Maz Jobrani

Jews and gays


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by Parthianshot91 on

I meant that as in making fun of ourselves. Who cares if others are doing it? why should we do it, when we can just make fun of others! 

 The legend of Persian penis is not a myth, it is a fact, I promise you this.


"They are not afraid of the ideology alone, but of the detemination and will of the men behind it"

Immortal Guard


by Immortal Guard on

Making fun on MISTRANSLATIONS. I like how all this entertainment industry works. Just like that Oliver Stone's Kennedy movie where at the end Clay Shaw was arrested!



by oz on

I did not use that term. I was simply explaining Commrade's earlier comment in which he used the term inferiority complex.

However, I must say this way of talking about "lowered status in the world"is in fact an inferiority complex in itself. Who is this world that our status is dropping before? And why? Is the status of Iranians judged solely based on an idiotic remark by a politician? 'Cause then I could bring you thousands of examples from politicians around the world who've said stupid things. 

Nader Vanaki

حالا مسخره کردن خودمون

Nader Vanaki

برای آمریکاییها و کلاً انگلیسی زبون ها داره برنامه اجرا میکنه. اگه یه خورده بی مزه به نظر میاد به خاطر اینه که در جمع دوستان، فامیل، محافل خصوصی، بساط عیش و نوش و در کوچه و بازار خودمن خیلی بهتر از این بابا خودمونو مسخره می کنیم و بهتر می خندیم. حالا اگه خوشتون نیومد ببخشین بزارین این بابا یه کاسبی داشته باشه و کانالتون رو عوض کنید.

Nader Vanaki

مسخره بازی

Nader Vanaki

اولاً مخاطب این آقا جماعت ایرانی نیستن و آمریکاییها و کلاً انگلیس زبان هاهستن. اگه اونا خوششون میاد به من و شما ربطی نداره. اگه یک کم بی مزه به نظر میاد به خاطر اینه که خودمن در جمع دوستان و محافل خصوصی و یا در جمع مردم کوچه بازار خیلی بهتر امثال احمدی نژاد و گنده تر از اون رو مسخره می کنیم و خنده خورِش خیلی بیشتر از جوکهای این باباست.

Nader Vanaki

به مطالب بالا رجوع فرمایید

Nader Vanaki

اینقدر هم برای یه برنامه کمدی فلسفه نبافین


Dear Khar

by Rea on

Am reading your lips. ;o)

Oh, you, magarac, my beloved Dalmatian animal.



by statira on

Ahmaghinejad and slumic regime already lowered our status and respect in the world. It can not go lower than that. I'm not sure what you mean of inferiority complex?


Dear Rea

by Khar on

You Wrote: "As for the oversized penises, they are just a legend, anyway"

I beg the differ aziz ;o))


Good point, dear Parthianshot

by Rea on

Nobody cares about anybody any more.  So, why would anybody care about Persians?

As for the oversized penises, they are just a legend, anyway. Gone with the wind.

David ET

Here is what Iran really needs

by David ET on

Omi Jalali as Supreme Leader and Maz for President


Maz is an American Comedian

by Ski-Ab-Ali on

Maz is an American comedian in the tradition of all great comedians. If anybody gets a chance, see Jackie Mason comedy on Jews or Danny Thomas on Italian and Jews though he was a Lebanese Arab. All comedians use the context of certain culture for delivery but the content is universal. Today above all days let us all be thankful to live in a country that we can celebrate our diversity with malice towards none.

 “I have enough money to last me the rest of my life, unless I buy something.

“It's no longer a question of staying healthy. It's a question of finding a sickness you like.

“By these things examine thyself. By whose rules am I acting; in whose name; in whose strength; in whose glory? What faith, humility, self-denial, and love of God and to man have there been in all my actions?”

Jackie Mason


Who cares what others do?

by Parthianshot91 on

If they smoke crack or jumped off a cliff, would you do the same? Making fun of themselves led the Americans to the crap they're in now.

Atleast if you're gonna do a stand up about Persians focus on the positives, like how we have oversized penises or something.


"They are not afraid of the ideology alone, but of the detemination and will of the men behind it"


Thanks Khar jan, fantastic guy, great loss

by kazem0574 on

Here is Omid Jallilie for you with his British Iranian flavour, he is still developing.

Part 1


Part 2




George Carlin - on Religion ;o)

by Khar on

Kazem Jaan, here's Carlin take on Religion, he calls it bullshit. I guess you can say Carlin was an Equal Opportunity Offender Comedian ;o))

Rest in peace George aziz...



Khar, sorry to hear it

by kazem0574 on

But there are other American comics who's names I don't know but have seen them totally knock everything American.



by oz on

George Carlin on the other hand is a great example of Fesenjoon.



by oz on

Nothing's wrong with laughing at anything in my opinion.  Self-
examination, both individual and societal, that highlights our inner conflicts and struggles is admirable, particularly in the hands of a
great comedian, a true artist. But please lets not give credit where
it's not due. What Maz does here is far from a master who has a thorough understanding of his culture and revealing humorous ironies. He says a few
things that people want to hear, then does a great 'gay' at the end and gets a few
laugh. This is popcorn. There's nothing wrong with popcorn,
but lets not make it sound like Fesenjoon, please. Maz is Maz, and I love him.



by Khar on

You mean he was, George Carlin has passed away he died last year.


Sexy, ufff !

by Rea on

Have always liked them bald. ;o)


George Carlin, (American comic) is he suffering from it too?

by kazem0574 on

Jahanshah Javid

Making us human

by Jahanshah Javid on

oz, i wasn't replying directly to you or anybody else, rather i'm reacting to the general idea that somehow Iranian comedians should not make fun of Iran or anything Iranian. it's absurd. ALL comedians make fun of their own people, culture and their self. Forget comedians even. Social commentators would not be worth listening to if they don't point out weaknesses in their own society.

For the source of the negative perception of Iran and Iranians, you need to blame the Islamic Republic's crimes. You need to blame homophobia. You need to blame Holocaust deniers. You need to blame Islamophobia! Not Maz Jobrani! He's doing us all a favor by making us human.


To make it simple, Comrade means self-hating

by Parthianshot91 on

Like as in they have to bash their own people and country to make the audience laugh. His acts are alright, usually, but I don't like some of his acts, especially where he just begins to make fun of his own, like for example, have you seen the vid about the Iranian 2010 census and the stereotypes behind em? It makes us look lame and our people as koskhols, and that kind of crap is what's leading many of our youth and people in our communities to viewing our Iranian/Persian culture as a joke.


"They are not afraid of the ideology alone, but of the detemination and will of the men behind it"


You realize I was

by oz on

You realize I was explainging what comrade wrote for Ali P., not expressing myself.

Jahanshah Javid

sooooo sensitive

by Jahanshah Javid on

can't even take a joke... which comedian doesn't make fun of his own people and culture? if you don't make fun of your own stupid habits, you have no right to laugh at others.


inferiority complex

by oz on

Inferiority complex is a cultural desease that most developing nations suffer from when comparing themeselves with the developed western societies. They feel inferior to the standards set by these western societies.  Commrade means highlighting your shortcomings, which all have cultural and historical reasons, is a self depricating process by which we are self defined losers.


Inferiority Complex ??

by Tavana on

In this non-comrade's opinion means "crowd pleaser" & "heirani ('lost with the wind' in English')." The Ecocomy Recesion has further turned the "Comedy" for Maz to "Retardation."


Iranian comedians

by kazem0574 on

Those  I have seen including Maz but particularly Omid Jalili tend to utilise their culture’s peculiarities and the politics of the day to get laughs. 

My friend hates it even when they refer to us as Middle-Eastern. 

It’s a business and they have to do whatever they can to keep their share of the market.

In this clip Maz  mainly makes fun of Ahmadi, but can you blame him or anyone else for that  ;-)


He's so

by statira on



Maz in Sacramento this Feb!

by Monda on

Catch him if he's not sold out yet!