
Mollas defrocked

Extremely rare photo circa 1930, during reign of Reza Shah


Wikipedia: As his reign became more secure, Reza Shah clashed with Iran's clergy, as he did with all other political constituencies in the country. In March 1928 he violated the sanctuary of Qom's Fatima al-Masumeh Shrine and beat a cleric who had dared admonish Reza Shah's wife for attending a mosque in Qom in appropriate attire. In December 1928 he instituted a law requiring everyone (except Shia jurisconsults who had passed a special qualifying examination) to wear Western clothes >>>


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What Americans knew 20 years before the revolution
Feb 04, 2011
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Darius Kadivar

Another Good Read: Nahavandi's:"Iran, le choc des ambitions"

by Darius Kadivar on

Also Listen to Houshang Nahavandi's Excellent Interview in French on his latest book which won the French Academy's "Grand Prix de la Francophonie":


Darius Kadivar

Good Point benross Jaan also CheckOut Milani's Take on Modernity

by Darius Kadivar on

Abbas Milani has written in length about Iran's struggle for Tajadod aka Modernity and it's interactions with the quest for Democracy in Iran:

HISTORY IN FOCUS: Abbas Milani on Iran's Century Old Struggle for Democracy

HISTORY IN FOCUS: Abbas Milani on Iran's Century Old Struggle for Democracy (Part II) 

I haven't read Katouzian's Book yet. Will try and order it. Seems interesting.



As a side note

by benross on

From Ghaajaar until now, the idea of modernity was mostly a visual idea. Not focusing on 'how we think' but focusing on 'how we look'. This is based on a deep sense of inferiority toward the West, and as Homa Katouzian points out, the issue of 'how we are perceived by the West' became a dominant factor on decision making.

I'd argue that, given this deep sense of inferiority, there was no way we could tackle modernity without being -first and foremost- preoccupied by the 'appearance'. If, as an Iranian, with a deep sense of inferiority complex, the first thing that comes to my mind is "what I look like in the eyes of a Westerner", then how possibly could I become modern without addressing what was dominating my psyche? This was an anomaly in modern thinking -and still is- but history showed us that rejecting this anomaly (as 'gharbzadegi') in this social context could not be anything but rejecting modernity as a whole.

Darius Kadivar

Lucky for them they were Not Christian Priests ...

by Darius Kadivar on

Now That Would have been a Defrock if they had to give up on something ... Like Chastity :


No Muslim Mullah ever took an equivalent oath.

Mullahs Can F$?K as much as they want including Children without ever being held accountable. Christian Clerics do the same except they will punish themselves in secret and hypocritical guilt:


Where as Being a Mullah seems to have more advantages than disadvantages ...

Millionaire mullahs By Paul Klebnikov (FORBES)


Farah Rusta

By the way,

by Farah Rusta on

 Is it not funny that this photo is posted by Mossadegh's nephew, Farhad Diba of all people.

Are you sure you meant it in a complimentary way Mr Diba? After all wasn't it your beloved uncle who called Reza Shah a British lacky? 


Farah Rusta

According to neo-bassijis like SP..

by Farah Rusta on

 (oops,  I meant No Fear), Iran was overcome by the Anglo-Soviet invasion of August 1941 without putting up a fight!


Well, no thanks to your grand daddy SP, who, according to you, was a minister in the pro-Brirish government of Ali Mansour!!

But your pseudo-military history does not extend to those officers and commanders who put up a fight and lost their lives while your grand-daddy was being protected by the Brits.


Well, this is a lesson for you learn another time. In the meantime keep entertaining us -LOL.


Darius Kadivar

SPink 3 Cross I am a Monarchist Period ... NOT a Neo Monarchist

by Darius Kadivar on

Avalan Khaen Khodetee ...

Sanyan I am a Monarchist NOT a Neo Monarchist !

I Have the Same Royal Passport I had 30 years ago prior to the DEVOLUTION of '79 and Unlike YOU and YOUR Treacherous Siblings I for One Never EVER Gave Up my Loyalty to my Sovereign !

Next Time I Need to seek Advice about Patriotism YOU or YOUR Sell Out Family are the Last People I would consult ...

But No Hard Feelings I will still Drink to Your Dubious and Treacherous Pedigree ...






by R2-D2 on

Don't Be Bashful

خر همون خره فقط پالونش عوض شده

Very Well Put 





by Majid on

   این آقایون همون آقایون اند فقط کت و شلوارشون عوض شده! پانوشت :اگه فکر کردین من میخواستم بگم (خر همون خره فقط پالونش عوض شده) این از ذهن بی تربیت خودتون سر چشمه میگیره! لطفاً تقصیر من نندازین، من خودم بلد بودم اینو بگم!

Sargord Pirouz

But according to

by Sargord Pirouz on

But according to neo-monarchists like DK, it was just splendid for the allies to attack and occupy Iran, never mind kicking out RS.

And what of all you folks who criticize President Ahmadinejad  for seeking war reparations? According to you, this episode of Iran's history was just fine and dandy.

Every time I mention the dark side of all this, I'm criticized. But show a photo of a few religious leaders made to wear old fashioned Western attire, and suddenly you're all stridently pro-RS supporters. Well just remember how he was removed, folks, and the whole tortuous cascade of events that set in motion, post-1941. My family never fully recovered from it.



by Benyamin on



"he violated it"

by pars35 on

he should have destroyed Qom


Cut short unfortunately

by Fair on

Bravo Reza Shah- we needed more of this in our country.  No more freeloading mullahs with no accountability to anybody but their own mafia.

They were allowed to spread like a virus and poison our entire country.  The true ghodehye saratani of our country must be put back in its place like Reza Shah did here.



They look so Western

by benross on

Of early Wild West that is!

pastor bill rennick

They say ayatollah Khomeini had 40 fathers...?

by pastor bill rennick on

I wonder if these were his fathers! Rohlllah chel pedar!


If Only ...

by R2-D2 on

Mohammad Reza had half the cojones of his late father, Reza Shah, our Beloved Iran wouldn't be run by a bunch of Arab-inspired Mullahs today .....

Pure And Simple :) - !