Israel "Dragging Us Into War"

Interview with editor & US military analyst on Wikileaks revelations


Immortal Guard

Mahmoudg is using reverse psychology...

by Immortal Guard on

Mahmoudg is using reverse psychology... By acting way too boisterously he is exposing his immense insecurity in order to garner some compassion from those reading his blogs. I feel sorry for him but I wouldn't get too close to him!

Sargord Pirouz


by Sargord Pirouz on

I thought the same about Mahmoud. Talk about self-hating, this guy takes the cake.


oh boy, mahmoudg is back

by norooz on

oh boy, mahmoudg is back with his surgical attacks and strong holes. Just wondering mahmoud, isn't you name and Islamic name? If you care about Persian culture that you pretend to defend so much, how come you haven't even changed your name. This proves that you are not really about Persia/Iran or really even anti Islam. You are just a pro Israel clown and the same question goes to Fred and some others with Arabic names who bad mouth Islam. Not that anything wrong with that. It just shows you love to the culture and how lazy and careless you are. But it is too late to change now. We know where you are from.


Us and Israel will strike Iran

by mahmoudg on

This fact is now established.  Now what the world is working on is how best to accomplish that.  We Persian/Iranian loving people should support this and work towards surgical strikes which will cause the least devestation to the infrastructure and the integrity of Persia/Iran.  we know in the process of the attacks a few hundred thousand will perish.  But shed no tear as they are the likes of the same blind supporters on this site, or the thousands that were unleashed on the streets to murder people.  To cleanse Iran of the branwashed Basij and the IRGC foot soldiers of the Cult of Islam is the duty of whoerver is brave to rid the world of this backward cult in Iran.  Those brave souls will be the US/Israeli soldiers, who can finish the job in less than a week, when all these so called brave Islamic Rapist Cultists will scrounge to one corner, beard and turban shed.

tehran e Azad

Majority of the world

by tehran e Azad on

Majority of the world countries and the majority of the iranian people want the Rapist, murdering Islamic Republic gone . So there is absolutely no surprise if Saudis want an attack on Iran.

Iran is a grave threat to all it's neighbours and all the world. IRI has been murdering it's own people for 30 years, what makes you think they care about other people!

Since last year Iranians eye's have been opened to the brutal ways of the regime. Internal and external pressure will make IRI crumble.

Iran's economy is bankrupt, unemployment is over 70%, people are being tortured , raped, jailed and killed, sanctions tearing Iran apart. THE END IS NEAR!



Saudies are in hot seat now

by Benyamin on

No matter what we think of the IRI and no matter what we think of in terms of brutality or mismanaging of Iran`s wealth and so on, I believe there are a few facts about the IRI which have been proved by the IRI in recent years. One of those abilities is aimful assassination!

Anvar Sadaar was assassinated by an Islamic group which was supported by Iran and some say was a direct order of Khomeini. I amnot entertaining this idea but if what it has been leaked about the Saudie Arabian (Hejazi King) were true I would say The IRI wont be very happy about it.

It is one thing when you know something that no one else knows but once everyone else get to know that truth one must take action to preserve their own image.

Bombing Iran is not a good idea in so many levels and knowing that Hejazi king is entertaining this idea does make one thing absolutely crystal clear and that Hejazi king is indeed the enemy of Iran.

We know that Hejaz wont be happy with Iranian superiority wether it is IRI or a democratic Iran doesn`t matter. They still call Persian Gulf some other made up name and they still try to sabotage Iran within and outside Iran`s borders. This leak is good for Iranians and bad for Hejazi kings no matter how you look at it. 


Israel's alarmism not new


And as the leaks show arab dictators like great lap poodles they are, happily jumped on board. 


WikiLeaks: 'Israel overestimating Iranian nuke program'
  • US officials are documented expressing
    concern over the Israeli assessments suggesting that the Islamic
    Republic is getting closer to manufacturing nuclear weapons, The
    elements stressed that back in 1993 Israel claimed that Iran would have a
    nuclear bomb by 1998 at the latest.


Netanyahu said Iran was 3-5 years away from nuclear capability– back in ‘95!


This alarmist attitude has been hurting Iran's democracy movement for many years now and is nothing new to those who truly follow Iran. As if the regime's tyrany is not enough, Iranians are being betrayed by the very  "sane world" Fred likes to seek help from.

Sargord Pirouz

That's easy, "Fred"

by Sargord Pirouz on


Debunk this Scott

by Fred on

Maybe like his “Iran Propaganda Debunked in Under Seven Minutes”, he should debunk the real fears the Arabs have of his by now not debunked Islamist Rapist weaponized nuke.

