaths and destruction, all because they want a revolution and regime change (to presumably put themselves in charge with the help of "charitable" foreign powers).

That is it in a nutshell.
Should anyone ask those who are doing the real sacrifices, if they agree with this bargain made on their behalf? No, of course not, they say. They know best what to do for 70 Million people, and if you disagree, you are an IRI lobbyist.

I remind you of all the neofascists who have been calling professor Frye a traitor and shill in the past few days.

Shifteh: I completely disagree. You really need to make up your mind about Frye. Calling him a traitor for going and then now basically calling him stupid for being used for propaganda is not doing him justice.

Is it possible, just possible, that the completely symbolic, made-up value that is given to this experts gathering is actually being needlessly politicized to the benefit of extremists both pro and anti IRI?


Sweet, lovely, old man

by Marjaneh on

I hope he has a spiffin' time there.

(So much better than a smellie's occupation.)


"Love consists of overestimating the difference between one wo{/}man and another. " George Bernard Shaw


Ashes to ashes

by Rea on

Why not just flow with the Zayanderud ?

No need for a cheap publicity stunt.

Shifteh Ansari


by Shifteh Ansari on

The article in Fars News Agency says that "a section of the house will be devoted to the Museum of Eastern Studies, and in the future, [when he dies] the whole house will become the museum and be made available to the people of Isfahan in his name." 

The gift of property is a symbolic gesture to thank Professor Frye for his lifetime devotion to Iranian Studies.  In fact nothing of material value was given to Professor Frye, just the recognition for his services.  So, he didn't get rich because of this "gift." 

We should be aware of the national interest and pride in Professor Frye's love for Iran.  At Tehran University's Iranian Studies Department, to this day the students read textbooks written by Professor Frye, so Iranians know and value this man greatly.

People were also disappointed a few years ago, when Frye requested to be allowed to be buried in Isfahan (along with his wife, I believe) and he was turned down.  So, his wish is nothing new.

That he is a valuable and extraordinary individual is not disputed by anyone.  He was, however, used by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to bring a fraudulent, criminal, and ruthless government legitimacy and credit by associating itself with good people such as Professor Frye.  He didn't need to do this, not for any gift or any price, not after giving his entire life to Iran without any expectation or reward other than his research.





Keep in mind he doesn't own the house

by Abarmard on

This is a symbolic gesture. The individual (most probably) won't be living there. If he does, he will add to the national value rather than decrease it. He can't sell it or rent it. In reality nothing has changed. This is just a token of appreciation and a beautiful gesture. The house is and will continue to be a museum.


So what? The man in his old age sucked up to the islamist

by yousef on

regime, knowingly or not, (remember , he is very old. Old people can become "forgetful") and got paid with a nice house in Isfahan in return. At least he did not blow up innocent american and European citizens and defenceless Jewish women and children, like the fat boy, sheikh nassrullah of hizbullah and his "cabinet" of terrorists, who spend their entire time hiding in one of their many luxury residences in north tehran, all given to them by vazir ahmadinezhad, of course "on behalf of Iranain people"....