Norman Podhoretz: Islamo-Fascism

"World War IV"

"This is a succinct conversation, that amongst other things discusses the idea of a World War against Islamo-Fascism, includes a discussion of George Bush and the role of the Commander in Chief in this war, the battle of ideas at home and the threat that Iran poses to the west."

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4



What is the source of this information?

by bughzan on

There isn't any evidence for a campaign to kill Jews by Mofti and the British authorities. You can even look at the foremost Israeli historian who is actually an ardent Zionist, Benny Morris. Much of the link between Palestinian leaders and Nazis was spread by books like "From Time Immemorial". This book has been debunked as a fabrication in scholarly work by Norman Finkelstein who provides extensive documents and references. If you actually read the writings from that time, the British attitude toward Arabs was far worst than their attitude toward Jews. This is my opinion so take it as you will. When I read writings from that time, the Jews are treated as inferior to the rest of Europeans. Arabs (which included Iranians too in their view) were barely viewed as human. Hence Churchill's famous remark about the right of Palestinians:

"I don't agree that the dog in a manger has the final right to the manger even though he may have lain there for a long time. I do not admit that right. I do not admit for instance, that a great wrong has been done to the red Indians of America or the black people of Australia. I do not admit that a wrong has been done to these people by the fact that a stronger race, a higher-grade race, a more worldly wise race to put it that way, has come in and taken their place." Winston Churchill

I don't know how much interest you have in the relevant history, but I recommend you to explore it more and go to sources out of the mainstream.

By the way, I'm not saying that there were not and are not Arab extremists. On the contrary, that is one the problems. And, nor is their actions excusable. However, The mainstream view, taking its lead from Israel, has muddied the water as much as possible. What is passed on as genuine history is molested with far more garbage. 


profile.">bughzan, I just

by babakjaf on

profile.">bughzan, I just put that link there as a refrence! There are couple of sources that these days people teach including:

Henry Laurens, La Question de Palestine, Fayard, Paris vol. 2

The problem is the campaigns by Mofti and harliners against Jews and the British authoritiesbetween 1938 -1944 in Palestine that killed Jews. Like present Iran, it was Paletinian rulers and their leader who commited these crimes and for 60 year people of Palestine are paying the price. What is happening right now is not acceptable but forgetting the past is also wrong. Mufti and Paletinian leaders started Waffen SS (Muslim SS) groups from Bosnia all the way to Azerbijan;



the elders of zion would be proud of this man


keep it up!


Wikipedia as a source is VERY poor choice...

by bughzan on

Wikipedia is pretty much useless as a source for controversial or even remotely political topics. It's tightly controlled and heavily biased toward the establishments views.

The main problem here is that at the time Germany was allied to Mussolini and the French Vichy government. Mussolini was in the midst of his murderous rule over Arab Libya, and Vichy France was ruling over a vast empire over much of North and West Africa. The brutal oppression of Algerians and Moroccans were "the Palestine" issue of that day. Germany did try to garner Arab support, but it was a tough sell.

In addition, the Nazis were in full support of Zionists. The evidence for collaboration of Zionists with the Nazis and Fascists is much more expansive than the pro-Nazi Mufti. In summary, many future Zionist leaders supported the Nuremberg Laws because they saw that it would force Jews into immigration. One ironic relic of the time is a medal that Goebbels had minted for Baron von Mildenstein's visit and assessment of Zionist activities in Palestine. It has a swastika on one side and a star of david on the other:


And, perhaps the most damning document is the proposal by the Stern Gang to enter the war on the side of Germany in exchange for a future Israel created in Palestine along the totalitarian model of the Reich. Mind you members of the Stern Gang such as Begin became future leaders of Israel. They even have a museum and the Israeli government minted a stamp in the honor of the Stern Gang. You should delve deeper than Wikipedia, especially when it comes to politics.



by babakjaf on


Nothing New

by babakjaf on

Islamo-Facism is not a new term. During WWII when Mohammad Amin al-Husayni head of British Mandate of Palestine became an ally for Hitler and the term start to circulate then. Palestine was close with Germany and propose to help them to clean up the Jews in Palestine area in exchange Mufti would help Hitler/Germany to have support of muslims in central Europe. During the period of 1936-44 some Arab countries raised the issue that this will cause a dark image of Islam and in general Paletine. Nothing new!





Actions speaks louder than words

by BehroozAzarin on

Norman Podhoretz and his Zionist-Facist ideology has been in action for years.  He among many others have the blood of many innocent people on his hands.  He can lie, he can try to manipulate the truth and fool bunch of morons, but he cannot fool the world.  It is the rest of the world that must be united against this barbaric nation called Israel.



What about Judeo-Christian fascism?

by bughzan on

The simplest statements can reveal the truth. The fact that some in the West consider Podhoretz and company to be or have been "liberals" says much about the framework established to limit the boundaries of "acceptable" debate. Podhoretz has certainly shifted to the extreme right, but his shift did not begin from the left. Not even close. It's more of a shift from a regular conservative to a bona fide Nazi. The problem is that the American political spectrum (at least the ones that can partake in the "acceptable" debate) does not start from the left. It starts from what in a healthy open political atmosphere would be considered right wing. Plus, the debate is framed within acceptable boundaries. One is expected to be like the mule going around the grinding stones with the blinds on either side of the eyes, while Podhoretzs flash pretty pictures and searing criticism of the evil-doers. All the while forget history, even if it's only a few years old.

The roots of extremism outside of Western world branch from the extremism inside the Western world. The Bush cartel can invade another country on fabricated evidence and for oil, murder a million and half, but that is not fascism! Obama promises hope and change, but continues and expands the same fascist policies. None of this registers within the boundaries of the debate.

The Christian right have much more influence in the American government than the religious extremists in the Middle East, the difference being that these Judeo-Christian fascists ultimately control a much more powerful arsenal. I suppose the irony is that the son of Jewish immigrants supports the Bush cartel! If you knew the history of the Bush family, you would know why that's ironic.

This debate is a ruse, and Podhoretz is not even good at playing his part as a intellectual propagandist. The real disgusting aspect of it is the overt, open bigotry of these bastards. They have no shame. This is bigotry at its extreme! Unfortunately, there are plenty of people that would eagerly support such racist ideology as can be seen from some of the comments!


i had called Islamo-fascism on my website

by mahmoudg on

a few years ago, i wonder who came up with it first.  But it is so true what Mr. Podhoretz talks about.  The only way to contain this cult we call Islam, is by attacking it at the root of its evil which is the Islamic Repiublic and its Basij and Pasdars foot soldiers.


Thank you for the posting...

by Raoul1955 on

Thank you for posting these wonderful videos.  Intellectually stimulating, yet based on the cultural realities that exist in the Arabic nations which also include Iran, Pakistan, Indonesia, Afghanistan, and a few other backwards societies who have embraced the seventh century cult of Islam.
Islamic people have no understanding of what a pluralistic democracy is.  Well, Islam does not recognize diversity of any form.
I do believe that we need a global 21st century crusading army to defeat, and then contain Islamic folks.  Just imagine what this world would have been had it not been for the courageous Christian armies defeating Muslims and then conquering the Islamic lands for a while. 

payam s


by payam s on

Interesting. Its funny how white europeans responsible for the greatest genocide in human history (the indigenous of the Americas), the holocaust during WWII, and the birth and rise of fascism attribute their own creations to populations they desire to dispose of. This zionist is still at his age and in this day and age masturbating to the idea of the crusades. Islam and Muslims aint going nowhere, they will stay until Israel is done flushing itself down the toilet and out of arab lands.