
Yasmin Siraj

Silver medal in 2010 U.S. Figure Skating Championships

WATCH VIDEOS: [Long Program] [Short Program]

13-year-old Yasmin Siraj (left) from the Skating Club of Boston took second place with 151.05 points. The junior ladies champion at the 2010 AT&T U.S. Figure Skating Championships took place in Spokane, Washington on Friday, January 22.

WATCH VIDEOS: [Long Program] [Short Program]




by malamal on

I just can't belive this.....Shakira the singer who is half south american and half lebanesse and what does she do? She is a hero for her country ,she was proud to donate to the needy in her country as well as columbia. She was not ashamed of her roots. She is elated to represnt her country by doing bellydancing.

Dear friends what you see here is a complete example of a wannabe trying to be what shes not, and never will be in her face....

Why does she not represnt Iran,because according to the figure skating union . She could easily get membership for Iran and represnt her country..........HER COUNTRY..........

Because not only that,there are so many needy at this time in IRAN..and she could easliy help them. Ok lets say there isnt much she can do....(well besides going around and around like a merry go around) ok so why not support your own country?....Whats the big deal,why cant you represnt Iran?? You have Iranian blood in you right? Why dont you represnt your that you surely use your support?

Yeah when you answer me these questions ......I might take a look at your foolish wannbe self.....

                           Yours Truly

                                       Cant stop laughing


The one on far left!

by obama on

congratulations to yasmin! great work! Keep it! At least one irani among all these chinis!


Which one is Yasmin?

by Rahaii on

Which one is Yasmin?


Afrain, saad afrain.

by Bavafa on


Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

It was about time to see an Iranian shine in figure skating. Wonderful. Barikala.


Good for her.

by پیام on

آفرین دخت ایران.