Ahmadinejad in New York

Urges US to free Iranian detainees after American hiker released

BBC: Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has urged the US to release Iranian citizens after Tehran freed on bail a US hiker it accuses of spying. Mr Ahmadinejad said the US should make a humanitarian gesture to release eight Iranians "illegally detained" in the US. His remarks came as the released hiker, Sarah Shourd, arrived in the US. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has called for Iran's "responsible" leaders to assert control there >>>


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more from Ghormeh Sabzi
Dr. X

No Fear

by Dr. X on

It seems that I am not going to change your position and you are not going to change mine. However I have realized that you and your kind are incapable of posting comments and discussing a topic in a civilized and respectful manner. You end your posting with "SHUT IT"? Really? The nature of your comments illustrates the lack of tolerance and respect for any ideology other than your own, not to mention the lack of ability to discuss issues in a civilized manner. Thanks for illustrating just how intolerant this fascist regime and its supporters can be. I mean if you are this intolerant, we can all imagine how people with your ideology with control of the military and prison system in Iran can be. You have in fact helped me prove my point without me calling you names or telling you to "shut it". If I were to bring myself down to your level, we might as well grab a couple of clubs and beat ourselves over each other's heads like cavemen. Then we can make up and be friends over a couple of Sandis provided by the Islamic Republic...lol.


نماینده حقه بازان


رای مردم را دزدید که بتونه سفر کنه وگرنه آمریکا به همین راحتی بهش ویزا نمیده


Agha irani

by Doctor X on

This time? Maan. He always uses that line. that is his thing:)

I am just hoping that he can at some point brings proof and evidence for everything that he claims! that is all i am doing.


Agha-Irani - you nailed it. Although I have to say that

by Onlyiran on

at least "No Fear" (unlike most of her "colleagues") restrains herself from using the all too common IRI practice of calling all opponents Israelis or "Zionists".  


tired of listening to hate and threat

by gunjeshk on

a radical though Ehsan . . .

please sit down before you read this . . . .

Israel coexisting with Iran

Iran coexisting with Israel.

America coexisting withe Iran and Israel.

Iran coexisting with America and Israel

Isreal coexisting with its Arab citizens.

Arab citizens coexisting with Israel.

think of how much money everyone would save, how much better everyone's life could be.  think of the drastic improving effect this would have on the lives of millions of children.

someone who prefers peace is a "zionist? okay, call me that if you want. peace and non-violence is the radical idea of our time, the cutting edge of thought.

we are all tired of dying and killing. aren't you? 

we are exhausted by listening to hate and threats. we can'timprove the world with hatred and condemnation. It doesn't work.

Iran is a mess. please rant at me if you must, but can you explain how your prejudice improves things for the people of Iran?



Doctor X

by Agha_Irani on

Notice throughout your exchanges with 'No Fear' (s)he did not acknowledge or answer any of your points directly.  Instead he labelled you with this and that - this time it was that you are 'emotional'.

This is one of the islamists standard diversion tactics.  When you present the evidence to them (which they have 100% knowledge of anyway - e.g. the shooting of innocent protesters by their armed thugs last year, or  the execution of tens of thousands of  prisoners of conscience throughout the history of this miserable islamist regime) they just try and bury their head in the sand and instead say: 'well you're not an expert' or 'in amrika in 1964 blah blah blah' or they answer your question by asking another question.

They, as  islamists, practice taqiyyah - dissimulation or simply lying when they feel it is convenient to do so.  They are nothing but a bunch of immoral, despicable human beings who have the gall to defend islamo-nazism by throwing false accusations at anyone who disagrees with their narrow, blind and extremist ideologies.

Nevertheless, bravo to you for saying your piece and standing up to these devious thugs.



No Fear

Dr X.

by No Fear on

So you think Ayatollah Jannati who was the former head of the Guardian council in Iran until recently, (arguably the most powerful council in Iran ), advises Ahmadinejad ?

Has Ahmadinejad listened and acted upon those " advices" ?  What are the indicators? What led you to believe that? Has Ahmadinejad executed any prisoner or is he ignoring the head of GC " advices" ?

Below are the list of the current Guardian Council members ;

In your opinion, how many seats belong to the reformists in this assembly? Who are the conservatives? Do you agree the composition of this assembly plays a very important role in our next election ?

Here is the list;

1- Hojatoleslam Mohamad Salimi

2- Hosein Ali Amiri

3- Abbas Ali Kadkhodaie

4- Siamack Rahpeik

5- Mohsen Esmaili

6- Mohammad Reza Alizadeh

 Are you going to adopt another emotional position to this rational question that i am asking you?  If that is the case, join a human right support group and be active as a humanist while directing your emotions to improve human rights in Iran. A method that you have been nagging about for 30 years with nothing to show for your efforts. The fact is, you are weak both in your ideologies and methods. But its really your methods that is failing you over and over again.

I am not going to sit here and trying to explain the basic of our internal policies with you and encounter objection after objections over the simplest facts that you dispute emotionally. You have to do your own digging until you have something interesting to say and contribute to a discussion. If you wish to look at politics like a one night stand affair when you can't tell the difference between the holes, you might as well shut it. Sincerely.



by 1iraniam on


No Fear , you have taken being idiot to new level. Do you need the list of political prisoners who have been murdered by this regime? I think you are not just an idiot, but pretending to be stupid too.

Dr. X

No Fear

by Dr. X on

I did not come here to take Islamic Republic trivia quizzes and answer who is who questions. Nor did I come here to be called "Sunshine" and to take grammar advice from you or anyone else. I do not need to understand politics as a "complex science" as you put it, to know that tens of thousand of Iranians came out to protest the elections, and that many of them were intimidated, harrassed, beaten and jailed for their outspoken criticism. Or perhaps you would like to think of it as reactionary emotional politics?  I will not allow you or anyone else to label me as anti-Iranian, unpatriotic, monarchist, zionist, or whatever for speaking the truth. (Brings back memories of the months immediately following the world trade center attacks when anyone who spoke out against the Bush policies was unpatriotic or un-American) To humor you however, on the Jannati topic...he is well known to be one of Ahmadinejads close advisors, and also the Friday prayers leader in Tehran . He uses this platform to call for the executions of political opponents. Why is it the same platform is not given to others who are with the oppostion?  Perhaps you are still in denial that hundreds of thousand of Iranians marched to protest electoral fraud, and many are being held in prison as a result. If so, I have nothing further to say as you and I are living in different worlds.


faayde nadare

by shushtari on

you're waisting your breath on this bunch....

these are the same geniuses who thought that moron khomeini was a saint!!! LOL


the level of ignorance here is astounding 


Doctor X

by Agha_Irani on



No fear

by Doctor X on


Complex science really? Since when? Taking a wild guess here now, Since you came to town and decide to make it so?

Don't You believe and say what you want, backed up and supported by anything you would deem as relevant supporting material? Are you not so impossible to change and so impervious to it once you have formed an opinion? What kind of game are you playing here labelling others as being off track when they do the same?

Politics has everything to do with emotions unlike what you think.

You are in no position to pass judgemnets on the level of someone else's political knowledge on iran. they know what they know and that is that and if you insist on pushing the notion that they don't know much because their way of thinking is not aligned with yours, and they just don't get it and start your "iranian political process is so complex" BS. then that makes you a syncophant with rigid mentality. You are making yourself look foolish by telling people oh No it is you who have got it backwards!!


No Fear

Dr X.

by No Fear on

Your political ideology is purely emotional and lacks credibility. You are calling Ayatollah Jannati , Ahmadinejad's top advisor. Where did you get that info?  Ayat. Jannati has been critisizing Ahmadinejad harshly now. How do you explain that, sunshine?

Your problem is that you are believeing what you want to believe. it seems that you along with many other commentators on IC, once you have formed an opinion, you will search for news and info to support an opinion which you formed before. This is your pitfall and its far from being fair. It lacks credibility.

You still have left some of those questions unanswered. Answering those question indicates the extend of your political knowledge which can seperate you from being a reactionary commentator. These are basic political knowledge in regards to Iran's politics. How could you defend your political opinion over an issue when you don't have the proper knowledge is beyond me.

And please, stop listing names of political prisoner from the Khatami era to try to prove your point here. Which political prisoner has been killed during Ahmadinejad term in office, in prison?

Stop being an one dimensional thinker. Politics is a complex science and you got it backwards.

PS: Try using Paragraphs when writing.

Dr. X

I simply stated that the

by Dr. X on

I simply stated that the names of such people at the top of the leadership are irrelevant. I was making a point by saying anyone can find these names if they choose. If you were to look up the top commander of the sepah and his name was Asghar or Abbas would it make a difference? You took my google comment and ran away with it. On the topic of generalization which was mentioned before, Jannati, who is one of Ahmadinejad's top advisors, called for execution of political activists, yet Ahmadi keeps him around. Isnt that worrysome to you? If Obama's advisor called for execution of political opponents and nothing was done about it, dont you think it would cause quite a big uproar? So who should we hold accountable for so many political prisoners and tortures in prison if not the top levels of government. This is not an isolated case as I mentioned before, there are many many political prisoners and according to human rights groups political executions have increased alarmingly since Ahmadinejad came to power. In his CNN interview, Ahmadi said peopel are free to speak as they wish in Iran. Really? Why so much crackdown and political prisoners? What are they afraid of? You want names of people tortured or killed ?..Ahmad Batebi, Zahra Kazemi, Arash Rahmanipour, Mohammad Reza Ali Zamani, Akbar Ganji, Majid Tavakoli....the list goes on. If you are in denial that it has happened and is still happening with the leadership knowing about it, then you must be living in your own little utopia. There, I have stated my case, I am finished.


execution of political prisoners?

by I Voted Ahmadinejad on

can somebody name one?3 guys got killed during unrest last year. In Thalad, some 100+ died at the hand of security forces and no one(obama,israel....)said a damn thing about it. why you iranian opposition have been given special treatment by Israel?

ram jams

Ehsan karimi

Speaking of debate? They

by Ehsan karimi on

Speaking of debate? They had a debate and all Musavi said was, Chizeh, inneh, oonneh and karoubi couldn't say anything because his tongue was getting stuck.

Doc, are you falling for it too?  Do you really think the complaint Karoubi sent to the congress is his idea?  That came from Rafi himself to eliminate the competition for his business expansion.  karoubi and others are being used as usual. Sepah is trying to keep the major industries in public account, since Rafi passed a law to level the road for himself to take over all the major industries and contracts. Once Ahmadinejad is gone, nothing will stop Rafi and his gang. 

Why karoubi doesn't say that Khomeini also said, clerics shouldn't take any positions in government?  Why has he been holding positions and why running for presidency?

Why not support Ahmadinejad's several proposals about disclosing the assets of the members of the Congress and other high ranking individuals in government? 

Why not speaking up for human rights and freedom for so long and all of the sudden do so after the election? 

Who used people and caused chaos?

who ordered the crackdown?

What does that have to do with Ahmadinejad?

Had they cooperated with Ahmadinejad, step by step all the problems would have been resolved, including the political prisoners issues, but they want the power not resolving the problems. The proof is that they have had their chances and more prisoners were executed and tortured under their watch.

Do you want to change the whole system? How? By getting more people killed and tortured? I gave an effective and quick solution that also satisfies the hunger for taking arm with minimum casualties and the casualties will even be the criminals whom you want dead anyway.  So what's the hold-up? Not even one man out there among the runaways?



No Fear

Thats over simplificatiion

by No Fear on

So you are saying sepah is stealing Iran's wealth and lets google who runs sepah to findout who is getting rich. right?

Do you seriously come to conclusion based on what you just said?

Can you answer the other question too? I am really curious to see how over simplification works. Its intriguing, really ... specially when your entire political activism is based upon its methods. Its like a one night stand. Quick, to the point and i don't want to know your fucking name. I might google it ... LoL

Dr. X

No Fear

by Dr. X on

To answer at least your first 2 questions...that would be Sepah, its top commanders, and anyone with close ties to Sepah...and the street Basijis who eat the crumbs that fall from their table. That would be like the Marines and Army running the economy in America. Its really not needed to know their names....anyone could google that and come up with that info. And Yes, the govt is accountable for extremists calling for executions because it allows them to spew such garbage, and gives them a platform to do so, yet the same govt violently crushes voices of dissent and does not give opposition figures the same platform. Instead , they vandalize their homes and raid their offices. They close opposition newspapers and arrests their editors. So to say the least, there is a double standard.

No Fear

Learn your " who is who " first.

by No Fear on

Who is running "sepah" ?

Who benefits from " sepah " grip on Iran's economy?

Who is responsible for the execution of political prisoners ?

Who is responsible for freedom of press in Iran?

What are the most prominent political groups in Iran?

btw, did you just say the government is accountable for extremists calling for execution in their press? Is that what you really want?  A government that controls the press?



Dr. X

No Fear

by Dr. X on

One does not have to know "who is who" in Iran to see what is happening and who is doing it in front of their very eyes. The names I mentioned who openly called for the executions of opposition figures are given a platform by the government to speak their garbage, and for that I hold the government accountable. If it sounds like I am generalizing or opposing the regime in its entirety is because of the actions (or lack thereof) of the leadership at the highest levels. I am not talking about a few "rogue elements" as you call it, who are responsible for petty theft or taking candy from babies. To answer your question as best as I can:

If a few rogue US polices are involved in drug trafficking or prostitution, would you want the entire US government to collapse? No..but thats not the case here. We are talking about hundreds maybe thousands of Academics, Journalists, Clerics, Students, etc who are being held as political prisoners. and not Joe Schmoe, but many prominent and well respected figures. some are on death row. Some physically beaten and tortured, some raped. Some who are not yet in prison but are facing daily threats. The Sepah is consolidating its grip on power and crushing any internal dissent, this is not a few "rogue elements". For this I hold the highest levels of government accountable to the rule of law, and they should be brought to Justice. Gandhi said something to the extent of..."Many of our people are illiterate, but they are not blind"



No Fear


by No Fear on

Without trying to be rude in any way or form i must say you do not possess the adequate political knowledge of who is who in Iran which results in making a comment such as " the regime rapes, tortutres ... ".

The problem with your generalization of the events is the extreme over simplification of events in Iran. While this might help you to steam off in forums like this, it has little or no political value to debate. You have already made an emotional choice to regard IR as an unified body that must be opposed in its entirety. This will effectively block any further debates since your prerequisites are based on a false claim and points to a non tolerable approach in your mind set.

Having said that, I believe different factions are competing in Iran current politics which are very different than one another. While i can't refute your claim of torture and possible rape in prisons, i don't believe the entire system must come crushing down in the most dramatic ways because of it. Ofcourse, those who committed any crimes, must be brought to justice. See if your way of thinking works in your respected second country. If a few rogue US polices are involved in drug trafficking or prostitution, would you want the entire US government to collapse? 



Doctor X!

by Agha_Irani on



Doctor X!

by Agha_Irani on


Dr. X

Sargord & No Fear

by Dr. X on

First of all Sargord, I did not advocate that Iran should be subject to war or sanction, so lets be clear on that. And I imagine there are many others who are against the regime who feel the same way. I do however support the hopes and aspirations of those who want change and want to hold government accountable wherever that may be, including Iran. And what is this about condeming Iran? I, and many others love Iran and its people and want to take it back from the criminal fascists who have taken it from us. And let me for a minute give you the benefit of a doubt that other nations may be "conspiring" as you say against Iran. That does not give the green light to rape, torture, harass, and execute those who are against the domestic policies of the regime and brand them as foreign agents or "Mohareb" or what have you. It does not give the green light to beat and kill peaceful protesters in the streets. I outlined a few of the crimes of the current leadership and still no answer on those. Are all those things acceptable since you say, nations are conspiring against Iran? So lets just all shut up and silence any dissent and criticism, right?

Sargord Pirouz


by Sargord Pirouz on

Dr. X, taking a cue from No Fear, I must remind you that your perspective is unrealistic.

When you advocate that Iran should be subjected to war, sanction or internal upheaval, particularly at a time when external powers are once again conspiring to render it weakened, you are anti-Iran

Let me remind you once again: There is only one Iran in this world. When you condemn the one and only nation of Iran, you are anti-Iran.


No Fear


by No Fear on

The difference is between idealism and realism.

We all want respect for all opinions ( without jeopardizing national interest ). We all want freedoms which are best suited for our nation. We all want more freedom of expression. We all want the reduction of religious entities over administrative positions. We all want more and more and more.

But people like me believe this must be achieved within the framework of our constitution even if it takes a bit longer. This process will ensure changes that hopefully are permanent. This to me is a realistic approach.

There are others who wish others could do their heavy lifting by removing the regime through sanction or war. This group is looking for a quick fix and have revolutionary approaches and solutions to the situation at hand.  This is a typical idealistic outlook.


Dr. X

I have been reading the

by Dr. X on

I have been reading the comments and I would like to make something clear. Just because someone is against the current regime in Iran doesnt mean he is anti-Iran or pro Israeli. In fact it is ones duty as a patriot to criticize any injustice carried out by government. It is a right, not a priviledge to criticize Ahmadinejad, Khamenei, or whoever for that matter. On that note I do not see how anyone can continue to defend this fascist regime that oppresses, tortures, rapes, and murders. How many people do you want to come out and give their accounts of brutality while in prison? What about those that were raped or murdered? What about mass executions? What about the continued harrassment of opposition figures such as vandalizing their homes and harrassing and even jailing their loved ones? What about some top mullahs like Jannati and Ahmad Khatami calling for the execution of opposition figures? Let me guess, they are all Israeil Mossad spies? All those people who marched and asked where is my vote were all pro Israeli? I am not here to make personal attacks on anyone regardless of their political ideologies. I just cannot comprehend how some people can continue to avoid the issue when it comes to the crimes of this regime.


حالا حسودیت نشه آقا پسر یا. دختر خانوم


موش هم تو رو و هم پسر ویا دختر خالت نو فیر رو هم بخوره. فقط به موشه آدرس بدید کجا جفتتون تو خارج نشستید . در ضمن اینقدر ادب، ادب نکن. ما که کاری به تو شروع نکردیم هنوز...


Camp Karimi

by Agha_Irani on


And you enjoy your terrorist dreams. 

No Fear


by No Fear on

I recommend you to go back and watch those election debates between Ahmadinejad and Mousavi and Karoubi again. I watched them recently and it was quite refreshing to see again.

The debates continued during Ahmadinejad's second term between pro Ahmadinejad and pro reform ( read the elite ruling class ) on national TV. Never before in IR history we have witnessed so much openness ( relative to the past including pre revolution ) when it comes to critisizing and debating government policies. Even Khatami wasn't this open.

You are cheering for the wrong team, son.