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by bachenavvab on Thu Jan 28, 2010 11:15 AM PSTLove the analogy!
You asked me to thread a needle and I did. The rest khod daani.
by Anonymouse on Thu Jan 28, 2010 09:51 AM PSTEverything is sacred.
I don't believe young men
by bachenavvab on Thu Jan 28, 2010 08:42 AM PSTI don't believe young men and women who are protsting and paying the cost with their blood are doing it for an Islamic state, be it without VF. That is why I belive there is an inherent conflict that has already manifested itself with Mr. Karroubi and the fork in the road for Mr. Mousavi is near.
Karoubi & Mousavi use Khomeini as the (dead) go to guy
by Anonymouse on Wed Jan 27, 2010 03:32 PM PSTBefore Khomeini dies many tried to ask him to keep VF for himself only and after him it'd be abolished. They argued with him that they can trust him as VF but not others. But he died and the rest is history.
Yes Karoubi & Mousavi have said they want to keep the Islamic Republic while giving attention to human rights and people's individual choices and freedoms. Of course many say Islamic anything won't work, but that is a different story than VF.
Everything is sacred.
Contrary to Evidence
by bachenavvab on Wed Jan 27, 2010 01:35 PM PSTIt is one thing to be silent about VF, but it is another thing to endorse it. Mr. Karroubi has repeatedly allied himself with Khomeini and his position is that IRI has gotten away from the core values of the "IMAM". As for Mr. Mousavi, his recent statement of "hokoomate moghaddase Jomhouriye Eslameeye Iran" is a matter of record. There is a definite sense of identification with VF for both gentlemen rather than opposition. It would not be a leadership quality to wait for people (who are risking their lives to say no to VF) to bring about the change, and then announce your position on VF. The responsibility of a leader is to clarify his platform and lead people to cause the change. Let's imagin Khamenei has an epiphany tomorrow and replaces AN with Mr. Mousavi. What do you think he will do? Will he say "no, we want you to be gone and we want a new secular constitution?" Or, will he say, let's turn the clock back to the pre SEPAH days (which was: no freedoms, more executions, more torture and more missmanagement).
Based on their support of those who want to abolish VF
by Anonymouse on Wed Jan 27, 2010 12:28 PM PSTVF was never a popular item for most people inside and outside regime from the beginning. As I said even Montazeri who co-designed it said to get rid of it.
VF became a tool in the hands of the reactionary elements within the regime that abused it to this day. The first draft of constitution did not have VF in it and surprisingly Khomeini accepted it. But stupid Bani-Sadr wanted to tweak it a little which made Khomeini take another look and add VF which made everyone upset at the time. Of course Khomeini could've always added it later, like he fired Bani-Sadr!
But anyway given a chance mean a popular uprising like what we're seeing. No one predicted there would be such a large uprising but we have one now. So as this movement moves along and Khamenei dies, hopefully tomorrow, there may be chances to abolish VF as we know it today. When you're in a position like Karoubi or Mousavi and out in the public you have to be careful what you say, unlike us who can say anything we want anytime we want.
Everything is sacred.
by bachenavvab on Wed Jan 27, 2010 12:15 PM PSTI think you are saying Mousavi & Karoubi would reject VF, given the chance. If so, can I respectfully ask what you are basing that statement on? and what chance are they waiting for in order to reject VF?
JJJ Karoubi & Mousavi would ok no velayat-fagh given a chance
by Anonymouse on Wed Jan 27, 2010 11:23 AM PSTThis is not a new concept and many in regime would welcome abolishment of velayati faghih. Even Montazaeri who designed velayat with Khomeini said to get rid of it.
Rafsanjani and others want to change it to a council instead of one person. But you're mish mashing everything together! They want to reform the system and in the absence of a total revolution a wholesale change is the next best option.
Karoubi may have lost his credibility that he never had with you, but he hasn't lost it to those who actually count, yet. I wouldn't be so quick to flash my roshanfekri card.
Everything is sacred.
It is very simple
by bachenavvab on Wed Jan 27, 2010 09:17 AM PSTIf he has not changed his position, he can simply issue a statement and reaffirm his original position. Why the silence amid all the "confusion?"
Jahanshah , The Reality is...
by faryarm on Wed Jan 27, 2010 08:10 AM PSTJahanshah , The Reality is...
That this great tide of change means ultimately an end to all clerical influence and political power, and they know it..be it Khamenei, Khatami,or Karoubi
and as Carol King said in a song:
"but its too late baby......something inside has changed "
by PArviz on Wed Jan 27, 2010 05:10 AM PSTمن نمیدونم شما این نقل قول رو از کجا آوردید ولی چنین طرز فکری دقیقا آخرش ختم میشه به ولایت وقیح و یا یک جور دیکتاتوری مذهبی دیگه. شما (یا منبع شما) هر چی میخواهید بگین ولی اکثر مردم فهمیده ایران مخالف قاطی کردن دین و سیاست هستند. در این میان هم ممکن است چندین میلیون ایرانی باشند که چیزی از مذهب در زندگیشان مهمتر پیدا نمیشه، حتی پیشرفت مملکت، عدالت اجتماعی و مساوات حقوق مرد و زنّ و غیره براشون به اندازه مذهب اهمیت نداره. ولی آیا سعادت یک ملت رو میشه به به خاطر یک قشر خاص نفی کرد و یا به تعویق انداخت.
نه خیر دستیابی به همهٔ آرمانهای با ارزش مردم ایران از طریق آخوند و آخوند صفت امکان پذیر نیست. شما هر چی دوست دارید میتونید شعار بدید و کاسه داغتر از آش بشید ولی حکومت مذهبی و ضد بشری فعلی دیگه به هیچ قیمتی نمیتونه بمونه. این رژیم در تمامیتش محکوم به زباله دان تاریخه و همهٔ کسانی هم که سعی در نجات اون دارن به همراهش خواهند رفت.
در مورد رهبری این جنبش هم فکر نمیکنم اکثر ایرانیهای مقیم خارج ادعای داشته باشند، همه خواستار یک رهبری مردمی و با کفایت هستند، حالا داخل یا خارج.
by MOOSIRvaPIAZ on Wed Jan 27, 2010 04:20 AM PSTthis guy says it best
جمع کنید این بساط را،....توکه باری ز دوشم برنداری...میان بار، سربارم چرایی؟
آقای مهدی کروبی بیش از دویست روز است که جانش را کف دستش گرفته و سینه اش را برای جنبش سبز سپر کرده است. کسانی که ادعای «عبور از کروبی» را مطرح می کنند و در این وانفسا بر طبل دو دستگی می کوبند و بذر تردید در دل سبزها می کارند، حاضر نیستند که حتی دو روز با نام واقعی خود و در داخل کشور از خودشان بیانیه صادر بنمایند تا ما بفهمیم که آنان نیز یک صدم کروبی شجاعت دارند یا خیر؟
این مرغان طوفان که ادعایشان گوش فلک را کر کرده است، حتی نمی نشینند و دو کلمه فکر کنند ببینند منظور شیخ شجاع ما از بیان این سخنان چه بوده است؟ این کم بهرگی از فکر و تعقل انسان را یاد جان برکفان ذوب شده وطنی می اندازد. اینان نیز نمونه های مدرن شده همان ذوب شدگانند. منتهی ذوب شده در خویش. نوریزاده چند روز پیش در یکی از سخنانش می گفت،(نقل به مضمون) «خارج نشینان گمان نکنند رهبری جنبش را بر عهده دارند. نخیر. اینان فقط اگر می توانند در راستای خواهران و برادران وطنی شان و همسو و پیرو آنان کمکی بکنند، دستشان هم درد نکند.» اینکه برخی کمک که نمی کنند سرشان را بخورد، نفاق هم می افکنند مایه درد است. سیاست در ایران بسیار ظرایف دارد و کسانی همچون موسوی و کروبی و خاتمی و هاشمی با این ظرایف آشنایند. ما که طی این 200 روز گذشته کتکش را خورده ایم ادعا نداریم که می خواهیم از کسی عبور کنیم.
شما چرا جو گیر شده اید که می خواهید از کروبی عبور کنید؟ خسته شده ایم از اشتباهاتتان. جمع کنید این بساط را. اینقدر خوراک برای فارس نیوز نسازید. اکبر گنجی وسط این دعواها فیلش یاد انکار امام زمان می کند، ما باید هفته ها حقارت بشنویم و ماله کشی کنیم. فلان خبرگزاری می گوید مردم از دین خسته شده اند. باز ما باید سرکوفت بشنویم. وقتی از جو ایران هیچ خبری ندارید، لطفا اصلا حرف نزنید. من نمی گویم سکولاریته خوب است یا ولایت فقیه مشروطه یا پادشاهی دیکتاتوری، بنده عرض می کنم گرفتاری ما در ایران آنقدر ظریف است که یک کلمه حساب نشده می تواند موجب سوء استفاده شود. حالا همین تیترهای بالاترین را در خصوص عبور از کروبی ببینید که فردا تیتر اول کیهان و فارس و جهان نیوز شده است. ای وای بر شما
Is this the footage of the so called admission?:
by پیام on Wed Jan 27, 2010 03:45 AM PSTHe yesterday has also stated that he was not amused with the misinterpretation of the Farce news agency of his words.
Lost credibility
by Jahanshah Javid on Wed Jan 27, 2010 12:22 AM PSTSazegara is giving Karroubi the benefit of the doubt. He does not want to admit that Karroubi has effectively lost whatever credibility he had by accepting Ahmadinejad's presidency. Sazegara would like to keep the opposition "leadership" ranks unified against the regime, but it appears Karroubi has caused a big rift.
Still, regardless of what Karroubi and Mousavi say or do, recent protests have shown that people are acting and thinking independently and calls for an end to Velayate Faghih is getting louder -- something neither Karroubi nor Mousavi are willing to support.