CNN: France's lower house of parliament Tuesday overwhelmingly passed a ban on any veils that cover the face -- including the burqa, the full-body covering worn by some Muslim women. The vote was 335 to 1. The measure must still go to the French Senate before it becomes law. The Senate is expected to vote on it in the week of September 20. Amnesty International immediately condemned the vote. "A complete ban on the covering of the face would violate the rights to freedom of expression and religion of those women who wear the burqa or the niqab in public as an expression of their identity or beliefs," said John Dalhuisen, Amnesty International's expert on discrimination in Europe >>>
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BURQA ....
by maziar 58 on Thu Jul 22, 2010 01:34 PM PDTIn some parts of the french riviera's there are public nudist beaches and if you walk in past certain points wearing T-shirt and short you're simply turned away (sign says : NUDIST BEACH WELCOM If your nude).
The Muslims you give'em an inch they 'll take a foot. Maziar
To 'Niloufar Parsi'
by Raoul1955 on Thu Jul 22, 2010 12:43 PM PDTMany islamic folks use this false logic in their response to hijab and other islamic-related issues.
Freedom of religion and dress indicates options and choices. In islam women have NO dress choice except for wearing hijab as dictated by male imams. If a muslim woman states that it is her choice to wear hijab, then she has to demonstrate her freedom of choice by NOT wearing it for a while. Being able not to wear the hijab in public is in fact a measure of having choices.
The One and Only Raoul :-)
FYI/Davoodi Mohajer Recounts Decision To Cast Off Hijab
by Darius Kadivar on Fri Jul 16, 2010 04:09 AM PDTOn a cold winter day, Iranian women's rights activist and journalist Fariba Davoodi Mohajer made an about-face: Having worn the hijab for 25 years, she decided to cast her head scarf into the sea.
There is a misunderstanding
by amirkabear4u on Fri Jul 16, 2010 02:41 AM PDTThe French did not directly ban it, the new law bans having face covered, which includes helmets. It seems media is just trying to start a debate about muslems.
this is a tough one
by Niloufar Parsi on Fri Jul 16, 2010 01:11 AM PDT2,000 people or so wear the burka in a country of over 60 million people. they do not pose a security risk because they are in fact more conspicuous than the rest of the population. so why take away their basic freedom to dress as they like?
freedom of religion and dress are cherished principles. did we not learn this from iran's excesses?
this action by the french lawmakers looks more like a reactionary move rather than a well considered strategy. it seems that the french are 'fighting' the taleban by pushing
to the opposite extreme.
Thank God :)
by R2-D2 on Fri Jul 16, 2010 12:15 AM PDT.....
watch the link
by mehrdadm on Thu Jul 15, 2010 11:11 PM PDT//
by Doctor X on Thu Jul 15, 2010 10:58 PM PDTAnd they are getting that freedom within the sacredness of their own private space.
by 1iraniam on Thu Jul 15, 2010 09:40 PM PDT1iraniam Finally the French people got it right.
The same as you cannot run around naked in the streets, you should not be covered in the way that you cannot be identified. Furthermore this is coming from Islamic law, which is reactionary and backwards at its best. Islamic laws should be banned all tog hater in civilized society
big mistake by france
by Artificial Intelligence on Thu Jul 15, 2010 09:26 PM PDTThis is not necessary. freedom of religion should be respected
by Doctor X on Thu Jul 15, 2010 08:42 PM PDTKharmagasi
I knew you'd come around. I was beginning to think i need to recomment you some medication for your unusual "yobsiness":)))) Just like the good ol' times buddy. Where is the Q man?
Even I agree with Doctor X on this issue!
by marhoum Kharmagas on Thu Jul 15, 2010 08:22 PM PDTI hate to say it (*), but even I agree with Dr. X on this issue.
(*) Because Dr. X is former Mr. Sheeshaki
It's about time! Accept & respect european culture or get out!
I hate it when going to europe, I see these backwards! Am I in Europe or Saudi Arabaia? IT MAKES ME THROW UP!
No Fear,
by AMIR1973 on Thu Jul 15, 2010 06:47 PM PDTThen why in this paradise of democracy which you call France, certain freedoms are banned?
I never said or implied that France is a "paradise", but life there is certainly preferable for most people compared to the IRI. A significant portion of France's population are immigrants from all the continents of the world. There is a substantial Iranian community there, who have chosen to leave the lousy IRI behind. We can't say that many Frenchmen would want to immigrate to the IRI (or many Westerners, Africans, Latin Americans, etc). The burqa ban passed in France is such a minimal restriction to such a small segment of society (apparently only a few hundred women in all of France wear burqas, according to research done there)--essentially saying you can wear anything in the world you want except for that one item. I have mixed feelings about the ban myself (I tend to adopt the "American" notion of maximal personal choice), but I also recognize that it is rank hypocrisy to put this anywhere in the same league as the restrictions imposed by the rotten IRI, Saudis or Taleban.
by Doctor X on Sun Aug 01, 2010 02:25 PM PDTlll
Let us not make our life more dreadful
by AF on Thu Jul 15, 2010 05:16 PM PDTLove it; wearing burqa is as much as the right as having the right to commit suicide or having the right to walk naked outside or the right that fat folks have for wearing short and tight tee-shirt and exposing all of us to all that. There got to be some rules friends to stop these foolish individuals that not only are ruining their own life, but they are intruding in our space and making our universe a bit more dreadful
by No Fear on Thu Jul 15, 2010 04:35 PM PDTTo be more precise, I advocate the majority rules in the absence of a defined " rights" and " freedom".
I believe these rights and freedoms should be defined by our own people without adoptations from anywhere or anyone.
I Believe the only way to solidify these rights and freedoms are through ( you guessed it ), " majority " votes.
I do not understand how you draw the conclusion between Absolute Majority rule with Anarchy.
PS: Doctor X, you have left the main point of Anonymouse8 question, unanswered. How is a woman's Barqua extremism?
This is a good thing
by cyclicforward on Thu Jul 15, 2010 04:32 PM PDTThis ban has nothing to do with the freedom of expression. The Burqa is used by some backward me to force the women to a corner. There is nothing free and reasonable about it. It is great that it is banned in France and hopefully all other countries will follow.
by Doctor X on Thu Jul 15, 2010 04:29 PM PDTCool.
For the record, I was not the one who hit you with anything.
by Doctor X on Sun Aug 01, 2010 02:26 PM PDT. yy
No Fear, responded but not addressed
by Bavafa on Thu Jul 15, 2010 04:18 PM PDTMy concern in this regard is just what VPK asked you recently about the rights of minorities. Any viable society ought to be protecting the rights of minority just as majority while respecting the basic and necessary human rights in general.
What you seem to be advocating is an absolute majority rule which will is the best receipt for an anarchy.
Doctor X: I believe my Iranian kenayeh was used in kind but I will try my outmost not to use it in the feature unless I am being hit by it first. Anyway, sorry for the kenayeh
dr x.
by Anonymous8 on Thu Jul 15, 2010 04:02 PM PDTwhy is a choice of womans clothe extremism? it is just a clothes. we have neqab in southern iran. is that extremist? in france many islam converted women do this, and they will take this new law to court.
i don't know why you call this extremist. it doesn't matter, if france government thinks it is dangrous, they have the right to stop it. just like iran government will think some things are extremist.
extremist is the bisharaf MKO terrorists which the france says is no problem!!!
by Doctor X on Thu Jul 15, 2010 03:48 PM PDTCan we? Your writings suggest a totally different thing.
No fear
by Doctor X on Thu Jul 15, 2010 03:38 PM PDTYou could not be any more wrong in your assertions and judgement.
The parliaments of these nations would like the give the clear message to everyone that they will not stand for extremism. that is all that being said in here. If you want to see that racial profiling or human rights violation, be my guest.
Such a move is not protecting a nation's identity on the basis on one religion or one culture. The cultural and religious landscapes have already integrated that of other nations and the society has adopted to it by and large, we can not blame themm for wanting to prevent Extrimism from taking root in their societies...
by No Fear on Thu Jul 15, 2010 03:16 PM PDT"Will you be ready to endorse their dealing with "rights" and freedoms" in all aspect of life or cherry picking it here and there? "
I will endorse what the majority of Iranian chooses as their rights and freedoms.
"Is the concept of "identity" and "culture" a fixed and constant value or should it change by time? "
It changes by time. This is where activism becomes important and it could shape or tilt the identity of a nation. But keep in mind, the "identity" is defined by the majority.
" And if those values "identity and culture" proved to be, lets say racist value, should the generations to come work to change it or ought to keep it as it was before them."
You may advocate your idea to remove a racsist policy, but ultimately the decision must be put to a vote in order to be removed. The majority will win the decision.
Did i address your concerns?
No Fear: a couple of questions
by Bavafa on Thu Jul 15, 2010 03:07 PM PDTSince you seem to agree with the way these "two of the most democratic nations on earth deal with the issue of "rights" and " freedoms". "
Will you be ready to endorse their dealing with "rights" and freedoms" in all aspect of life or cherry picking it here and there?
"It is clear that these two nations are protecting their " identity" based on their " own religion" and " culture". "
- Is the concept of "identity" and "culture" a fixed and constant value or should it change by time?
- And if those values "identity and culture" proved to be, lets say racist value, should the generations to come work to change it or ought to keep it as it was before them.
Doctor x: I guess you know about Iranian kenayeh right? Perhaps we all can live without the smart azz and kenayeh comments.
Well, smarty pants.... ( Amir1973 )
by No Fear on Thu Jul 15, 2010 02:42 PM PDTThen why in this paradise of democracy which you call France, certain freedoms are banned?
by Doctor X on Thu Jul 15, 2010 02:38 PM PDTNo problem But you don't have to be a Smart azz about it. Say what you have to say without stupid and moronic Iranian Kenayeh.
No Fear's Islamist-addled "mind"
by AMIR1973 on Thu Jul 15, 2010 02:29 PM PDTHe's comparing the democratic governments of France and Switzerland, where there is minimal restrictions on freedom of speech, religion, press, and assembly; where the Leaders of those countries are democratically elected by the people; where there are parties of various stripes in all walks of political life from ultra-right to Gaullist right to Socialist to Green to Leninist to Marxist to Maoist; where demonstrations and strikes take place at almost regular intervals and are not broken up by government-backed thugs; and where labor unions are quite independent and influential to a theocracy led by a cleric chosen 21 years ago by 86 male Shia "experts" (and who can NOT be popularly elected); where the only approved political orientation is Khomeinism; and where Iranians lack the most basic of rights.
The only thing this Islamist-addled "mind" understands is his false rhetoric of majority, minority, blah, blah (false because IRI is clearly not run on the principle of majority rule). What tripe comes from the "mind" of an Islamist and self-proclaimed "right-wing activist" living (in the manner of a metastatic tumor) in the West. What a bunch of horse manure :-)
burqa looked very extreme and out of place in Tehran early 80s
by mitra northcal on Thu Jul 15, 2010 01:55 PM PDTi clearly remember that few years after revolution, seeing women with burqa in many areas of Tehran was very out of place and attract attention. So if in an Islamic country burqa was weird and out of place, why are we surprised about France? Bersides, wearing burqa presents a security risk.