Emam Zaman's birth

... and disappearance

According to Sheikh Ahmad Kafi, a popular preacher in the 1970s:


Fouzul Bashi

Divaneh - think before speaking!

by Fouzul Bashi on

I am not religious and I would have objected to this poison against any other religion.  The point I was making was that this video and speech is fabricated.  My advice to YOU is that before starting lecturing people on their beliefs and opinions and mocking them, to examine facts and not to proceed on the basis of presumptions.

As for Qoran and Imam Zaman etc, it is not my job to defend them but I object to Islamophobia as part of a malicious political trend which has nothing to do with enlightenment and everything to do with persecution and warmongering.   

gitdoun ver.2.0


by gitdoun ver.2.0 on

this story which sheikh ahmad kafi narrates about birds carrying a baby is a hadith. however when one studies islam and especially hadiths it becomes apparent there are different classifications of hadiths. there is sahih (very strong/authentic) , hasan (good), Daif (weak), and mawdu ( fabricated).  Now this story which the sheikh shared to children is a Daif hadith which is unanimous amongst shia fuqaha. Other islamic scholars go farther and declare it as Mawdu (fabricated).  In short this is a children story rooted in a weak hadith. Christanity has similar children stories about their messiah it's called Easter Eggs and Santa Clause!

On the charge of plunder and sigheh all of this first started in the Torah. Islam is a revivial of the religion of Prophet Abraham . There is nothing Prophet Mohammad did which did not originate with the prophets of bani-israel.

Plunder ??? read Deuteronomy 20:10-15

Women Not Equal/Sighe ??? read Numbers 31:17-18.  

More on Women Not Equal to men infact Jesus considered women as dirt which defiled men read Revelation 14:4

More on Women Not Equal to men --Fathers can sell their daughters as slave girls read Exodus 21:7-8

Look at the Torah. Read their hadiths Nevi'im/Ketuvim. Read their akhund books called the Talmud theeeen start attacking Islam. Last but not least do not look at the practitioner of the faith look at it's Prophet and scripture. I , myself, can sin big time tomorrow or steal a million dollars from a bank does that define the totality of islam ??


Demo ,....open your mind , open your heart

by jasonrobardas on

   Demo is doing his best to justify and sanctify a reactionary , backward , outdated , violent , superstitious , ananchronistic religious belief system .

   Religion of Islam is 1) Koran 2) Hadith 3)sunna , and each of these three strongly prove the vile and backward nature of your religion .

   It is hard for you to accept , you were born in it .



by Demo on

Dear Divaneh, MY RELIGION IS IN MY DNA (“FITREH”) AS IT HAS PLACED IN ALL OF US EUALLY BY THE CREATOR (Verse 30 of Surah 30 in Quran).Your comments are what Quran calls them “conjectures” without showing any proof from Quran itself to back them up. Islam is only what is stated in Quran as verse 3 of Surah 5 clearly states that (“Today I completed your religion”). Its messages are the same as had been conveyed to all prophets as Noah, Ibrahim, Moses, Jesus, and etc. Anything besides Quran is a “heresay.” How can you prove that prophet had taken part in stoning?? Is any “Mullah” willing to swear by God that the prophet had done that?? The stoning punishment has been historically inherited form Jewish Rabbis and again such act is not mentioned anywhere in Quran. Division(s) in faith is (are) prohibited in Quran.  The book calls the whole community of believers as one universal community (“Ummah”) and calls them all to be “sincere in faith” (“Mokhless In Deen”) and leave all their difference in their beliefs with God to judge among them on the resurrection day. Plunder is a service to “Satan” & you are confusing the “Spoils of War” with “Plunder” Having more than one wife becomes practically impossible as any man wants to commit himself with such responsibility is required to treat his wives 100% the same way in his love, treatment, and everything else. How can one think of beating his wife and mother of his children?? What is “disobedience” by your definition?? High divorce rate, wife abuse, severe physical injuries upon infighting of wives & husbands, and etc. are the results of losing morality and of God’s disobedient and not thinking of what “Zarb” really means. Quran is so clear that you do not say any more. You just have not had time or any interest to read it yourself. Please read it. My best advice to you is that to start with reading verse 55 of surah 39 which simply says “follow the best of what is reveled by God before it is too late for you” Salaam Alaikom.     


Oh my Gosh, I can not

by Rahaii on

Oh my Gosh, I can not believe what I just heard! Do anyone really believe in this CHERTOPERT. No wonder we have these crazy leaders running the show in Iran? May people get educated and open thier eyes to save the future generation.

In hope of that day.

The Phantom Of The Opera

اعلیحضرت امام زمان

The Phantom Of The Opera

Right under the nose of SAVAK, this mullah succeeded to form huge congregations which gathered in outskirt of some big cities on a regular basis. The shah, who was so preoccupied with his "red enemy phobia"  chose to indirectly advocate the nonsensical belief system.  

The Pahlavis, all mullahs, and all public figures associated with the Green Movement  must disclose the source and the amount of their wealth/income.


Please Ummah, stop your deception

by divaneh on

You are only saddened because your beliefs have been challenged. Instead of giving us a speech about Islamophobia please let us know if you also believe that the pigeon picked the baby and took him to a well. Do you believe that the baby is still alive and is going to return. It's a simple yes or no.


If you did, you would have known that Islam is not only Quran and Hadith and deeds of the prophet are as much a source of Islamic Rules. For an example, as prophet has taken part in stoning and has thrown a stone himself, the stoning is the defacto punishment for adultery and is exercised in all strict Muslim societies.

If you wish to have a new sect and go purely by Quran, then please note that killing those who do not think like you is advised. Plunder is portrayed as service to Allah and of course 1/5 of the stolen goods is Allah's share. Women are not equal to men and are in fact part of his possessions. Sigheh is a Shi’a invention but having multiple wives is not. “Zarbeh” means beat or hit and has been clearly advised for disobedient wives. Do you want me to say more? 

My advice to you: Go and learn your faith first. Then clear your mind from any bias and judge those teaching and examine their outcome in societies who follow them. The first step in your journey is fairness.



What are the teachings of Quran????

by Demo on

:What the Quran teaches you & me as humans

There are absolutely no differences between men & women. Men are only given some qualities in nature which are different in women. There is absolutely no mention of “Imam Zaman” anywhere in Quran. No engagement is allowed unless the person is mature enough and it is then only allowed through the wedlock. “Sigheh” is not mentioned anywhere in the book and it has been invented by some devil followers “Mullahs.” Using the word “beat up” in English is not equivalent of “Zarbeh zadan” in Arabic or in Farsi which could be as simple as “pinching” in any marriage feud or infighting. Stoning is not mentioned anywhere in Quran as a method of punishment either in private or in public. Shame on us if we do not read Quran before making any judgment about  the true teaching of Islam. What some Mullahs teach comes straight form their devil companions.

to you be your way, and to me mine) (Verse 6 of Surah 109 in Quran)   لَكُمْ دِينُكُمْ وَلِيَ دِينِ


What are the teachings of Islam?

by jasonrobardas on

     Do not get so defensive about your backward religion .

     Iranian.com is not disrespecting Islam . This is a free and democratic forum  , one can read and watch issues from different perspectives .  Your attitude ( we are holier than thou)  and your religion denigrate you .

     You are ass back ward and highly intolerant of criticism .  

     What does Islam teach?       

       that men are superior to women . women are subordinate to men ( sexual appartied ) . That Imame Zaman is alive but is absent and is hiding in ahole . that it is OK to engage a six year old girl . It is OK to have sex with a nine year old baby girl . It is OK to have multiple wives . It is OK for  a man to have lustful sexual contact with other women through (Sigheh) . It is OK to beat up women if they do not obey . (sure Alnesa) . It is OK to stone women and whip people in public . Shame on you . Lead your life and let other folks lead their lives .  

Fouzul Bashi

Islamophobic poison in the Iranian.COM

by Fouzul Bashi on

This is a most venomous inciting, offensive anti-Islam propaganda.  It is not new for the IC to give voice to Islamophobic voices but to display this deceitful piece of dirt as an authentic speech about Imam Zaman, who is veneered by millions of Muslims, is totally unacceptable. Shame

gitdoun ver.2.0

anti-muslim video

by gitdoun ver.2.0 on

the speech of this video clearly does not go with some of the pictures displayed therefore it is obvious this video is propaganda against Muslims. The pictures displayed are contrary to the teachings of islam and showcase fringe groups within the muslim ummah. i am disappointed and saddened by this deceptive video.