Ali Mousavi

Panic to save life of a protester

Ali Mousavi, Mir Hossein Mousavi's nephew, was killed during Ashoora protests last year [video]. This newly-released video shows panic to save his life moments before he was taken to hospital:




by Iraniandudee3 on

You take these people to hospitals and they'll most likely end up in jail for a decade, or maybe even life, being tourtured and abused.


The leach regime has no humanity.



by HHH on

So many injured protestors died because every person tried to do his/her stupid doctoring instead of quickly carrying the man to the hospital with a car.

I saw so many videos where people just painted their hands with his blood and yelled "waiiiii, aiiiiiiiii, khodayaaa, allaho akbar" for half an hour before picking up the injured and taking him to hospitals.