Saxy Moharram

A saxophone piece for Emam Hossein in Hamadan

I have never heard or seen anything like this during Moharram mourning parades. Watch to see the interesting and accidental nuances of this amateur film. Watch the scene happening behind the musicians and the eerie mix of music and visuals:


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13 legion who thinks morghe hamsayeh ghaze

by statira on

 but since the discovery of OIL in Arabia it has been a prime target of interest, yet they were never attacked and as JAHEL as they may be, you still find them to enjoy more, unity, prosperity and international respect, much more than we have today!

I depends how you describe prosperity, enjoyment and respect. Saudi Arabia has the worst record of Human rights and women rights in the world. They even have segregation inside their own homes. Their women can not vote and driving ban is offical. I dont think a woman  has any respect and enjoyment in such environment unless you just talk on behalf of the other half of the society. In Saudi arabia they implement sharia law and corporal punishment. Their human rights record is so bad that Iran to them seems like utopia.

but since the discovery of OIL in Arabia it has been a prime target of interest, yet they were never attacked

Saudi Arabia is already America's gas station. U.S has it's military bases over there. Saudi Royal family is the best servant for America's interest and a top customer of the U.S. Arms. They have a passive( beebokhar) society that do not care about their rights. So why in the world U.S wants to attack them?

that Shiasm and sunnism (Islam) are a cult, when then logically you would have to agree the all religions, are a cult, Zoroastrian, Judaism, Christianity, Islam and

Shiasm, Sunnism had and have a long history of violence and abuse. These cults unlike religions such as Zoroastrian, enforce their ideology and intolerance toward non muslims.  All the three Persian Empires' official religion was Zoroastrian, but we dont see many Zoroastrians around the world, because it was a true religion which was not enforced on people.

13th Legion


by 13th Legion on


My copying & pasting of material are not “lessons in religion” its propose is to communicate the fact that religious thoughts and believes just like science can evolve and advance through time and that you should not be in awe if you find individuals of one faith to be very open, tolerant and acceptant towards other religions, it all depends on the individuals level of interest in further developing their perspective of spirituality and religion and taking it upon themselves to personally developing and discovering the truth and purpose of spirituality and religion as appose to blindly accepting or inheriting their religious and spiritual thoughts from their surrounding culture or society, “Parvaresh Fekhr” through your own personal quest, effort and practical experience in further understand the “truth”. And as for copying & pasting, if your subject source and information is valid and familiar to you it simply saves you a lot of time with wanting to type in your own words and time!

I am also delighted to see that you have chosen a more civil and logical way to communicate your thoughts.About:



cultures that are truly developed, strong and united don’t get invaded over and over and over again… Persia was the crown jewel of all the civilizations and the reason it was attacked so many times was because of its strategic location and being at the crossroad between West and East”

I cannot agree with you on this for yes, Persia WAS the crown jewel of all the civilizations, but the fact that it was attacked so many times was not because of its strategic location and being at the crossroad between West and East, back then there was no EAST AND WEST, there was only the east and eastern empires, the west as we know it today was not developed yet! The reason Persia was invaded is that all empires were and are built by invading and taking over other countries so Persia in it old times also attacked and invaded many cultures and countries in order to gradually build its empire and be it that it was a rich civilization in return its enemy’s also attacked and invaded it, it’s the classic story of the struggle and greed for power that is not unique to Persia and has played out with many civilizations throughout the history of mind kind but the more a people are “united” and “organized” the more difficult it is to invade them.

Example: when I was younger it always piseed me off to look back in history and revisit Alexander the grate’s invasion and defeat of the Persian empire, and it always made wonder how a very young boy with only 30,000 light infantry on horseback brought the Persian empire to its knee, invaded it and put an end to the great Haxamanian empire! This encouraged me to read many books on the subject, my fave is “The Persian Boy” by Mary Renault, I recommend you read it, I am sure you will find it be not only fascinating but very informative as to how and why the Persian empire folded and perhaps why we as a great civilization have suffered so much:


About:“how many times did those inferior barbarian Arabs that you so badly despise get invaded and defeated??? Why? Why anybody in his right mind want to attack an arid desert in the middle of nowhere with nothing to offer except the fattest crocodiles. So you think Arab jahelyat who used to kill their own kids were more developed culturally?”I agree with you that back in history Arabia was an arid desert in the middle of nowhere with nothing to offer, but since the discovery of OIL in Arabia it has been a prime target of interest, yet they were never attacked and as JAHEL as they may be, you still find them to enjoy more, unity, prosperity and international respect, much more than we have today!



And finally about your comment on;“I need to inform you that Shiasm and sunnism are not religion, They are more like cult”If you want to argue that Shiasm and sunnism (Islam) are a cult, when then logically you would have to agree the all religions, are a cult, Zoroastrian, Judaism, Christianity, Islam and …



I recommend you see this movie, the fact and logic will blow your mind on the subject, Zeitgeist [Religion] The Greatest Story Ever Sold


  You can try to find the full version of the movie if interested, but at the end I don’t recommend believing all that you see and hear, its bet to keep investigating and experiencing things on your own and first hand instead of accepting thoughts and ideas that are suggested or advertised to us by society, my intension hear has been to share my own experiences and point of view for I am no expert in any of the above.    







Good luck and happy holiday ;) 


13th legion

by statira on

While admiring your great effort in copying& pasting lessons for religion, I need to inform you that Shiasm and sunnism are not religion. They are more like cult with strange, impratical ideology. If you have not perceived this after all those yrs of theocratic regimes, you will never get it.

cultures that are truly developed, strong and united don’t get invaded over and over and over again… Persia was the crown jewel of  all the civilzations and the reason it was attacked so many times was because of it's strategic location and being at the crossroad between West and East.

how many times did those inferior barbarian Arabs that you so badly despise get invaded and defeated??? Why?

Why anybody in his right mind want to attack an arid desert in the middle of nowhere with nothing to offer except the fattest crocodiles. So you think Arabe jahelyat who used to kill their own kids were more developed culturally?

13th Legion

Statira.......Princes of Persia or Princes of Trash Talk? ;)-

by 13th Legion on

Jeees, you really have a long way to go, by your silly remark you really give a new meaning to the word IGNORANT, with all the tolerance and reasoning Jonny D and I provided you are either really stupid or flat out you just a stubborn youngster that just likes to talk trash!


You should really make a point to do something about the way you see things and start educating yourself by being a bit more inquisitive about your social, cultural and world view, that’s what I mean by a “limited field of perception” don’t be programmed by your environment! Investigate and shape your own believes based on your own experiences.


You wonder how or why me and Jonny D :  why Someone who pretends not believing any religion or comes from a Christian family, is so interested in a blog about commemorating a shia emam death” ?


Well, could it be that we have a much broader view point and perception than yours when it comes to religion and spirituality? You mean to really tell me that you are so ignorant and narrow minded that of you see someone showing interest or respect for a Muslim Imam you would immediately put them in the same category as a Hezbolahi?


Have you ever heard of the modern day interfaith type of philosophy’s now a days??


The terms interfaith or interfaith dialogue refer to cooperative and positive interaction between people of different religious traditions (i.e., "faiths") and spiritual or humanistic beliefs, at both the individual and institutional level with the aim of deriving a common ground in belief through a concentration on similarities between faiths, understanding of values, and commitment to the world. It is distinct from syncretism or alternative religion, in that dialogue often involves promoting understanding between different religions to increase acceptance of others, rather than to synthesize new beliefs.


Religion or spirituality is alive and central to our being, everything we do is based on our belief systems. Religion calls the soul to the highest adventure it can undertake, as it journeys through the spirit, the call is to confront reality, to master the self. When we think about or speak of other religions, we can do so out of a deep concern for ourselves, and not as a way to critique other religions or criticize its followers. Think of religions as useful Wisdom Traditions.


If you have found your spiritual passion in Zoroastrianism at least try to follow its basic pillars, Good Thoughts, Good Words and Good deeds, to start off with good words originate from good thoughts and intensions and so far your words are reflecting that quality of your thoughts.


And as for Imam Hussein goes, just for the sake of self knowledge glance at a short Bio of him and then just for the fun of it go rent a copy of Mel Gibson’s “Brave Heart” the storey of William Wallace the Scottish freedom fighter and perhaps you may then understand why some may find some value and respect for him for at his core he really has nothing to do with those who commemorate him through barbaric rituals.

   Good luck.


Legion 13th and Jonny

by statira on

To both Hezboliers that I think are the same people under different accounts. I was just wondering why Someone who pretends not believing any religion or comes from a Christian family, is so interested in a blog about commemorating a shia emam death or defending his Hezbelier brothers.

It's true that you can spot a Hezbolie from miles away. I can even  smell your stink from here. Go have fun with your ghame zani!

13th Legion

Dear Jonny $ ;)

by 13th Legion on

First off, would like to wish you and your family a merry Christmas and happy holiday season.

Never mind Statira’s ignorance not worth your breath, “she” is a very young teenage girl with a small brain and a big mouth that as you say has a long way to go and as far as logic, she is too young for such words, as we were younger we to had a limited field of perception about who we are and our relationship with the world around us and what to make of it, it takes time and at this point this kid is just mimicking the things she hears from the people around her and her environment, not worth wanting to take her serious enough for an intelligent conversation.

What really surprise me is that JJ or an IC staff member edited parts of my last comment I had made to her to their liking, these were parts that lacked any profanity or insult and perhaps would have avoided getting into a pissing contest with a youngster! Had to write a nasty note to the editor about that one just didn’t make any sense! Other than wanting to encourage further friction ;)

And as for Statira’s comments, she reminds me of one of my favorite quotes:

I am not young enough to know everything Oscar Wilde

Jonny Dollar

Statira, you are not only ignorant you are st...

by Jonny Dollar on

Let's just leave it at that! I am not christian, but my family is. I don't need a religion. I respect different religions as long as ...................... why am I bothering talking to you! You don't understand anyway! You even think Jonny Dollar is a western name I have chosen. This name came from Iranian radio program before the revolution and it was a detective's name. So he was an iranian with a western sounding name. you don't get it anyway.  Have a blessed Christmas! KHODA YEH AGHLI BE TO BEDEH VA YEH ....

"God is love!"


Jonny dollar

by statira on

 A Christian Hezbolahee? Never heard of it. I guess some are capable of doing implausible things when they get paid big bucks.

Jonny Dollar

Statira, you really have to prove your ignorance over and over

by Jonny Dollar on

again! Stay ignorant! With your judgement, you sound more like IRI gang! I wish you well! You are too emotional! Relax! Comparing me with hezbollah! wow! come by house and enjoy the best christmas lighting in the neighborhood.

BTW Don't miss the midnight mass! I have to get up early tomorrow to take the family to the 8 AM mass. Any tie that i can borrow? Don't judge the book by its cover! you have a long way to go my friend! 

Good bless your soul!



Jonny Dollar

by statira on

Another Hezbolahee w/a western name account! You guys seem to hate your culture, language and names more than anything.

Jonny Dollar

Statira, I find your last response to Legion very childish!

by Jonny Dollar on

I just had to butt in since your response is only eye for an eye, and it has no logic for someone who claims to be logical. I guess, you should practice what you preach as Legion said. Merry Christmas! 


13th legion

by statira on

Your words give me the impression that you are one of those northern Californians that wears an “Ahora Mazda” pendant around his neck and claims to be a true Aryan and has learned a few Zoroastrian words and tries hard to speak “Parsi” instead of “Farsi

And your words give me the impression that your are one of those Iranian- American Hezbollahee that wears an Arabic shawl around his neck and calims to be ( peyroe khate Emam) chanting Marg bar Israel, America and Engelis five times a day, work for an American-jewish company, gets haram money but just eats halah, uses more arabic words in his dialogue and wear Golabe Ghamsar to mask his stink.

13th Legion


by 13th Legion on

The reason I say,

“you have a small and under developed field of perceptions” is the fact that without knowing me or paying attention to the rest of my comments on this thread you quickly jump to conclusions, judge and put me in the same category of barbaric fanatics by blindly miss interpreting my original and opening comment

“Wonderful to see the way the manner and vibe of this sacred celebration is evolving to the culture and mind set of our time.”


Well if you had a deeper level of “attention to detail” emotional & social intelligence you would have had the ability to read into the intention of my comment and realize what it simply means = the fact that it is good to see the new generation of Iranians that have faith in Islam to have evolved into adopting more spiritual and civilized ways of celebrating their believes.

Your words,

Majority of Iranians are enlightened and have common sense and can distinguish good and bad”

You really think so, looking at IRAN’s history and culture for the past few hundred years many may disagree with you, formal education and having university degrees is very different than being enlightened, ethical and having common sense, take a trip to Iran, look at how people drive, or walk into a bank, our culture still does not have the ability to stand in a simple line and wait for their turn! We have a long way to go budy………..

Your words give me the impression that you are one of those northern Californians that wears an “Ahora Mazda” pendant around his neck and claims to be a true Aryan and has learned a few Zoroastrian words and tries hard to speak “Parsi” instead of “Farsi” and….. Well nothing wrong with all that, we all have the right to follow the ideas that we feel passionate about, but it’s also important to walk the walk rather than just talk the talk.

“Goftare Neek, Kerdare Neek and Pendare Neek” sounds wonderful but in action its easier seed than done, your words don’t reflect noon of that,

You have to learn to practice what you preach rather than living, thinking and acting on the surface before anyone would take you seriously!


13th legion

by statira on

10 t0 20 years from know you will grow up, mature and evolve a bit you might manage to expand that limited filed of perception of yours child, I hope that will be the case and wish you well little man ;))

Majority of Iranians are enlightenend and have common sense and can distinguish good and bad. You dont have to be a philosopher to realize some of these acts are barbaric, just watch Simorgh's video.

Unfortunately,  people like you and  those  in the vidoes, not just in10-20 yrs, they wont grow up and enlightened until to their death. You and them are not just smart enough. God does not make everybody intelligent to distinguish good and bad. I'm glad I'm not you.


Mentally Retarded

by Simorgh5555 on


Culture of death worshiping. Idolatry of the dead: 



More disturbing evidence of child abuse during Ashoora

by Simorgh5555 on

Any one who abuses children and causes them to suffer in such a manner should be prosecuted and punished to the full extent of the law. 

The barbaric acts of cutting children and forcing them to witness ritual acts of self mutilation is profoundly immoral. Children being cut at Ashoora is no different from female circumcision.

This evil must end:



Please write to your local representative, MP, congressman. Denounce these barbaric celebrations.  These children could possibly grow up to  become the thugs and murderer in the IR. 


13th Legion

Jonny Dollar ;)

by 13th Legion on

 I agree with you for the most part.I am not a big fan of today’s “organized religions” that mostly act as political tools to move and motivate the masses for their own interest but I do believe there is truth and good to be found in the  true core and seed of the many religions and philosophies…….and as for my original comment, I found the above clip to be a more appealing civilized way of celebrating MOHARAM rather than the old fashion chain beating and head cracking charade that truly dose come across as barbaric….I even remember somewhere Imam Ali quoting that the fashion or ceremony “rituals” of religion must evolve to fit the mind set and culture of its time, not that the core spiritual values of it being changed, I have personally enjoyed the mystical views or religion “ethical & practical teachings” that are not bound by the outer rules of the shariat or outer shell and ritualistic version of religions. 

Hoshang Targol

Cultural schizophrenia: Islamic societies confronting the West

by Hoshang Targol on

Cultural schizophrenia: Islamic societies confronting the West

 By Darius Shayegan




13th Legion


by 13th Legion on

cultures that are truly developed, strong and united don’t get invaded over and over and over again…how many times did those inferior barbarian Arabs that you so badly despise get invaded and defeated??? Why? Perhaps there some food for thought for that small and under developed field of perceptions of yours! America is only 200 years old, how many times did they get invaded? How about England? And we are a culture that is about 3000 years old! Ha!


I have always been a big fan of separation of government and religion, but religion by itself is a very privet and personal affair, its mans personal relationship with his creator, no fucking intelligent and civilized person has the right to judge another based on their religious believes + in your own country you fool 95% had made their choice long ago, people like you are full of hot air and living a little world that they have created in their own little mind for that past 30 years or so without making zero change any type of true contributions to their people and country, if your happy with that well then so be it…ya super man can fly, but only in the movies ;))


People deserve the kinds of governments that rule them, when they manage to evolve so will the types of governments and systems that rule them.


I will not be insulted or take your insults personal for perhaps 10 t0 20 years from know you will grow up, mature and evolve a bit you might manage  to expand that limited filed of perception of yours child,  I hope that will be the case and wish you well little man ;))




But seriously, it is worth remebering that

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

Shiite muslims are considered by sunnis, the majority of muslims, to be worse than kafirs. They point to this cult of Hussein and Ali amongst shiites as proof of their Kofr. What we see here, the ashura ceremony is nothing more than a centuries old political statement totaly unrelated to real modern day political realities. However, in places like Baloochistan, these kinds of procession are used to stir religious strife and hatred in already tense environment, leading to suicide bomb attrocity we witnessed only this week. It is not an insult to shiite belivers to be open , direct and factual about what ashura is all about and have a civil discussion about it. Issuing "internet fatwas" on users of this site, for expressing their opinions is at best ridiculous, at worse outragous.  

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."

Jonny Dollar

Re: Legion,There is a big difference btwn Persian & Roman empire

by Jonny Dollar on

and other empires that you mentioned. We are not really talking about an empire per se, we are talking about a religion that taught good things and it is still praciced in Iran and the whole europe, the mother of Judeo-Christian- Islam.

Zoroastrian is a much simpler religion that is based on three principle: good thought, words and deeds. Islam on the other hand is much more sophisticated.

Now, how many of us moslems, christians, jews are practicing these principles? If we do, we would be much better people. I am sorry to say that the ones who actually practice are indeed the the Zartoshtis. When was the last time you saw a zartoshti lie? I am sure, if you dig you might find a very few, but I haven't seen any. In contrast, what % of the Moslems & jews lie? No comparison.

Of course this is not to say that islam is bad, it is the people who are not truly moslem or jews! They are not true moslems and they trash the religion as well. and on top of that you have this regime that in the name of religion doing all kinds of atrocities. So, most people are moslems by name only. Well, I'd rather see them zartoshti who practices our ancient religon than a moslem who does everything against islam.

I think, depsite its flaws, Islam is a religion with detailed guidelines about everything you need to know in life in order to have a society that functions properly. However, like anything else and as our experince has shown for the last 31 years it gets corrupted and misused by bad people. Now, you have people who have no real religion, and they don't follow their culture resulting in a disfunctional society. In that environment zartoshti sounds good for those who have lost hope about islam and moslems.

Bottem line, islam should be separated from the state. Politcs and religion results in a severe dicatorship. Islam if practiced right is a great religion, but that is if.


you know, I'm a true believer in god

by shushtari on

but nowhere does the quran state that you should spend your entire life mourning and celebrating death and blood and sadness and misery.

this is nothing but a creation of the akhoonds from the time of shah abaas......they want to keep the people under their spell.

to them, happiness and joy is a sin.


god has given life for us to enjoy and help others.....not to duel on death and destruction 


13th legion

by statira on

….with no doubt Iranians still have many unsolved cultural issues and in some cases have lost and are confused about their cultural identity, lost somewhere between the distant past and the reality of the present.

With no doubt people like you confused about their identity and lost into the culture of their invaders and still have the mentality of the 6th century barbarians.

13th Legion


by 13th Legion on


13th Legion


by 13th Legion on

Wonderful to see the way the manner and vibe of this sacred celebration is evolving to the culture and mind set of our time.

It’s also very interesting to observe the different attitudes and level of emotional a social intelligence that Iranians living inside and outside the country have,

All though the majority of Iranians living inside of Iran are not content with dictator fascist government that rules over them, they have somehow figured out the current government and the religious propaganda it hides behind is so far from the truth of the religion that the popular majority embrace by personal choice and living in the moment and the reality of the “present time”! Yet we see a minority of Iranians living outside of Iran living in an imaginary bubble of the days of the Persian Empire before the Arab invasion and still living in the far distant past! Living in total denial of the fact that the time of empires, kings and perhaps classical presianism has long passed and the people and culture that you see today is far from what it was during the Sassanid period, you don’t see the Italians today dreaming of the old days and glory of the roman empire, the same with the Egyptians and their pharos, the Mexicans and Mayans and the dependence of all nations that were once great empires…the reason is that they have evolved and are in peace with their national identity and social and religious preferences of their populations and best are finding better ways to evolve and modernize or earn their freedom of existence in a way that is in line with the natural majority of the culture and tolerance and respect to their cultural minorities..I remember a time before the revolution were the majority of Iranians were Muslims they still had pride in their history and all minorities were free to practice their religious believers and relationship with their God as they saw fit….with no doubt Iranians still have many unsolved cultural issues and in some cases have lost and are confused about their cultural identity, lost somewhere between the distant past and the reality of the present.

As Mr. Spoke would have seed to captain Kirk…fasanating Captain!

Jonny Dollar

Simorgh the known zionist, Please stop insulting moslems!

by Jonny Dollar on

We don't insult your Moses! you really have no HAYA! It is stupid or not, it is not any of your business, let us moslems judge and dicuss that! Please! You have been bashing islamic governement, the enemy of your motherland israel, we haven't said anything since we are no friend of IRI! And now you are pushing it by directly attacking ISLAM! The nerve you have! I really don't know why you haven't been kicked out of this site by now! Any AIPAC connection?

AS for good looking comments, it is because they are not mixed with semites (arabs and zionists!)


Falling Fan

by statira on

mojezeyeh Emam Hossein bood.


Shia man breasts!

by Simorgh5555 on

Ari Siletz

Liked it!

by Ari Siletz on

Dastgah e Esfehan on sax! Gooshe e jaameh daraan, maybe.


Must see video:

by Simorgh5555 on

Divine intervention:


Punished by Allah!