
Arash Fard

Zebra meat pizza

Burnley Citizen: AN East Lancashire, UK, takeaway has become the first in the country to sell zebra pizzas.

Friends of the Earth said many animal lovers would be ‘appalled’ at the sale.

But campaigners at the Worldwide Fund for Nature said that as long as the meat was sourced from responsible farms then they have no concerns.

Yummy Yummy Italia, in Parker Lane, Burnley, said that its range of zebra, buffalo, venison, kangaroo and even crocodile pizzas have been a big hit with customers since going on sale earlier this year.

The exotic foods are sourced from ‘alternative meats’ supplier Kezie, based in Berwickshire, which pledged that the ingredients are from responsible farms.

Arash Fard, 33, the owner of the business, said the idea for the unique pizza toppings came after a trip to London, where he saw frogs legs used on pizzas.

He developed the menu with his Italian girlfriend Veronica.

Mr Fard said: “When I came back I began to research the idea because I wanted to sell frogs legs pizzas but I soon found a better idea.

“I thought it would be something really different. I’ve had a few goes and tried a few different recipes but it is perfect now >>>


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Papa John's

by KouroshS on

Not to be outdone. right on top of it lol

I love internet marketing:")

Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

Anonymous Observer... pizza to be served to Zebras with ground "Arash Fard"... good one :))))

Anonymous Observer

what the...

by Anonymous Observer on

Gooshte khar all right.  I was going to suggest a pizza to be served to Zebras with ground "Arash Fard" as the topping, but then I realized that, unfortunately, Zebras were herbivores.  That's just too bad!

As a vegan myself, I have to tell you that the best pizza I have EVER had was a salad pizza....and I mean cold salad with Italian dressing on top of a warm pizza with light marinara sauce.  yummmm! 



LOL farrad02

by HollyUSA on

Thanks for identifying the object on the guy's 'ahem'. I was wondering what the heck that was.



by capt_ayhab on

After Ghormeh Sabzi pizza, say hello to striped donkey meat on your pie.

I rather stick with Pizza of the Gods = Artichoke hearts, Olives, protobello Mushrooms, Spinach,  sun dried tomatoes, fresh basil, and young[game] hen's breast meat.

Large thin crust extra crispy please. 



Zebra meat on your pizza is right up there with...

by farrad02 on

Zebra meat on your pizza is right up there with Aftabeh on your ....ahem....yes....that part! This website is never dull!  (reference to Mohsen Namjoo video)


Talking of Florida....

by Souri on

There was (maybe still is) a famous restaurant in the Keys Road, with a French chief. They are famous for their soup of Turtle!

We went there in 1991, the whole decoration is around the Turtle! I couldn't touch the soup, but my dear husband found it delicious!


Okay now

by KouroshS on

All animal lovers out there. Calm down. Count to ten...breathe in... breathe out.. wax in wax out. Good Job Daniel Son:)


Is there any animal you don't eat Yolanda?

by divaneh on

Thanks god you were not in the Noah's ark, or there would not be many species left.



by yolanda on

Hi! Holly,

Uh Oh, I can't go to Florida, :O)!

but, I am a big fan of Florida Gators......Tim Tebow is my idol!



by HollyUSA on

Watch out. An alligator may someday decide to try Yolanda meat 'for fun'!



by yolanda on

I did not know that zebra meat is for human consumption. I thought zebras are protected animals 'cause they are so beautiful! I ate a buffalo burger outside Zion National Park a couple of years ago. The buffalo meat is leaner than beef. It tasted great! I also ate frog meat before when I was in Honolulu. The couple told me that they bought one pound of frog meat for $16. The frog meat was more tender than chicken meat. I also ate alligator meat one time, which I bought from Ralphs' Super Market's frozen section. I cooked it in the oven, it tasted OK!

 When I have chance, I will try the kangaroo and venison meat for fun!

Red Wine

عاقبت گوشت خواران درد است

Red Wine

عاقبت گوشت خواران درد است و این درد درمان ندارد،عمر کوتاه کند و عقل ضعیف .. تن را ذلیل ! به اصلی‌ طبیعت، به گیاه خواری باز گردید.


I have two words

by HollyUSA on

Kooft Bokhorin!


NOt comfortable

by KouroshS on

I don't know about you guys but combining such concept as "alternative meat" with a supplier named "kezie" under the banner of Responsible farms...or farming topped off with an iranian owner... just sends chills down in my spine....

Ali P jan

gooshte khar ke hichi.. I will even eat soosk and pashe. At least i know what i am eating:)

Ali P.

Gooshteh khar

by Ali P. on

I thought we have been already eating that.

(What is in peperoni and sausage toppings then?)