
Fahimeh Ramezani Tehrani

Discovering the secrets of menopause

BBC: Doctors are a step closer to accurately predicting the age at which a woman will hit the menopause. A 12-year Iranian study of 266 women found it was possible to pinpoint the age of menopause by measuring levels of a hormone called AMH. If proven in further studies, it potentially means women could have more control over when to start a family. The study leader, Dr Fahimeh Ramezani Tehrani, from the Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences in Tehran, Iran, said the results could enable doctors to make a more realistic assessment of women's reproductive status "many years before they reach menopause". UK doctors said using AMH as a guide to future fertility was proving potentially very useful but warned women against relying on such tests as an "insurance policy" encouraging them to put off having a family >>>



Well done!

by Marjaneh on

This is the sort of rapport that is needed.


Just not sure if I liked to know about my eggs though. I  just sit on them until they hatch.

Every fascism is an index of a failed revolution - Walter Benjamin