Vojtek the Persian Bear

Served alongside the polish soldiers in World War II

بی بی سی: لهستان برای نسل امروز ایران کشوری است مثل دیگر کشورهای جهان؛ نه معنای خاصی دارد نه یادآور مفهوم خاصی است. مشابه همین برای لهستانی های امروز صادق است. اما پدربزرگ ها و مادربزرگهای این دو کشور خاطرات مشترکی دارند که کمتر از آنها صحبت شده است. نه تنها گروه بزرگی از لهستانی ها دوره ای از زندگیشان را در ایران بسر برده اند بلکه یکی از سربازهای قهرمانشان در جنگ جهانی دوم یک ایرانی بوده است؛ در واقع یک خرس ایرانی. نمایشگاهی در لندن دایر شده که زندگی این قهرمان در آن به تصویر کشیده شده است. نگین شیرآقایی گزارش می دهد.

Ryszard Antolak writes: After the Battle of Monte Cassino, one of the fiercest and bloodiest conflicts of the Second World War, many accounts emerged of the bravery and heroism of the soldiers. But perhaps the strangest story of all was of an Iranian brown bear who served alongside the allied soldiers in the worst heat of the battle. Despite the incessant bombardment and constant gunfire, the bear carried vital supplies of ammunition and food to his fellow-soldiers fighting on the mountainside. Many observers who witnessed his remarkable actions doubted the reality of what they were seeing. But the story was no legend>>>

More Videos and Trailer of a Documentary film on Wojtek


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What a great story

by statira on

It should be turned into a movie.


Beautiful video

by iamfine on

I truly enjoyed watching it. What a beautiful story. I have a polish friend who was among those that came to Iran when communist took over. He is now in the USA.


Very interesting. It proves

by koorosh10 on

Very interesting. It proves that animals are very greatfull to any one who does some thing nice for them. To me alot more greatfull than people. Maybe we human being can learn a lesson from this kind, brave, and lovely bear. 


False mullahs are furious!

by ihateiri on

Anything that makes Iran/Iranian people look good would be frowned upon by Hojatieh scum bags!


What a lovely story

by Rea on


Hoshang Targol

This reads almost like a Tom Hank movie!

by Hoshang Targol on

if anyone has contacts it's definitely worth a pitch, at leat one! cheers


Darius Kadivar

I could See Disney making an Animation or Film on Vojtek

by Darius Kadivar on

It's worth pondering ...

Thanks to Ryszard for being the First to draw attention on this extraordinary story.  


Very interesting

by divaneh on

Thanks for sharing.

Hoshang Targol

به این میگن خرس

Hoshang Targol

به این میگن خرس

خرس  هم خرسهای قدیم ، واقعا  داستان منحصر بفردی است. از این  زندگی حداقل یکی دو تا فیلم و رمان میشه در آورد. خرس یتیم ، تبعیدی! //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wojtek_%28soldier_bea...


Of bears and foxes

by comrade on

I don't know what other appeasing evidence we should present to our Jewish friends!  
Never increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything.



Many many thanks for this documentary

by Souri on

I'm so proud of my country. We need to see more of this kind of historical documentary. Hundred thanks for having shared this