
Hossein Mousavian

Former negotiator at Princeton writing on nuclear diplomacy

Wall Street Journal: A former lead Iranian nuclear negotiator has taken up residence at Princeton University, marking the highest-ranking member of Tehran's political elite to relocate to the U.S. since last year's political uprising against President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. U.S. and European officials view Hossein Mousavian as particularly important, as he has spent more than two decades working on foreign-policy issues for the Islamic Republic ranging from helping secure the release of hostages held by the militant group Hezbollah in Lebanon to working with the West to establish a new government in Afghanistan following the overthrow of the Taliban... In September, Mr. Mousavian, 53 years old, arrived at Princeton's Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs as a visiting scholar, where he has been writing on Tehran's nuclear diplomacy and U.S.-Iranian relations. Neither Princeton nor the Obama administration would comment on the Iranian diplomat's stay in the U.S., but American and European diplomats engaged in nuclear diplomacy with Iran say they are closely scrutinizing Mr. Mousavian's work for insights into Tehran's decision making >>>


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Islamist credibility

by Fred on

Giving the impression there is such a thing as impartial courts of law in the charlatan Ali Sharaiati’s wished for system come to life in the form of Islamist Rapist Republic, Islamist Haji nuke with apparently well placed “credible sources” in the inner sanctum of his IRR says: “Ahmadinejad tried to jail him three years ago, took him [Mousavian] to court saying that he leaked important information to foreigners, but lost.”

Yeah right!


Doctor X

by Mammad on

I would not have mentioned it, if the sources were not credible to me, but cannot name them. This is not a joke. It is not the first time that someone from Iran defects. And, Ahmadinejad tried to jail him three years ago, took him to court saying that he leaked important information to foreigners, but lost. Mousavian left Iran and never went back.

Mousavian was NOT a hostage taker.



"People of wind" who have no true loyalty to Iran are D problem

by obama on

These people don't know what VATAN is. They just look at their own personal gains and sell their country, friends and relatives, and they go to wherever the wind blows.

People like him are the reason that we have been under the UK/US yoke for 100 years! Unfortunately we have many of these. This is what distinguishes us from the British or Americans!

Loyalty to the country has been much more prevalent in UK/US and this is why a little country like UK became the world empire and they did it by using the triaitors like this jerk!

This is obviously the proof that the wind is changing its direction from the regime. These are the same people who were working behind the scene with the US before, but now they have to defect to their masters.

No, I am not feeling sorry for IRI, I am feeling sorry for Iran for having such traitors. This is not about betraying IRI. These people would sell off the Shah, and their families depending on the wind.

I am glad IRI is getting weaker, but with people like these we will never have an independent Iran! These people are everywhere including Green, and blue.

We need true VATAN PARASTS who would never sell out his country, to save Iran from IRI and all of our enemies inside and outside! US has paid him enough to provide them the needed information. He is just like some guys on this site who post regularly advocating the US take over of Iran. Shame on VATAN FOROUSHA!  



by Doctor X on

can we have the name of these so-called Credible sources?

Please don't turn this into a joke.

G. Rahmanian

My Dear Fred!

by G. Rahmanian on

Welcome to the real world!

Q:You know why I haven't received the Nobel Peace Prize?

A:I haven't persecuted anyone. I haven't killed anyone. I have never belonged to a terrorist organization. And I haven't initiated a war.

Wait until one of these criminals is nominated for some kind of Nobel prize!

pastor bill rennick

Was this guy one of the hostage takers of the US embassy

by pastor bill rennick on

in Tehran in 1979?
This guy should be thrown in jail!



by Mammad on

Credible sources have said he has defected.



Darius Kadivar

FYI/Training of the Future IRI Political Elite ( ARTE TV)

by Darius Kadivar on

Worth watching ...

DOCUMENTARY: Training of the Future IRI Political Elite ( ARTE TV)

NOTE :unfortunately the video footage in question is no more embedded and removed by the person who put it online but you can see the other people and the comments I translated from the french documentary:


Ummm, hass

by AMIR1973 on

These people come and go pretty regularly.

Which would be true, if the IRI were a "regular" state. Of course, it is not a regular state. It is the earthly abode of the Twelfth Imam's representative. It does, however, "regularly" jail Iranian professors (even the ones foolish enough to travel to IRI and advocate "engagement" and "dialogue" with that rotten regime).

BTW, hass I respect the fact that you are a rather prolific West-residing IRI Cyber Groupie. You love spouting pro-IRI cyber propaganda on many websites, from the very long distance of the Evil West (aka Sheytan-e Bozorg), of course.


"Ummm", not everything has to be written in contract form

by oktaby on

and explained. And no these things don't happen regularly and when they do they have distinct meaning. This is an official visiting the 'arch enemy's elite institutions when the nuclear issue is front & center and news comes on out WSJ.

See if you can put 2 and 2 together and figure it out.



Ummm....being a visiting

by hass on

Ummm....being a visiting scholar is not the same as being a defector. His presence has no particular relation to the "political uprising". These people come and go pretty regularly.


Decided to exchange the Quran with a Western textbook

by mahmoudg on

another moron of the Islamic Rapist Republic realized the end is near and is preparing to jump ship.  He realized he has wasted 30 years of his pathetic life studying Quran and has not found anything useful in it.  So has come to the bosom of intellectualism in the west to study more meaningful Western texts.


and of course, they will defect to the 'great satan'

by oktaby on

not South Lebanon or Gaza or even Turkey & Malaysia. Expect to see him write a twisted 'policy paper' that will support and complement the rest of the islamist scum from Ganji to Kadivar to Soroush.



The writings on the wall

by Cost-of-Progress on

The mighty empire of reesh-o pashm is crumbling and the ass kissers of the divine are leaving by hurds.....Watch for these so called intellectuals to disolve into other cultures after putting on a tie like they had nothing to do with what has happened in iran and their "contributions" in the last 30 years.





Another Rat fleeing the sinking ship of the Islamic regime

by fooladi on

Next we will see ahmaghinezhad and khamenei "lecturing" at "hafez asad university" in damascus, of course, that is if they can escape on time :)


dont worry fred


through her history, the US has sought and gotten close to people worse than him. of course to you US is democracy central, so long as it can get the right puppet in place.


This is exactly the same guy, and he probably asked

by aynak on


for asylum.   What happened to the beard?  In Allameh Zadeh's documentry (Holy Crime) he asked the same guy questions that he evaded or just did not answer.   I remember he rolled his eyes everytime there was an incremenating evidence brought to him to answer .



Watch out for the fleas

by Fred on

Isn’t he the same guy who was the Islamist Rapist Republic’s Ambassador to Germany when the regime killers coordinated their Mykonos massacre from his embassy?

If so, then the geniuses in the U.S. who are looking for openings through such person have another think coming.

If you lie down with dogs, you will get up with fleas
