Sazegara: 13 Bedar

Growing pressure on Bahais and Green action on Thursdays




by Emil on

Yes it is open, tell your Mom to come and get it as usual...



by Qioumars on

Is your 7/11 open in 13-bedar?


13 bedar...

by Emil on

13 Bedar...latest message from Sazegara: 

Sizdeh bedar...bache be baghal...khoneh shohar...

Mardom Mazloom

Demo jon,

by Mardom Mazloom on

You talk about being in Mullahs jails so casually that one can think of Evin as an exotic destination!

That is how Sazegara looked like after his 79 days of hungar strike in Evin:


If you still find that it’s fun, there is always a place in Evin for FREE, it suffices to say something innocuous against Khamenei.
Further, Sazegara has never pretended to guide the protest movement and always designated Moussavi and Karroubi as the leaders of the Green movement:


In some extend, you, him and I believe in the same thing, that People should rely on their own power.
Sazegara also believes in targeted sanctions against Sepah’s interest and intends no blind sanctions against people:


Till now, he always issued accurate analyzes of the situation in Iran which helped youths a lot. I don’t know someone more energetic as him who despite his health problems continues to breathe good thoughts in people’s movement that, I, as an Iranian among 70M others, am thankful for his active participation in people’s movement.

Mardom Mazloom

Captaine jan,

by Mardom Mazloom on

We should form the league of AIPAC-think-tank haters ;)
Happy 13-bedar to you too, aziz!

Fouzul Bashi

"Iranian dissident Sazegara joins Bush Institute .. "

by Fouzul Bashi on

"Iranian dissident Sazegara joins Bush Institute as Visiting Fellow for Human Freedom"  Is this a line from Orwell's 1984???




Mr. Mardom Mazloom AIPAC Hate Tank

by capt_ayhab on

You say [On this site, I'm among those who fight against AIPAC think-thank and
I've never seen you in action!!

Let us call it as it is.......... AIPAC HATE tank.

Happy 13 hamvatan



m&m Dear

by Demo on

Dear m&m: There is no “Heat” or “Doghi” with me in a sweet forum as the one here. See the waning red light flashing link below for your master Mohsen’s affiliation with AIPAC:


Reminding you also that he only spent only one year in IRI jail for his so called disloyalty to the regime & was allowed to leave the country afterwards with no problem!!!! Nobody would have known of his whereabouts after his arrest if he was a real enemy of IRI. Another red warning light flashes there.

Still no intention to judge him or ever want to. But wish not to see him or alike (Gangi , Sooroosh, Moosavi, etc.) become the people savers from IRI. People should rely on their own power instead & in choosing a leader from among them should remember that once someone becomes a trader (real or imposter) he/she could not be trusted for anything.  


یک روز یک بسیجیه تو امریکا ....


(همشون هم مامانشون قربونشون بره یک کم چیز خل اند) داشته دعا میکرده: خدایا منو نیامرز، خدایا منو نیامرز.
بهش گفتن: این چه حرفیه میزنی؟
گفت: هیچی دارم خود شکنی میکنم!

Mardom Mazloom

Demo, kheili dagh nakon pessar!!

by Mardom Mazloom on

On this site, I'm among those who fight against AIPAC think-thank and I've never seen you in action!!

Sazegara hasn't joined AIPAC or any other organizations asking for sanctions or war on Iran. He has repeatedly said that the solution to our problems must come from Iranians themselves. He wouldn't tirelessly had recorded daily videos helping people in their struggle, if he was in AIPAC organization as AIPAC members just wait for the WAR.

The only guys I know who try to undermine Sazegara or any other resisters are IRI-SROI (Satanic Regime Occupying Iran) moftkhors.

People know who they have to trust. Sazegara is among those who are highly cherished by Iranians, just go and see popular forums where most people are registered from Iran.



by Demo on

No doubt, the final judgement rests with GOD alone. Such a decree comes with no time scale &  no human(s) either "Mazloom" or "Zalem" can fool that by a wearing a green wrist band, joining an AIPAC think tank, recording fanciful/deceitful videos, opportunistically backing up this group & that sect by time & etc.

Mardom Mazloom

Who's the judge, Demo?

by Mardom Mazloom on

You? When I hear intolerant people here preaching for their justice, it reminds me Khalkhali 30 years ago! The same old full of hate persons who expect better life (Iran) while they are the same as their fathers or themselves who did street justice at the end of the last regime. How people don't change!

Hopefully, our youths living in Iran are full of wisdom and they like to hear Sazegara's advice as well as all other Iran lovers who each day help in their struggle against ignominy.

Sazegara did a choice at the beginning of the revolution, he paid for his mistake as he beared Mullahs jail in Iran and now is helping people with what he knows.

You can't undo anything you've already done, but you can face up to it. You can tell the truth. You can seek forgiveness. And then let God do the rest.”

I respect Sazegara for his power, and pray for more power to him!


Crimes & Misdemeanors

by Demo on

No moving arms, no colors use, no affiliation of any sort, no sweet talks, and no acting of any kind will ever clear up Mr. Sazgara's dark life history.   


damn, 30 B. toman each month!

by Fatollah on

I am begining to like this guy, keep up Mr. Sazegara.

it seems patt-e ham digar o mirizan ro aab. Good!

it's as if chap a vol started in recent years!

Mr. Sazegara, this has been going on for 30 years.