International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran: An informed source told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran that Hossein Derakhshan was released last night on the unprecedented bail amount of $1.5 million. Derakhshan had requested a prison furlough after a lower court sentenced him to 19.5 years in prison in September. The informed source told the Campaign that Derakhshan’s family are immensely happy to see his release and hope that the upcoming appeals court ruling could keep him from returning to prison.
News of Derakhshan’s release was first published by Mashregh News, a website close to Iran’s security circles. The website stated the bail amount to be in the millions. (Mashregh News’ article) Hossein Derakhshan is expected to return to prison over the next few days. Judicial authorities had refused to grant him furlough till now >>>
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by DelilahNY on Fri Dec 10, 2010 08:01 PM PSTBut $1.5 mil ?
Hope those who paid that amount of money are willing to make a little financial effort for countless others in Evin. If not, I'll start doubting.
Doubting what?
Roozbeh wrote, 'IC is blocked in Iran and only
by DelilahNY on Fri Dec 10, 2010 07:29 PM PSTiranian ntelligence ministry employees can access it.'
Since when? I mean of course it's blocked in Iran and probably has been since forever but there have always been softwares devised for unfiltering. So what are you saying that the Regime has come up with the perfect filter that no one can get through...???
hamsade ghadimi قابل توجه
Nader VanakiFri Dec 10, 2010 06:50 PM PST
این آقای
hamsade ghadimiFri Dec 10, 2010 08:05 AM PST
این آقای درخشان که از ارگانهای حقوق بشر انتقاد میکرد. میگم امکان داره اگر از زندون آزاد بشه از این گروههای که برایش تلاش کردند شکایت کنه. حالا فکر کنین چند نفر تو بند زندون گیرند بدون اینکه خانوادهشان بتونه چن میلیون پیاده کنه و بدون اینکه نصف کس کلک بازیهای این آقا رو دربیارن. امیدوارم که از زندون آزاد بشه و به مرادش برسه: رئیس ارتش سایبری پرس تیوی.
by yolanda on Thu Dec 09, 2010 06:17 PM PSTSo 1.5 million only gives him several days of freedom?
حسین درخشان، آقاشون مایه داره
Nader VanakiThu Dec 09, 2010 04:49 PM PST
Another graduate from university of Evin
by عموجان on Thu Dec 09, 2010 04:02 PM PSTI wonder if he could belog now what would be writing about his trip to Dark Side Of Islam
$1.5 M? Wow man those Evin guards must be living very nicely, They know he will be escaping the country soon.
Glad he is out.
by Niloufar Parsi on Thu Dec 09, 2010 02:35 PM PSTthank you sweetheart :)
DK, SP ps OMG! (& pps DK)
by DelilahNY on Thu Dec 09, 2010 01:28 PM PSTDK, you've probably noticed on the home page that there have been a few freeings lately. I think you're on to something. Political footballs. But if you look at my first post, you'll see I think that in a certain way he has been the most kicked around of them all. (Not the most tortured or killed or to be the longest imprisoned, but the most played with). --pps oops, sooorry, guess I didn't read your and others' posts below either. lol
SP, thanks. You too, if you look at my first post, you'll see I said things relevant to what you said. But unfortunately, like you, I can't remember the source either.
ps OMG!!! I had seen Mona's blog this morning and while entering here to write this post I noticed the I of the D next door about Sakineh, but it didn't look like her and it didn't register, because I simply never conceived it could possibly happen!
This is a good day. :o)
by Sargord Pirouz on Thu Dec 09, 2010 12:56 PM PSTSorry, I don't have the source. From memory, I read that Hoder still maintains links with the Ahmadinejad faction, and that it may have been this faction that has been supporting him within the workings of the CJ system.
But let's wait and see how this plays out.
IRI: So what?
by ghalam-doon on Thu Dec 09, 2010 12:57 PM PSTI assume Hitler or any other fascist government on the face of the earth (both current or in the past) could make such statements. What does that prove?
It is true that Sargord (cross-posted with several posts)
by DelilahNY on Thu Dec 09, 2010 02:44 PM PSThas not once articulated support of IRI, but acceptance. Neither has No Fear, not in perpetuity. Not to mention people like poor Abarmard and even Bavafa, who, incredibly, have been accused of same. And everyone and their mother in between on that spectrum, for lack of a better word. (and of course they're all paid...sigh...).
I believe that a close and honest scrutiny of Hossein, from the political (who's doing and has done what to him and why?, what was the specific political context in which his views evolved the way they did and why?), to the human dimension (why did he himself personalize everything so much and turn against so many people in the two years before his arrest, and most importantly, how do people really feel about him--not think, feel--and why?)
Hossein has been many Hosseins--the Reformist, the Blogfather, the one who went to Israel, the Ahmadinajadist...and now the prisoner. In my view, every person here in some way however large or small should be able to see a piece of themselves reflected in him. If anyone should be able provide a key to furthering collective understanding on this site, it is he. The many Hosseins have surely had many animated discussions with each other within the one Hossein in his cell. So why not the community here? And if he doesn't serve to provide such a key, you're missing a great opportunity.
Because, let's face it, no one is going to huff and puff and blow IRI's house down tomorrow. Or reform it significantly tomorrow either. But achieving mutual understanding is action. It's doing something concrete. Truth is something. And so is healing.
And so, on that note, Sargord, what are the indications that Hossein still supports IRI? Have you links to sources? Or are your sources personal and if so, could you please elaborate somewhat?
We need to know.
بزرگترين نعمتي است كه نصيب اين ملت شده
IRIThu Dec 09, 2010 12:33 PM PST
حداد عادل افزود: من به عنوان كسي كه از سال 57 معاون وزير بوده و تا امروز كه نماينده مجلس هستم خدا را گوه ميگيرم كه در اين 32 سال در هر تصميمگيري كه براي كشور داشتهايم محال بوده كه يك بار يك خارجي حضور و قدرت داشته باشد كه به ما دستور بدهد چكار كنيم يا اراده خودش را به ما تحميل كند و اين بزرگترين نعمتي است كه نصيب اين ملت شده و قدر آن را بايد دانست. اين نعمتي است كه كشورهاي ديگر در حسرت آن ميسوزند و خدا آن را به بركت خون شهدا به ملت ايران داده است و بايد با حفظ اتحاد و آگاهي و بصيرت آن را حفظ كنيم.
به این مزدور محل نزارین
Cost-of-ProgressThu Dec 09, 2010 12:12 PM PST
لطفآ به این گروهبان بی همه چیز محل نزارین. این حیف آدم معلوم نیست برنامش چیه و چی میگه - هر چی بیشتر باهاش حرف بزنین بیشتر مزخرف میگه لطفآ اصلان بهش محل نزارین تا گورش را گم کنه. با سپاس. ک ا پ .IRAN FIRST
Just On Time for Nuclear Talks ... A Coincidence ?
by Darius Kadivar on Thu Dec 09, 2010 12:10 PM PSTSlow progress (bbc)
Iran nuclear talks: legacy of mistrust hampers progress
by Sargord Pirouz on Thu Dec 09, 2010 12:08 PM PSTI've addressed this before on different forums. Here's how I personally see it:
The same way I can accept the American war of choice against the people of Iraq, the torture at Guantanimo, the sexual abuse at Abu Ghraib, the murders at Bagram, the imperfect 2000 US election and so on, I can certainly accept lil’ ol’ Islamic Republic of Iran the way it is. To do otherwise would be hypocritical.
SP: You avoided to answer my question
by ghalam-doon on Thu Dec 09, 2010 12:02 PM PSTYou're quite right. We're just observers here in IC and have no control over what goes on in Iranian prisons (or Iran prison). But my question was what could ever happen in Iran that might change your mind. What could happen that might force you to come out here and say "Well folks, I've had it with this regime." For example, if the regime gassed thousands of people to death, would that be the last straw for you? Is there a limit to the regime brutality that would make you change your mind?
This is a good news and we are expecting a great news
by Bavafa on Thu Dec 09, 2010 11:58 AM PSTA great news would be that all political prisoners in Iran have been released immediately and permanently without any condition.
by Sargord Pirouz on Thu Dec 09, 2010 11:56 AM PSTHow different an outcome than what took place in the case against Teresa Lewis last September:
It now appears Larijani was right about this, in his discussion on the Charlie Rose show two weeks ago.
Thank you, Darius, for the good news! Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!
by yolanda on Thu Dec 09, 2010 11:53 AM PSTThank you, Darius, for the good news! Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!
What a wonderful news!!!!!!
It is awesome!!!!!!!!!!
Confirmed !
by Darius Kadivar on Thu Dec 09, 2010 11:49 AM PSTThe news of the release of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, her son Sajad Ghaderzadeh and the two German journalists is heartwarming for the International Committees against Stoning and Execution and for all those who fought for Sakineh’s freedom.
There are no words to express our joy. The thought that she can embrace her children in the safety of her own home and sleep soundly tonight is wonderful. This is a historical success for humanity. It shows, when millions stand together they can save precious lives and stop the unthinkable.
On behalf of the International Committee against Stoning and Execution I thank each and everyone of you.
Sakineh’s freedom must be the beginning of the end of stoning in Iran and everywhere.
Mina Ahadi
International Committee against Stoning
International Committee against Execution
9 December 2010
Sakineh Mohamadi Ashtiani is rumored to have been Set Free
by Darius Kadivar on Thu Dec 09, 2010 11:42 AM PSTJust reported on French TV Prime Time News
pending confirmation:
by Sargord Pirouz on Thu Dec 09, 2010 11:35 AM PSTWho here at IC is in a position to actually "support" the IRIG? In the year and a half I've been here, I haven't come across anyone that is actually in such a position.
We here at IC are external observers. And out of these observers, many do not accept the IRIG as being the government of Iran. That's why many here don't vote in Iranian elections. To be sure, that they won't accept the IRIG as being the government of Iran is the ultimate source for their anti-Iran attitudes.
Acceptance goes a long way toward countering a general sense of personal anti-Iran sentiment.
A question for SP
by ghalam-doon on Thu Dec 09, 2010 11:29 AM PSTYou say: "I'm Iranian and I accept the IRIG." Of course we all accept the reality of IRIG, the same way that we accept the reality of the moon and the stars. But if you mean you support IRIG, I wonder what action the regime in Iran might take that would force you to examine your support. If your support of IRIG will not diminish, no matter what goes on in Iran, then I can only conclude that a) you somehow benefit from this relationship or b) your support is not based on any logic.
We have a situation where an individual decided to go back to Iran, despite the fact that he was repeatedly warned against this action. He really BELIEVED in IRIG and felt by his action, he would encourage others like you and me to look at the regime in Tehran in a different way. And see what happened. Now you still accept/support this regime?
چوبو که ور میداری.....
Roozbeh_GilaniThu Dec 09, 2010 11:04 AM PST
as the internet savies say: LOL!
"Personal business must yield to collective interest."
Well, Alex, I'm Iranian and
by Sargord Pirouz on Thu Dec 09, 2010 10:58 AM PSTWell, Alex, I'm Iranian and I accept the IRIG. Basically, it's an acceptance of reality. To not accept that is to not accept reality. It's as simple as that.
Hoder supports the IRI. There's indications he still does. Anyway, I'm sure we'll be hearing more about in the months that follow.
I agree with Alex in florida.
by Roozbeh_Gilani on Thu Dec 09, 2010 10:53 AM PSTIn Iran I have come across people who support the regime (a dwindling bunch indeed). Here in the west, the ones I have seen supporting the regime are in one way or other benefit finacially from regime. Also IC is blocked in Iran and only iranian intelligence ministry employees can access it. Now when you see somebody consistently and systemathically attend this forum to support this islamist regime, he/she could only belong to one of above catagouries.
"Personal business must yield to collective interest."
If it's true, good news, indeed
by Rea on Thu Dec 09, 2010 10:32 AM PSTBut $1.5 mil ?
Hope those who paid that amount of money are willing to make a little financial effort for countless others in Evin. If not, I'll start doubting.
Great news
by Truthseeker9 on Thu Dec 09, 2010 10:17 AM PSTAlthough I am not a fan of his views, a victory for Free Speech. Also proves international pressure and efforts do work.
No, Alex, doesn't prove they're paid...
by DelilahNY on Thu Dec 09, 2010 10:14 AM PSTjust take a look at the trajectory of the blogs of one proud bearer of that august regime's name and you will understand: