Allafe Facebook

Iranians with nothing better to do


more from Tapesh

I think it has a point there somewhere..

by ghalam-doon on

One has to be on acid to follow all the dialogues or gimmicks in this video.

Those who have political and social power and were worried about the influence of internet on raising the awareness of the youth should not worry any more. It seems they have come up with an idea to create a nation of allafs. Robots who are mesmerized with all these gimmicks, thumbing away on those little keypads!

Allafe facebook, twitter, FriendFeed, ipod, ipad, text messaging etc.



by Iraniandudeee on

Only thing remotely interesting in anyways in the vid is the some what hot American girl.


"You should not be afraid of the ideology but of the determination and will of the men behind it"


"A drowning man is not troubled by rain" Persian Proverb


Tina Lov

by onlyinamrica on

You are a 110% FAKE girl. Your name, your hair, your dialog, etc.

Bichareh Ardeshir.