Lokht dar Ayneh: Iranians are the best

Everyone else suck!


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Multiple Personality Disorder


by Multiple Personality Disorder on

These guys are brilliant!


No race in islam other than the arab race

by Parthianshot91 on

They are right about saying there is no race in Islam, what they forget to mention is that Islam, or atleast the modern form of extremist Islam is arab nationalism at it's best and is meant to Arabize its converts. There's a reason why Arab countries and territories went from being 2 1400 years ago to 21 now.

 Now, if the people of Iran choose to not change their religion either cause they don't care or are secular, I suggest making everything in islam (In Iran) Persian, the quran, The words etc.... And if the other muslims or arabs bark and say why we did such a thing, then we can turn around and prove that Islam is an Arab religion with their own words and action, what will they have to say then?


"They are not afraid of the ideology alone, but of the detemination and will of the men behind it"


Islam and Nationalism-VPK & other Friends

by IranFirst on

Dear  VPK and other Iranian friends. The war of Islam vs people loving
their own country and culture is not new and not restricted to Iran. The
cancer of Islam has been fighting to destroy ANY culture (language,
arts, history..) of the nations that have been miserable enough to be
conquered or infiltrated by these cultists. The Islamists (like the many
varieties on this board), are not concerned with the welfare of ANYONE
ELSE but Muslims. So when IRI kills or tortures Iranians, these Islamist
justify it (minimally using their brains), as getting rid of
non-Muslims. They have no particular bonds to Iran's history or
traditions (let alone people who dare to confront their barbaric cult).

Please see the following "discussion" from another Brain-washed Muslim
(from Pakistan). Pakistan off course is one the most backward countries
in the world (in every sense), but its islamist want to spared Islam and
their misery, rather than improving their lives. Here he is describing
why nationalism is bad and why Islam is opposing it. Replace this person
with the "no Fear"/IRI supporters/Islamists and you will see no
difference. Islamists are not allowed (by Islam) to question (specially
anything about Islam), hence no amount of discussion will change their
Islam-controlled mind.

Few words from the Islamit's post

"If a person is good Muslim
and acts on islam in its true form as revealed by quran and sunnah than
he is our brother, and if our own brother deliberately does not act on
quran and sunnah than he is not actually our brother

Islam does not believe in racial or nationalistic divisions and affiliations"

Read the rest here:


Anahid Hojjati

I am not going to read the comments before commenting

by Anahid Hojjati on

In the list of recent comments, I have been seeing that so many have commented on this thread but I am not going to read any of them before commenting. I loved this clip since it is so true. We Iranians really think that we are "tafteh joda bafteh" and look at the condition of our country. So asafnaak. If we were really that great and special, why is that our country is in such a mes? That is why i loved this clip. It has good points to say.



by SamSamIIII on


anyone who introduced themselves as muslim, was bashed and ridiculed by you. You called them names that only you knew the meanings to it.."

You see this is where you stand guilty of ignorance when you issue verdicts lacking evidence to back it up. Bring it on!!, a quote, a comment an essay in which i have ridicluled some one based solely on their personal religious beliefs. An "Ommatie" in my vocab has always refered to an state of psyche that our native stateless Omaru intelects have brought to the table regardless of their private religion. I have always explained that the term "Ommatie" does not corrolate to Islam or Muslim but stateless nihilistic nomads of opportunism & treason be it a commie, ommatie sonnatie monarchist, athiest, pan-ethnics, Sunni, shia, suffi or etc.

I judge you not based on what God you pray to but what alien icons you worship.

& thats the difference between J Al ahmad copy cat ommati intelect & an average Joe kiaani like me. & hear this; to me the triplet of the likes of stateless shaikhist nomads like Mousavi or Khatami or Motahari(son & dad)are a hundred folds more dangerous to "concept of true Iran" than the likes of Ahmadinejad (their foe) since the latter does not know or care as how to saintify or beautify stateless ommatism like the other  charlatan philosopher magicians. ;) .cheers!!!

Dear VPK; Absolutly on the mark friend. Hopeless is the term. cheers!!!

Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan //iranianidentity.blogspot.com //www.youtube.com/user/samsamsia

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Racial my

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Ferdowsi is the greatest of all Iranian poets. The only racists are the ones who hate him. The real racists are the jew hating; Persian hating ghomrah like No Fear.

Religion has no place in politics. And "no fear" has no place in the civilized world.  Why do  Western nations let this kind of person in is beyonf me. But I will make sure to ask my representatives to change that policy. It is stupid of the West to allow this kind of person her.

Regarding boring: the lesser minds are incapable of grasping my writings. Therefore they are "bored" since it overtaxes the limited intellect. Fine minds like SamSam have no problems with handling complexities of my posts :-)

Q also "yawns" a lot when reading stuff that overtax his mind.  Both are made of the same karbass.

No Fear


by No Fear on

Spare me from your literature tainted with freakish vocabularies about how great Ferdowsi was and how wonderful the Kiaan is. I am well aware of this fact. Afterall, we love our poets. Ferdowsi's statue still stands tall in the middle of Tehran while all others were removed. I just don't subscribe to the racial angle of it.

Your " Kiaan " universe is more like the " outer limits " tv show to me.  I have noticed that you also re invent yourself as you go. A year ago, anyone who introduced themselves as muslim, was bashed and ridiculed by you. You called them names that only you knew the meanings to it. 

Now you talk about inclusions of any types of Iranians in your ideology. I even read a post written by you recently which i felt a change in approach when dealing with religion. (Ofcourse the way you were excluding Iranians from your Kiaani clan , was dumb and stupid ).

You are obviously on the right track but not enough to lure me in. As a modern rightwing Jomhouri Khah, we have the right mixture of nationalism and religion to make us the dominant force in Iran. Your ideology only has half of the picture. The rest is missing. You will always be the minority.

@ VPK :  You bore me. Consider yourself dropped.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

SamSam Jan

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


This "no fear" knows exactly what he is doing. His goal is to attack the Iranian nation. Just like the other ommaties. He knows that Ferdowsi is the heart of Iranian nation and that is why he attacks him. 

Have you noticed how crazy people like him and Q get when you mention Persian. They have got a very deep hatred of anything Persian. They  do not consider it their heritage. They would just as soon have all Persians die and be wiped off history. No amount of discussion or argument will change their minds. They want a pan-Islamic nation and any nationalism is a threat to them. Their charge of racism is ironic. Specially because of thier own hatred of the Persian race.

Of course we are not all Persians. We are all Iranians and there is a difference. But now that is not acceptable to them either. They prefer to fan the flames of racial hatred among various parts of Iran. Then turn it into a new Balkans. With brother killing cousin and so on. I have cousins with mongol heritage. I have family with Arab seyyed heritage. I have family from all over Iran. If these guys had their way there would be endless bloodshed. Just so they can vent their hatred of Iran.

I do not know the reason for this deep hate. Maybe it is a mental disease. Maybe it is jealousy or whatever. I do not think they are even real Muslims. As I doubt a real Muslim would use the language this person does. All filled with vile and dirty words. 

I have known many real Muslims and they are not foul mouthed.I assure you no fear has no intention of reading any of the Kiaani books. He will just go and spit out some more insults at anyone who happens to be Iranian.

By doing so they expose their true nature. VPK

Dirty Angel

ey vAiy

by Dirty Angel on

Doktor Mokhangeles, agar ghadet sare hal nabood, bolandet mikardam, khodam koota miamadam.*

Shabo roozet bekheir. ;)


"What's three times worse than war?" "Three wars?"

*---- ----- ------. Thanks.


Dirty Angel

by Doctor mohandes on

I knowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...

Unfortunately that is how it is always is with us the IC bunch. No matter what the topic of dicussion is, we can not avoid helping ourselves to some blood-fest towards the end:))

BTW, Mokhangeles Yea?! Ok Buddy! Ms. Haj Khanoom Fereshte:))

Goingt to watch my Re-run TV shows... The office... Scrubbs... George Lopez...

WHat is with all These Ti Ti covering adds that keep popping up(am i the only one who sees them or what?).. I mean come on. You are in the middle of a serious discussion about Jadd O abad and ISlam vs No Islam and Arbas and their love for iran or otherwise, and all of a sudden... Boing!! You see A hottie in Bra.

I wonder who is behind this...

Dirty Angel

Doktor Mokhangeles

by Dirty Angel on

ajab ouoz-ayi shode! ey vaiye ke te-tallah


"What's three times worse than war?" "Three wars?"


NF, doing a great disservice

by SamSamIIII on


You are doing a great disservice to your character by trying to convince me that you are an ignorant Omaru eventhough I still believe there is hope for you. The reason I dont confront you on your Ferdowsi(bbhs) bashing is the simple fact that i find you Kiaan-illiterate. Do you know what that means?. It means your perspective on kiaani Iran is based on the knowledge that you don;t have or simply said, total lack of it.

The reason you might sound frustrated is because you are a freshmen conscripts of Qadessi school of thought & your reasoning is after the facts arguments of your Ommatie mentors and not the facts so you dont even know the basic facts that  your mentors somehow knew and tried to suppress. Do you see where i,m going with this ?.

You keep throwing terms that you are absolutly clueless as to their concept. you say Lurs & yet you diffrentiate them from their Medeo-Persian heritage or dialect as if they are some how not from the same Aryan migrant tree as are Kurds, Persians, Gils, Taats, Aturs, Scythians or sarmatians who are melted into our kiaani-Irani identity.

You keep throwing the "Persian supremecy" card to accuse Ferdowsi(bbhs) without even noticing that beloved Ferdowsi used the term "Iran" , "Iranian"every time he refered to his homeland or people and not once he corrolated it with "Pars" or "Persians" but only in regard to the language.

You keep accusing the Ferdowsi(bbhs) of racism yet ignore his generous narration of Turanian/turkish/Hunnish culture & icons which at times bordered glorification .

You keep yapping about his racism yet dont see how he narrates the bravery of some Arab icons too with impartiality .

As I said, Kiaan as is her true son Ferdowsi is all inclusive & celebrates diversified identity, shared heritage & collective pride under one Kaviaani Drafsh.

So I repeat, your ignorance is not due to things you dont know but how you dont know what you dont know.

I invite you to start today to restrict your regiment for a month to read exclusively kiaani literature & history & report back to me to see the new you. Even ahmadi has almost got it eventhough velarm & for a show. Are you any less?. I,m sure not. Ask Divaneh, AO or VPK or even Ahmadi to introduce you to some decent books.


Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan //iranianidentity.blogspot.com //www.youtube.com/user/samsamsia



by Doctor mohandes on

Try rubbing your persian supremacy garbage in other regions and see what those lurs are going to teach you. You might have difficulty walking after that

Daaang! Sounds like a "i have been there...done that... or rather had it done to me" moment we are having here.. Someone must have rubbed:)) something off or (on?) someone and the results was not so oo good.

Sorry Baradar Natars. I guess you showered them with You meymoons this and You monkeys that . and they finally unleashed their fury upon you.

Not a good move there Susie... Try tacking that upstairs before pontificating on these Holy and sacred pages. Ok ?


This one I know for sure

by comrade on

هذیان با ذال هستش...

Never increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything.


No Fear

انشاء الله

No Fear

انشاء الله امیدوارم خدا به شما دیوانه عزیز هم یک عقل بدهد که کمتر هزیان بگوئید


این دفعه یکی باهاش بود


انشاله دفعه دیگه

No Fear

تورو خدا ببین روزگارو !

No Fear

اره والله ،  جالب توجه این است که خیلی از این بچه سو سول ها در امریکا که ادعای برتریت نژاد خود دارند ، خود از زبان فارسی هیچ نمیفهمند . 


فرستاده پوشیده جان


اگر می خواهی گیجش کنی پارسی بنویس. به نظر میاد که باید یکی رو پیدا کنه واسش بخونه.

No Fear

Yeah right...

by No Fear on

Try rubbing your persian supremacy garbage in other regions and see what those lurs are going to teach you. You might have difficulty walking after that.

Do you agree that some of ferdowsi poems are considered racist today?

When i point to these issues, the best you little monkeys did was to call me an arab worshiper and etc. But unlike you who proundly call yourself persian, I do not flash my race. I am an Iranian.

Anyone with a rational mind can attest to the racist tone in ferdowsi's poems.

Why are you so blindly defending it?  Don't you have a mind of your own? Are you capable of self criticism?

Your lack of following a rational discussion is the main reason i avoid you in debates. Your reply to this post will serve as a measuring stick for further engagements. Sincerely.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

There we go

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

Are you so fucking ignorant that you can't see this problem?

Why is it that these supposedly religious people swear in all their posts. Is this how a religious person should talk? Fortunately we have some REAL religious people who speak politely like normal people.

Now to the point of language. Any nation requires a unifying language. In Iran Persian in America English and so on. If you don't like it move. There is nothing superior about it or forced. The people who complain about Persian are not the "minorities". I have "Azari" in my family they LOVE to speak Persian and do so voluntery. My fathers best friend is a Kurd and loves Persian and speaks it as well as I do.

I have Lors in my family who speak Persian as well as anyone and are very happy about it. This whole artificial "ethnic" thing is made up by enemies of Iran. Real Iranians are united behind Iran and our national language of Persian. This does not mean disrespect for others. I myself have been stydying Kurdish. A beautiful language. It also happens to be an Iranic Aryan language. I know the word "Aryan" puts fear in the heart of Iran haters. 

Ahmad Kasravi writings in Persian are absolutely a joy to read. I have rarely read such beautiful way of writing Persian. Babak Khorramdin was from Azarbayjan. Yagob Laith Saffari was from the Balouch area now a part of Afghanistan. They are all Iranians. 

Making artificial divisions is the old British divide and conquer ploy. Except that we are now wise to it. We know Iranian is Iranian and there is no division in our hearts. We love Ferdowsi; we love our heroes from Rostam to Babak to Saffari. We do not care about their "ethnicity" and frankly it matters not. Whenever someone harps on the ethnic BS I know they are not a true Iranian. Most likely a foreigner trying to sow discord among Iranians. It will not work and we shall remain one. 

No Fear

What the hell?

by No Fear on

Was that your reply?

What happened to the main point of my argument?

Here is again, sunshine.. with sugar on top so your sissy persian pride won't be offended:

And yet, you are unable to explain to me how can we do to others what arabs did to us?   Forcing other ethnic groups in Iran to learn farsi and rubbing our supremacy in their face. Half of Iran population don't speak persian as their mother tongue.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

'No Fear"

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


You need to learn manners. Your postings are filled with vile language and insults. The people you call racist on the other hand write mature and polite posts. You are an Iran hating Arab. There is no question of it. 

Your kind should not even be allowed in the West except for Gitmo. I used to oppose such treatment that USA is giving your types. I have changed my mind. Gitmo is too good for you and your kind. No treatment is too harsh for your type.

Next time I get to vote I will vote for those who will be he HARSHETS on your type. Bombing Taliban: I am all for it. You people require a lesson and I am glad USA is doing it.

No Fear


by No Fear on

ferdowsi is only one pillar of Iranian literature. There were many more poets who had more influence on our culture than ferdowsi.

The sad truth about you pathetic little racsist monkeys is that almost all of you can cite the racsist poems by ferdowsi.

And yet, you are unable to explain to me how can we do to others what arabs did to us?   Forcing other ethnic groups in Iran to learn farsi and rubbing our supremacy in their face. Half of Iran population don't speak persian as their mother tongue. Are you so fucking ignorant that you can't see this problem?

Ferdowsi should be criticized for those remarks. No one is above Iran's unity. No one can be free of criticism. What makes us a great nation is our diversity. This diversity has enhanced our culture and has made us stronger. Ferdowsi does not believe in diversity. He only believes in one race alone.

Now, get your head out of your ass.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

No Fear

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Ferdowsi is the soul of Iran. He is the true nature of Iranian people and is immortal.

As the Pier Tous me farmayad:

namiram azin pas ke man zendeam ke tokhme sokhan ra parakandeam

Tarsoo you will never comprehend what is means to be Iranian. I feel sorry for you be mihan va be ravan.

No man in the whole world has done as much for Iran as Ferdowsi. No monument to him is good enough. We Iranians will pay homage to him for all time. Afarin bar to  Pir eh Tous:

  • basi ranj bordam dar in sale si
  • ajam zende kardam bedin parsi
  • Az an pas namiram ke ra zendeam
  • Ke tokhme sokhan man parakandeam
  • Har an kas ke darad hosh o ray o din
  • Pas az marg bar man konad afarin


NF!, wikileaks is not the word of god!!

by Pahlevan on

Wikileaks is simply the opinion of a bunch diplomats who in most cases are less qualified to comment on Iran, than many Iranian members of this site, who, in addition to being western-educated, have a much better understanding of Iran and its culture than some clueless diplomat!

The language used by the diplomat, in the leaked report is itself bigoted and uninformed. The fact that he keeps calling Iranians, "Persians", shows how clueless and uninformed he is. Iran is a diverse country and not all Iranians are 'Persians'. The "Persian" Bazaris he is referring to are probably mostly of Azari descent.

Secondly, I did not try to "pin all problems on Islam". I have no problem with Muslims per se, in fact some of my favorite Iranian characters were Muslims (e.g. Grand Ayatollah Shariatmadar and Ahmad Kasravi). What I have a problem with is Islamism which is a form of religious fascism and extremely bigoted and hateful. 

No Fear


by No Fear on

Let me congratulate you on your attempt to be more rational and multi dimensional when faced with self criticism. This goes for the first part of your post.

The second part of your criticism sucks ass. How conveniently you found the scape boat in Islam and tried to pin all our problems on it. The bellow text is from a cable from wikileaks. What do you think?


Here is the full report btw:


Now, the above report is by no mean what i believe as well. I just posted it to see your reaction to it. What do you think?




Agree with the premise ... disagree with the execution

by Pahlevan on

I agree with the premise of exposing flaws and backwardness in our society and parts of our culture especially the religious part which bears the most amount of bigotry and hate.

However the execution is very uninformed and immature! If you dismiss the root cause of the Iranian society's backwardness which is The Islamofascist regime of Iran you can never expose our societies flaws and solve our problems.

The video blog intends to fight bigotry but No-Fear, supporter of the most bigoted and hateful regime in Iran's contemporary history is cheering it ... that alone should tell you that there's something wrong with this video blog.

Here's my response to this video blog in form of a blog!


To Arab worshipers with no fear

by statira on

Ferdowsi poems about arab eating crocodile was a fact.

After arab invasion, there was resistance all over persia against the arab rulers. It is said that arab occupiers used to eat crocodile and changed the echosystem in a way that the population of snakes increased. In one of the treaties between persian fighters and arab occupiers, Persians promised to put their gun down and stop fighting if arabs stop eating crocodile!

No Fear

To the little racists piglets ...

by No Fear on

I have never defended arabic culture or race in any form.

I criticized Ferdowsi for his persian suprimacy poems and his racsist remarks about the arabs.

My criticism is valid.

Your lack of rational reasoning is evident in your replies. You just don't have enough bandwidth or tolerance to hear any sort of criticism.

You can piss off now.


Lokht dar Ayeneh

by statira on

Did you know that the period our great poet Ferdowsi worte Shahnameh, Arabic language was the official laguage and Iranians were treated like a second hand citizen. In Shahnameh you can not  find one single arabic word. Maybe the only arabic words are the words of,Arab and the poet name, Abulghasem Ferdowsi. Your video was so funny at first but when I thought about it, it's kinda anti-Iranian and anti-patriot. Btw, we dont just make fun of Turks, Lur or arabs. People make jokes for Rashtis and Isfahanis and they are considered Persians!!!