Capital Punishment Double Stabdard?

Fareed Zakaria on Teresa Lewis and Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani and...


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Phony Sargord,

by AMIR1973 on

Are you illiterate, blind or simply delusional? Read the first sentence of my comment:

Most likely, she will not be stoned to death.

Now, in the interest of accuracy, you should officially change your username to Phony Sargord.


SP / Mohsen

by MM on


I agree that with so much attention, Sakineh will not be stoned.  There are two other stoning cases in Iran that need to be brought up soon.  As Shadi Sadr has said, those poor souls who are forgotten in IRI jails, get the worst treatments of all. 

Right now, the so called Supreme Court of Iran is sitting on the verdict to see how much attention the case gets, or how much milage they can extract out of it.  My guess is that the sentence will be reduced to ghesaas with time served or exile in Brazil!


1. Capital punishment is wrong

2. Stoning is a barbaric form of capital punishment that belongs to the 7th century barbaric peninsula people.

3. Sakineh's stoning verdict was for adultery and even if she was guilty of murder, her two accomplices who did the killing got less than 10 years.

4. Sakineh's confessions were obtained under torture and therefore invalid.

We are talking about that facts of the case where AN sat there and lied thru his teeth regarding; A. There was a stoning verdict, and B. the stoning verdict was for the crime of adultery. 

May the prayers that AN uttered before the interviews turn around and kick him in the gluteus maximus.

No Fear

Ofcourse, she won't be stoned.

by No Fear on

She has served her purpose as a leash to keep Ahmadinejad in line with the " traditional conservative " desired message given at UN and interviews.

I wrote about this on my blog on sept 9. This is a known tactic to get the media all riled up and as a result put our president in a difficult position. The amount of debate over this issue only displays how well planned this tactic was and how a judiciary controlled by conservatives can affect the administration.

There are powerful groups both inside and outside of Iran that are strongly opposed to any rapprochment between Iran and US.


Sargord Pirouz

Okay Amir

by Sargord Pirouz on

Here's the bet:

I bet this woman will not be stoned within the next six months.

If I lose, I forfeit "Sargord Pirouz" or any combination of this name, ie no Sargord or no Pirouz.

If I win you forfeit "Amir1973" or any combination of this name, ie no Amir in the name and no 1973.

Bet starts today. Bet's called on March 27, 2011. 

(MM, I see you chickened out. That's okay. Personally, I think you're less impetuous than Amir, and maybe a little smarter. Obviously, this woman ain't gonna be stoned. ) 


Majid Jan

by Fair on

Gol gofti azeez, ghorbane zabane shirin, harfe hesab, adamee keh harfe hesab meezaneh.  geere bad janevarani oftadeem, vali baghe vahsh meetavanad khandeh avar neez bashad:)


نادر ونکی



دمت گرم، لپ مطلب رو گفتی!

در دل دوست به هر حیله رهی باید کرد

طاعت از دست نیاید گنهی باید کرد

بعبارت دیگه بلاگ رو باید از مسیرش خارج کرد حالا بهر قیمتی! اگه همه گفتند ما کوکاکولا میخوایم این یکی میگه من فانتا میخوام! و اینجوری جلب نظر میکنه!

اینو باید انداختش تو یه اطاق گِرد و بهش گفت «برو یه گوشه بشین»!

چند نفر دیگه هم از این قماش اینجا داریم که «حتی اگر تو چیزی رو اختراع کرده باشی پنج دقیقه بعد اونا بیشتر از تو دربارهء اون اختراع میدونن»!!


Nothing is muddy. All clear

by abusaleh on

Nothing is muddy. All clear here. Subtle aversion from the truth. Live your lies.


Not flawed logic--it's called selective hearing

by Milan on

Don't muddy up the water. Listen to it again and you'll see that he's not justifying capital punishment, etc. He's drawing distinctions as far as the methods of executions and the nature of the crimes committed.


Flawed logic

by abusaleh on

Fareed Zakaria's logic is flawed. He is justifying USA's stance on capital punishment because they have less executions....what a pitiful man. Is one human life worth less than another that you have quantified good and bad. Shame on us.


just in - Iran's judiciary won't cave to West on stoning case

by MM on

Iran's judiciary won't cave to West on stoning case


However, they are full of it  and either hang her, ghesaas or Brazil, depending on the world pressure


I'm up for the bet too, Phony Sargord

by AMIR1973 on

Most likely, she will not be stoned to death. But it doesn't change the fact that she has been received more than 99 lashes for, among other things, having her picture appear in a newspaper with her hair uncovered (turns out it wasn't even her in the picture!). It also doesn't change the fact that the IRI considers adultery a "capital offense"; and that it has stoned to death a number of women (as its own so-called penal code explicitly prescribes).

Be that as it may, to me you will always be the Phony Sargord -- and it's only right that you change your username accordingly. Whaddya say?



by mohsenp on

The report reads,   it seems that the main motive of the above-named in murdering her husband with the help of one of the stranger men … has been to have illicit relations with [such] men and her severely corrupt mind, as well as other indications and evidences all of which indicate the committing of the crime of adultery

If this is true and she has been involved in the murder, then the execution has been justified by law. It doesn't matter if the court charged her with one before the other. The question is, if she has been involved or not beyond the reasonable doubt?  It seems to me she wasn't involved beyond reasonable doubt, but she knew the killers and their plan, but didn't take them seriously and she kept quite to save herself from embarrassment.  She should face some jail times for it. 

I am sure if this same case was in US, she would be charged with murder in first degree and get executed or a life in prison sentence.


Sargord Pirouz


by Sargord Pirouz on

We're talking past one another.

Let's take this one step further. Do you think she's going to be stoned? And if you do, within what time frame will it take place?

I'll make you a gentlemen's wager. I'll bet you she will not be stoned. Time frame: six months. Loser has to change his username. 

You up for the bet? 


The Phony Sargord lies...again

by AMIR1973 on

But I'm sure not going to point the finger at other places, while similar things are going on right here in my own back yard.

It is a fact that the IRI's so-called laws can make adultery punishable by death (just one of its among its many medieval and inhuman laws)--nothing remotely like that exists in the U.S. In other words, you are once again being a Phony Sargord when you claim that "similar things" go on in the U.S., O Groupie of the anti-American, anti-Iranian terrorist regime. Cheers   :-)


SP - the verdict is not finalized until she is stoned to death

by MM on

We are talking about the fact that AN even denied that a stoning verdict was handed down.  And, secondly, AN denied the fact that the verdict was based on adultery and not murder.  Of course the supreme court is looking at it, but it would not have, if Sakineh's lawyer did not appeal the case in 20 days at which time the verdict would be final.

Sargord Pirouz

Obama can execute Americans without courts

by Sargord Pirouz on

Obama invokes 'state secrets' claim to dismiss suit against targeting of U.S. citizen al-Aulaqi

"The idea that courts should have no role whatsoever in determining the criteria by which the executive branch can kill its own citizens is unacceptable in a democracy," the American Civil Liberties Union and Center for Constitutional Rights said.

Read all about it: 


Nader Vanaki

سرگوز یه خورده انحراف به چپ داره

Nader Vanaki

این سرگوز همیشه باید در نقطه مقابل مسائل قرار بگیره حالا هرکجا که بود، بود.  ظاهرآ از تاریخ معاصر ایران هم چیزی نمی دونه و هر موقع خواستین سوسکش کنید به فارسی کامنت بزارین، چون سواد فارسی هم نداره.

Sargord Pirouz


by Sargord Pirouz on

I think we're saying close to the same thing. As the sentencing is being reviewed, it has not been finalized.


SP - verdict is in - being reviewed in supreme court

by MM on

This is a translation of the stoning verdict and clearly on the charge of adultery.  The verdict was appealed to the supreme court by Sakineh's lawyer.


"In this case, Mrs Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, born 1968, resident of Oskoo, daughter of Asqar, is accused of committing adultery with stranger men. Given the contents of the case and the form of the complaint of the children of the accused and of her murdered husband Mr Ebrahim Ghaderzadeh, the form of the report by the security forces, and the clear confessions of the above-named … such that it seems that the main motive of the above-named in murdering her husband with the help of one of the stranger men … has been to have illicit relations with [such] men and her severely corrupt mind, as well as other indications and evidences all of which indicate the committing of the crime of adultery, have led the majority of the court to arrive at knowledge [tahsil e elm], and [thus] with reference to Clauses 63, 83 and 105 of the Islamic Penal Law, the majority of the court sentences Mrs Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, daughter of Asqar, to stoning [rajm] on the charge of adultery (with stranger men repeatedly). This verdict can be appealed to the Supreme Court within 20 days from the date of this verdict."

"Judge and Advisers Eemani, Seyf Ahmadi, Musavi"   


Sargord Pirouz


by Sargord Pirouz on

The whole reason for the discussion is the woman in Iran that hasn't even been given a final sentencing.

Capital punishment? I'm personally against it. But I'm sure not going to point the finger at other places, while similar things are going on right here in my own back yard.

But, I know: hypocrisy for you folks is permissible as long as it's anti-Iran. We get it. 


He forgot to compare his

by mohsenp on

He forgot to compare his country of India and we all know what is going on there.

In addition he said, US doesn't execute anyone for political reasons. Us has, they just give different reasons and sometimes people are kidnapped and disappear and no one knows what happened to them. 


Phony Sargord,

by AMIR1973 on

The IRI sentences people to death for non-capital "crimes" (e.g. adultery). Per capita, it is one of the world's leading executioners--well ahead of the U.S., a country with 4 times its population. Nice try, Phony Sargord. Nice try. 

Sargord Pirouz

Well, for all the hoopla,

by Sargord Pirouz on

Well, for all the hoopla, the Iranian woman was not put to death.

But a mentally disabled woman in the US was put to death last week. A Georgia inmate is scheduled to be executed Monday. And in California, an inmate is scheduled to be executed any day now.

Double-standard? Heck, the Iranian woman hasn't even received her final sentencing! 

Ali P.

I cannot wait...

by Ali P. on see Fareed Zakaria interview Ahmadinejad.


Great response to the so many skewed and lies by AN

by Bavafa on

Having said that, I yearn for the day that state sponsor murder which is known as capital punishment vanishes from the face of earth.


Anonymous Observer

Good job, but In comparing the raw number of executions

by Anonymous Observer on

in Iran and the U.S., he could have gone further by mentioning the vast difference between the population of the United States and that of Iran.  if looked at in that context, the numbers can be even more staggering.  


Well said

by statira on

Fareed Zakaria explained it all. He is the best journalist and always says the stuff we like to hear and feel inside. I hope he would ineterview Ahmaghinejad.