Cat Fight

Students kick and punch at a bus stop




by Doctor X on

I disagreed with your use of "aggression" as being the completely and totally wrong word to use, not with the fact that there are restrictions imposed on these girls.

The situation may not be the same in the US in terms of the underlying restrictions, nevertheless, the expression of that anger and rage, for whatever the reason maybe into true aggressiveness is definitely stronger here than in iran, which as i said, quite often  is accompanied by casualties.

I agree that it is a shame for a government to issue decrees as such for a certain population based on gender or age.



by John on

"Understandable" because of the restrictions placed on its female population by the IRI; because of the anger and resentment that must be boiling in many of these young women as they grow up with fewer rights than males even though they know that many of them are have superior skills and talents than do many of their male co-citizens.

And it is absolutely not the same situation as in the US or elsewhere.  It is tough to be a teenager anywhere in the world, but probably moreso for Iranian young women who suffer the same problems as do their sisters elswhere, but who also have additional layers of irritations unique to the society in which they live.

For example, a photograph that I recently received from a woman visiting Iran, which shows her on a Caspian Sea beach wearing head scarf, jeans and manteau and playing with her niece, who is allowed to go bare-headed and in a bathing suit because she is not yet old enough to be labelled a "tempter of men".

I look at the child and wonder what it is like to be born free and then at age 9 (or whatever age it is that the state decrees) to be told by your government that you have to hide yourself for the rest of your life and that you have to accept that offically and legally you have less status and value than your brother does.



by Doctor X on

What do you mean by "Understandable Aggression"?

You want aggression, you can see plenty of it on the streets of big and small towns in the US, That is Real aggression happening on a constant and daily basis, which is very likely to involve some kinda weapon as well.

Regular fist fights happen in schools all over the world, regardless of how easy or hard life is for youngsters in a respective country.


The real problem is

by onlyinamrica on

That these chicks need men in their lives. SP should have picked it up right away.



by Majid on

There are people who even if you invented something, within seconds they know more about it than you do!



Understandable aggression

by John on

I understand the frustration and anger that leads to such aggression, because it must be tough to be a young woman in Iran, constantly being forced by ignorant bearded men to subjugate their emotions, ambitions, aspirations and individuality.  One day, when these girls are older, perhaps they will be in a position to vent their anger on the source of the problem, which is not each other.



by cyclicforward on

I think these are SP relatives.That is why he made the comment.



by ahmad_ on

This so called sargord has knowledge about everything , from fighter planes to navy submarines, from surface to surface missiles to army tanks. You name it he makes a comment. And now when he sees a bunch of girls fighting, he jumps right in with his usual professional comment.


Sargord Pirouz

They can't punch worth a

by Sargord Pirouz on

They can't punch worth a dang, but look out for those kicks!