Home Movies, 1970s

Showing a slice of life of a middle-class Iranian family

Very interesting footage of Iran.

1976, Caspian Sea:

1977 (?) Azadi Stadium, 4 Aban celebrations:

1978, A wedding in Tehran:


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Obama +others who are still not living in the 21st century!

by Arthimis on

Those were the 70s! Watch out for the future!!! Because "We were there..." and we shall be there again...

This is how Iranian women will be in the future Iran (whether you like it or not!) :-)


Freedom and Happiness for Iran again............

PS. Beautiful home video clips from beautiful Iran and Iranians before the 1979's (to present) absolute tragedy............ Thanks for sharing and reminding us that we too were happy and free once upon a time and also prove and teach the young Iranians not ever to settle for anything less than that in life again! For themselves and Iran... Love and Peace


the 1st video remided me of our trips thru chaaloos road - ahhhh

by MM on


maziar 58


by maziar 58 on

Obama just vomited something...

remember he is not barak obama and he does not mean what he says.    Maziar

David ET

"Obama" with all due respect !

by David ET on

Whats the "indicency" about a woman in bikini who wants to swim?

How come showing the fat belly and hairy chest and ass of guys is not indecent?!

After living the west for 34 years you still consider human body and swimwear indecent?!

I guess sometimes, you can take the man out of the country but you can't take the country out of the man :-)


Thank you

by عموجان on

Thanks to Pahlavi's dynasty who showed Iranian how modern iran would have been look like. Pahlavis made it possible for us to live in it, not just tell us about it in moves or books. May be home movies like this will teach the new generation they can have a modern life in their own country and they don't need leave for good.


dandetoon nal!

by Iran_e_Azad on

dandetoon nal, mikhastin 30 sale peesh narizid too e khiaboona va mesle gov rah bee ufeeteen o begid ya marg ya khomeini! pas hala hala ha az daste in akhoonda e kesafat bekishd va has rate un moghe aro be khorid. hamishe az ghadimo na dim goftand ke

khalayegh harche laegh!


Re:Tellitlik., Please don't insult people who don't agree w/you!

by obama on

I am one of those who left Iran in 1976. I totally disagree with you, and I do not consider myself a fool as you unfortunately lable us.

In the 70's we had a lot of things, except the freedom of speech and that was one of the main reason I left. I remember, when the students in the US protesting against the Shah. We never thought any forthcoming regime would be worse than the dictator shah. It only took us couple of years to realize how much worse this regime was.

This regime has taken us back at least 100 years. Destroyed our culture, damged our beliefs in islam, killed almost a million of our youth physically, and many millions mentally. Took a war that destroyed our country and economy. Our freedom of speech is totally gone. Killed our youths' dreams. Brought FAHSHA and indicency, and corruptions to level that we had never seen before.

At least, at that time, even though we didn't have the freedom of speech, we wouldn't be killed in a day light for speaking our minds. This shamelss, corrupt reigme shoots people in day light for speaking their minds, while shah would do it secretly! The torture and brutality that this regime is involved in is 100 times worse than the shah's.

How dare you calling us fools? I guess, you really need to hold a mirror in front of your face when you say that! Shah was bad, but this regime makes shah look like an angel! However, I would never want the Shah back! No right minded Iranian want his son back. We deserve better than what we have had for the last 100 years!

When we mesmorize about the past, it is our fine memories that were not related to the shah's atrocities. Not every memory we had was political. In fact, I never cared for our women with the bikinis, and i still don't! We need to get the democracy and technology from the west, not indicency which has caused a lot of ills for the western societies. However, unfotunately, most of our youths, that's the only thing they have learned from the west. Alcohol consumption is much more under this regime that ever was under the shah. Religion should be separated from the politics!  


Kha keman be sar

by jasonrobardas on

   Kha keman be sar

   Ke taraghie maakoos karde eem


when Iran was free and beautiful

by azadi5 on

really, what were those people thinking 31 years ago? coming to streets and asking for khomaini to come and take all these away. shame.


Bunch of romantic fools

by TellitLikeitis on

It was bad and now ot is worse. Man az oon 'mossen tar' haam who used to water and jet ski at Khazar Shahr every summer vacation and do all the other affluent middle class stuff all year round. But we still had to shut up when it came to politics unless we wanted to be Savak prey. Those of who are younger don't know any better and those of you who are older and wish for what was are just plain fools. You have no self worth if if you would settle for bad just to avoid what is on the way to what is best.

Young ones: just Google Iran Party, Iran Dizin etc to see another biased view of what is. 'What is' is never really 'what is' for the majority. And if you don't care then you are just arrogant selfish fools instead of plain fools.


با دیدن این فیلم ها فکر کردم


خوش به حال اون مسن تر هایی که در این فیلم ها میبینیم که قبل از انقلاب مردند و این روزها را ندیدند و سقوط ایران به باتلاق حکومت ملاها و یقه چرکها را تجربه نکردند.

خوش به سعادتشون



maziar 58

shokre khoda

by maziar 58 on

shokre khoda chi fayedeh seer nashoodim be ghayedeh.

marg bar jomhori islami.                Maziar

Multiple Personality Disorder

چقدر حال میکردیم ولی خبر نداشتیم

Multiple Personality Disorder

یادش بخیر

David ET

Thanks for bringing back many good memories

by David ET on

  اگر بخوا هم اثر انقلاب ۱۳۵۷ را در مردم ایران در دو جمله ساده خلاصه کنم، این هستند :        ما مردم چه غلطی کردیم و چی فکر میکردیم و چی شد  

 visit: www.iransecular.org


Yaadesh Bekheir!

by obama on

Did you see in the second video, Hejazi, nassiri, and Barzegar? Yadesh bekheir. I have two of their autographs. who bacheh mahalamoon boodand! Where are those pretty girls now? are the couples still married?

Who put this music on the videos? I guess, he wasn't born then! What is the relevance of this non-persian, and repeatetive music? Gets annoying! The least they could do would be to add some variety.