A Radical Experiment in Empathy

TED talk

Sam Richards is a sociologist and award-winning teacher who has been inspiring undergraduate students at Penn State since 1990. Every semester, his Race and Ethnic Relations course is one of the most popular classes at Penn State and the largest of its kind in the U.S. Because of his passion for challenging students to open their minds, an interviewer recently referred to him as "an alarm clock for eighteen-year-olds."


more from Sahar Naaz


by Doctor mohandes on

Are you trying to say:

Everyone wants to go to heaven yet no one wants to die first?.


Dirty Angel


by Dirty Angel on

I could not stop laughing out loud watching this juvenile nonsense!

Yo, Meester, lay your big smelly, empapfffty feet off my shoes!

"The shorter the life, the longer the death."

Immortal Guard

Everybody wants just more...

by Immortal Guard on

Everybody wants just more but nobody wants to lose what they have or to even get less!

Rude awakening is necessary to jolt you into action!


Listen Buddy

by masoudA on

As an Iranians - before I blame America or Euros for having had the knowledge to create a use for oil and the technology to find it hundreds of meters below what I could ever know - I start wondering what has kept me from being as technologicaly savy as the Europeans?  I sart wondering what we were doing in the middle east when Europe was going through the renaissance our their Industrial revolution.  Realy what were we doing at the time - what kept us back?   And over and over I get the same answer......Islam.

So buddy - before you teach Iraqis anything - teach them to get over living for an afetrlife..........

I think this guy is a clueless leftist clueless about the middleeast. 


Very educational

by Benyamin on

I learned alot in just a few minutes. that is why communication is at most importance.


Thank you Sahar Naaz