Roozbeh Nematollahi

One of the most popular singers in Iran

"Hafte ye Asheghi":


Recently by Ghormeh SabziCommentsDate
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day
Dec 02, 2012
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day
Dec 01, 2012
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day
Nov 30, 2012
more from Ghormeh Sabzi

All Right!

by comrade on

You have a better pen, and reputation. Write a blog on it.

Can't wait.




by benross on



I was on a diet!

by comrade on

Oh, that goes without saying. On one condition though: As long as no one ( not a single Iranian soul, who participated against Shah or benefited from Him ) takes an exception. Believe me, there is enough for all.

My kind of check-in, your kind of check out. Deal? 



A front where no one had to

by benross on

A front where no one had to check in her bags at the door.

Can't do. Can't be done. Everybody checks out at 'goh khordam' counter. 

Louie Louie

This is a good song

by Louie Louie on

Thank god it's not rap or dling dling Sasy Mankan style.


At least I tried. Did I not?

by comrade on

I am sure of it, and I can assure you too that neither of us is here to win a popularity contest. But there will be a Day of Judgment when either one of you pundits have to present a credible reason for your non-compromising attitudes. On that day, when they call me to the witness stand, I will testify that I had in my feeble, honest and grass-rootish mind envisioned a political front designed for inclusion, and nothing but. A front where no one had to check in her bags at the door.   



5 seconds and your time's up!

by benross on

collection of individual five-seconds without structural grouping is almost absolutely impossible

And try to extend that five seconds and you get what we got now!... for thirty years I might add. But I can see your old Toodé organizational mind is kicking in!

The issue though, is that we should look at it the exact opposite of the way you are looking. I didn't look at Iran and said, oh it has a five second solution. I looked at the extreme complexity of the problem and realized that it got to have an extremely simple solution.

Look at a political group, any, yours or others, and see how far they could go to match the theory with the realities on the ground and practical issues. You, a member of the most experienced and most rehearsed political formations of all, should know it better. I can expand on that but it will be very very long. I just say that we are all by-products of a time and space which no longer exists. Whatever we think is wrong because we are not in the right place to think right... nonetheless, we can come-up with a five seconds idea!

Besides, this single organization is primarily conceived for Iranians abroad. As an umbrella to support activities inside Iran. Inside the country, the activities organize by themselves at grass-root level as it did so far. It can't be any other way anyway.

But this grass-root level activity, will not go out and chant 'Obama are you with us or with them'. It already knows that Iranians abroad are united, organized and they support them. They won't need such desperate calls.

The point is, that this grass-root activity, the moment it finds a vocal representative, that person ends-up death, or imprisoned or abroad. Those who are abroad, can no longer function as 'hands-on' activists. All they can do is to provide a unified umbrella.

P/S Okay, maybe you are not a member, but once Todé'i always Toodé'i. You call it Stockholm syndrome I believe!


Five seconds to scratch one's political instinct

by comrade on

Your five second theory might, it's a might, work for let's say Sweden, or Denmark. Don't forget, please, we are talking about Iran. 

In our beloved Iran, the difference between political time zones, so to speak,  is so vast that collection of individual five-seconds without structural grouping is almost absolutely impossible. I think.



What the hell is a modern rightwing activist

by thexmaster on

Activism leads to dessent and revolutions.   You want the status quo.  You support the government.  You're not an activist.  You're a rightwing fascist who supports the current backwards ideology.  Stop making up silly labels for yourself.


No. We do need some

by benross on

No. We do need some structure. But the structure comes when it is well understood our standing as individual citizens in this structure.

I give you five seconds, you enumerate things that you want to see in Iran as a free -and political- individual. Then try to differentiate them with what any other individual can enumerate in fine seconds.

What we can enumerate in five seconds, is what builds our unity. The rest is gravy that can only be tasted -and tested- in freedom.


Organization VS front

by comrade on

How do you then expect people of different political stripes(as individuals) join the "single organization", while devoid of their political standings? Even as individuals we need some political representations. Do we not? 



feasibility of a united front

by benross on

feasibility of a united front

I actually thought I did answer you. That link was my answer. Or so I thought!

But let's start with correcting your question. That was basically my answer which is about asking the right question.

It's not about a 'united front'. It's about a 'united (single) organization'. The term 'united front' (à la Mossadegh era) is an assembly of political groups. United organization is an assembly of individual citizens.

To achieve that, we should have a minimalist, yet very clear agenda. A roadmap. And the roadmap is to restore the legitimate constitution, stabilizing the free country and proceed with an election of a constituent assembly to adopt a new constitution.

Reza Pahlavi has asked all political groups over and over, put your differences in your pockets for now, and take them out when Iran is free and when you actually can do something about your ideas.

The problem with this request is that it is framed the same way that your question was framed. It gives an illusion of a 'front'. Reza Pahlavi can not and will not -and should not- be more specific. He is the king and he can not ask people how to go about their political ambition. So it leaves the idea of a 'front' in the air.

I'd suggest -and that's the key- that it's not about putting your differences in your pocket. It's about putting your differences in the garbage. The true meaningful modern political formations are yet to be invented in free Iran. If you doubt that, put your impotent ideas in your pocket just in case. But they won't serve you in free Iran. What is now crucial to understand is that each of us, as INDIVIDUALS will join a united organization, which by definition, can not be a 'front'.

Let's digest this part first, characteristics and feasibility will come along!


" trash bin of history"

by fooladi on

Says  the islamist Rat.

I say: Take a good look at the monkey depicted in your avator. "Trash bin of history" is where he is destined and where you have to run to get your next filthy paycheck off him...

to others I say: When faced with a disease riden rat, you dont debate with it. You get the pest control guy on him. Although I personaly prefer crushing the vermins under my feet hearing their filthy bones cracking and their squeels. :)


"...If IRI caves in nuclear issue ..."

by comrade on

I, personally, cannot agree more with your last paragraph, which includes the phrase of the title.

It will be, now, the second time that I'm asking for your opinion about the characteristics, and feasibility of a united front. 



We should care because the

by benross on

We should care because the 'green' emblem, albeit devoid of any political substance and orientation, has consumed a lot of GOOD activists abroad. The idea of a single organization abroad which then assists the movement inside comes hand in hand with the idea of breaking with this vague emblem that each anti Iran and anti modernity agenda wants a piece of it, and raising the national flag. The flag on the other hand, clarifies the 'desired trajectory' vis a vis IRI.

The other option is to 'claim' the green. Guess how many agendas are claiming it. Leave the 'green' for inside the country, for as long as it serves a purpose. We from abroad, are dealing with IRI as a whole, which might also means literally 'dealing' with.

The sanctions are not imposed for lack of freedom of expression. If IRI caves in nuclear issue -which is quite plausible- then there is no more issue for international community, unless they face a strong organized opposition abroad. 


"election demarcation lines"

by comrade on

I don't know ( and I am not sure if we should care) about the so-called Green activists being fixated on the election parameter. What I do know, supported by sufficient data, points out to the fact that our nation can intelligently use the said demarcation as a launching pad with no adherence to the green activists' desired trajectory.



Stop Generalizing

by benross on

We are not about to set the foundation of IRI opposition in this blog. The point of my intervention was to open up the perspective. The alternative to IRI is not coming from within IRI. But as long as green activists are fixated to the election demarcation lines, they won't go anywhere. They just stay 'green'.


Peaceful indeed

by comrade on

You serve Sandis® at your peace rallies too. We know.That aside; I noticed that A.N. stayed out of Tehran on almost every eventful day during the uprising.


No Fear

Stop Generalizing

by No Fear on

You are falling in to "generalizing" all muslims as Non tolerant. 

I understand that by arguing "all devout muslims are non tolerance", it will help your arguement of violently removing them.

In reality, this is far from the truth. There are many different interpretations of Islam to curb political Islam and there are school of thoughts that suggests the seperation of Religion from Politics even within the clergies and the grand ayatollahs.

I am personally against any clergy to hold a position within the government ( Unless they are academically qualified ). I rather have them to stick with religion and preach in the mosques than to have them running the government.

What we advocate, is a peaceful transition which qualifies people based on their abilities gained by universities, not seminaries.




گربه‌ شد عابد و مسلمانا


Your ability for uttering self flattering remarks is ominously similar to clerical sophistry. No devout Muslim can boast being tolerant.

Are you not a devout Muslim?(No invasion of privacy intended.)


No Fear

"unavoidable necessity" !?

by No Fear on

To claim revolution is an " unavoidable necessity" , points to your ideology's limited solution. 

For someone ( Or an ideology ) to claim violently toppling governments is the natural course of actions (or unavoidable ), only points to your non tolerant approaches as a leftist revolutionary. You fail to understand that the root of all our problems is NON Tolerance , yet your solution is heavily inspired by it.

There are other ideologies which tries to bridge and reduce the gap between the people and the government by encouraging debate and other means of activism. Both the people and the government make mistakes.

But we never advocate violence in any form. Our people and our government, together, constitute our nation. Violence against any of them, is violence against our nation.



"trash bin of history"? Ha!

by comrade on

History only recycles. It has no trash bin. A revolution can neither be dissed, nor praised; like any other unavoidable necessity in life.


No Fear


by No Fear on

This coming from someone who uses an avatar which has long been in the trash bin of history.

I guess me dissing revolution is upsetting your stomach. Its against your marxist / leninist ideology.


بخدا، چیزی که اصلا در وجودم نیس، حسودیه


But I do fear it will take only a couple more exchanges between two members below, before we all see an evolved avatar depicting A.N. lunging towards the pavement! 


No Fear


by No Fear on

Needless to say,  " Referendum " was suggested by Ahmadinejad for the first time for justifying the administration policies. Itself is a taboo breaking gesture.

I understand where you are coming from and hope we can achieve a better Iran through non violent solutions.

No Fear


by No Fear on

As a modern rightwing activist, I am against revolutions since it points to our failure as a nation.

Even if we assume this is the right course of action to deal with IR, Revolutions rely heavily on an "Ideology". Without an Ideology, revolutions never succeed and they never develope pass the riot and civil disobidience stage.

The other options for violently removing IR would be to ask foreign powers to do it for us.

To a sane activist, none of the above actions can guarantee sustainable and tangible changes which can last.



No Fear

by benross on

You do see more clear than many green cronies. But not clear enough.

Suffice to say, when the opposition to IRI get organized and asked for a referendum for choosing the constitution, there is a better chance to deal with Ahmadinejad to achieve that goal than the other side!

No Fear

step by step progress

by No Fear on

The point i am making is for those who believe reform in Iran is possible by leftist religious camp who are known as "reformists".

In reality, more reforms and taboo breaking actions have been performed by the current rightwing administration under Ahmadinejad. I just read a few days ago that Ayat. Shariatmadari's ( A secular cleric ) book has been published again after a 30 years ban. These actions have far more implications than not interfering with peoples Hejabs or allowing pop concerts in Iran.

I know for some of you this is still not enough and our women are not wearing bikinis at our beaches yet, but every taboo which has been broken by Ahmadinejad, will make it easier for our people to demand more.

Support taboo breaking politicians.



I kind of like the music and the singer

by Onlyiran on

and one has to commend his (and his ensemble, and the other artists/ musicians) courage to continue the art scene in Iran under such a barbaric and inhumane regime.  


"I wonder..."land

by comrade on

Whenever, and wherever a simple music performance becomes a yardstick for measuring the popularity and the success of a president's agenda, then the wretched situation of the whole system becomes more evident.  
