Petite Jamila

New performance by Iranian choreographer and belly dancer in Alabama

Her mother, Jamilla Rasa, was also a belly dancer. Her website:


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khaleh mosheh

I just scanned the comments

by khaleh mosheh on

Are we saying she is into the fairer sex? If so anyone knows her phone number? e-mail?? Fax???

I pay handsomely for any information that might be of use.

Thanks in advance. 

hamsade ghadimi

ya habibi

by hamsade ghadimi on

her dance is a combination of belly dancing with mostly artistic gymnastics elements (the kind with balls, hoops, ribbons, ...).  since i care for neither, i'm not a big fan.  at any rate, all the power to her on her hobby/profession.


you have a choice to ignore my comment

by Monda on

Again I'm not reading anything you have to say relevant to the talented dancer, the subject of this thread.


MONDA, here you go again.

by CantThinkOfOne on

Again you are asserting your heterosexuality.  You have chosen to make your sexuality the focal point of this thread and have made this so-so of a belly dancer (whith chiclet teeth) irrelevant.  Can you, pretty-please, save your gender identity issues for a more apporpriate thread?


Thank you Obama

by Monda on

I don't think my comment was that noteworthy whatsoever, to offend people on his thread. Also thank you for reading my blog. I am heterosexual, for whatever it's worth, no doubt.

I asked the same question about spelling of Jamilla from another belly dancer, her reply was: it sounds more exotic. 




by Monda on

You are right about physical attractions not leading to change of sexuality. I also agree 100% about respect for sexual orientations. Sorry you found my comment in poor taste, it was just a humorous response to JJ's blog.



by Monda on

If you find my comment interesting, you should read JJ's blog (Gay Times) or mine (man o baba on homosexuality).  I did not mean to offend anyone, the IC comedy show has had me going, that's all!  

Strangely, your comment on this thread did not include anything about Jamileh's performance here!


maziar 58


by maziar 58 on

honnal alabama feil ieda hete'al amrikiyae.

who cares just watch and enjoy belly dancing. for god sake.      Maziar


CantTof, Monda's statement isn't strange if you read her blog

by obama on

posted today! She is talking about lesbian and gay in the family..... At the end, I actually got confused what she was. Who cares! Sometimes people have deep desires that force to turn'em off, untill they see something that starts the flame. Only she knows! It is not for me to judge! I wish her happiness in whatever she does!

On the dance - is she iranian? if she is why is she spelling her name like arabs instead of Jamileh? she needs a lot of improvements such as smile, her arm, and most importantly belly dance for god's sake! I could do 90% of what she did! At least she got the body for the most part (the parts that i can see!)

What do you think about the photo to the right of this page (Iranian personality - finding date)? do you think they are....?

Peter Pan

On the subject of gayness on an Island

by Peter Pan on

With those big arms, she might be the one chasing me!



by Farnoosh on

I'm with you. That was a very bizarre comment. I don't believe physical attributes of another person or desperate circumstances can cause a change in an individual's sexual orientation, just like any amount of force and cajoling can't.

This is the reason we must all respect people's sexual orientation and watch for stereotypes or the unfair social pressure some societies put on homosexuals for "change" and for "conformance."

Anyhow, Pettite Jamilla's dance is very artistic and visually beautiful. I wish her success.



by CantThinkOfOne on

Its very interesting that you preface your statement with "I'm a heterosexual".  Indicates a bit of self-doubt.  And if I were in an island for eternity (and I don't care how good looking a dude is), I would NOT get a case of butt-cheek fever.  :)

ebi amirhosseini

JJ Jaan

by ebi amirhosseini on

All that's missing is Belly Dancing aziz!.

Unless the belly is now called "big scarf".


Ebi aka Haaji


She is Fantastic!

by Monda on

I'm a heterosexual woman but if I was left on an Island with her til eternity, who knows what could have happened.... she is gorgeous, fluid and I find her half smiles very sexy.

Jahanshah Javid

Stern Jamila

by Jahanshah Javid on

She's a great dancer, no doubt. Immaculate. All that's missing is a smile.