
Cyrus the Basiji

Persian Emperor "kneels" in front of Ahmadinejad

وقتي "كوروش " و "كاوه آهنگر " مقابل احمدي‌نژاد زانو زدند

خبرگزاري فارس: "كاوه آهنگر " وارد سالن شد و با در دست‌ داشتن نيزه‌اي كه پرچم چرمي "كاوه " روي آن قرار داشت، مقابل احمدي‌نژاد زانو زد و رئيس جمهور چفيه‌اي را روي گردن "كاوه آهنگر " انداخت. به گزارش خبرنگار حوزه دولت خبرگزاري فارس، آيئن رونمايي از "منشور كوروش " كه عصر امروز يكشنبه در موزه ملي ايران با حضور محمود احمدي‌نژاد رئيس جمهور، اسفنديار رحيم‌مشايي رئيس دفتر رئيس جمهور، حميد بقايي رئيس سازمان ميراث فرهنگي و گردشگري و آزاده اردكاني رئيس موزه ملي ايران برگزار شد >>>


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well educated in history

by I Voted Ahmadinejad on

شما بجای حرص خوردن و تهمت افترا زدن کمی تاریخ بخوان برائت مفید خواهد بود.



ram jams


Niloufar Arabi

by Agha_Irani on

You made the first insult during this thread (freak show comment) and now you are getting a taste of your own medicine - whether you take me seriously or not is absolutely of no consequence to me.

What matters to me is to answer the islamist propagandists and liars which misrepresent all the facts and you appear to have a rich history of that on this site just during the short time I've been here.


iranians are MUCH

by shushtari on

smarter than these mullahs care to believe.....


everyone knows that this is all a show by a bunch of arab parast idiots who wanted to bull doze perspolis not too long ago!!!


nobody is gonna fall for this crap.......


and by the way, a dirty monkey like antarinejad doesn't have the right to even look that cyrus cylinder, which represent everything iranian and symbolizes tolerance and just rule- THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE OF AN AKHOOND/BASIJI GOVERNMENT

Hoshang Targol

To: I voted AN, spoken like a true AN

by Hoshang Targol on

what your most ignorant, pathetic mind claims as our national "heritage" has been nothing but historical disgarce,and infamy, but you're too much of a fascist to comprehend any of this.

For instance your citing of Zol'gharnain:

This was a Thug on the Throne, who used to run wire through people's shoulders, and hang them alive, watching them die, just to make sure they know who's the boss. This is the kind of ethical leadership your AN is trying to revive.

Your beloved Islamic Republic of Hell is finished,doomed, gone, done. Keep changing it to nationalist, pre-islamic,... in a short while you'll all probably turn vegetarian, and pose as post-modern, new age,...

Just take away all your security forces from the streets, and you'll see  exactly what will happen, Achaemenida can't help you with that one, can they?


P.S. For those intrested in a western narrative of ancient Iran read the amazing novel " Creation," by American novelist Gore Vidal. It's also been translated to Persian a few years abck as Afarinesh. It's amusing that Persians are portrayed as noble, civilized folks and Greeks as filthy, young boys abusers that they were.

Mardom Mazloom

I Voted AN - Noosh joonet -

by Mardom Mazloom on

Do you mean that it blongs more to you who live in the west than to millions of youths living inside Iran and who are against this satanic regime?
Yek khordeh az oon adabiat "reiss jomhoor" azizet baramoon inja begoo mostafizz shim, Deh yallah!


I Voted AN

by AMIR1973 on

Do u mean the same land that you and your kinds left when the first sadam's bomb hit it???Iran belongs to people who fought for it.

You had plenty of opportunities to do the right thing and step on an Iraqi landmine. If a 12 year-old boy could do it, why not you?  


glorious land

by I Voted Ahmadinejad on

Do u mean the same land that you and your kinds left when the first sadam's bomb hit it???Iran belongs to people who fought for it.

ram jams


بابا دست از سر این کورش بدبخت ور دارید!


Shah the Nationalist tried the "Korosh card" in his 2500 years thing and that gained him about 5 to 6 years. Now the Fake Nationalists of the Islamist regime are using the "Korosh card" again for this cylinder thing. Let's see how many more years of desparate "rule"  it'll gain these pathetic creatures!

Niloufar Parsi

Agha Amreekai

by Niloufar Parsi on

and with that attitude of yours, i am supposed to care about what you 'wish'?!



by Agha_Irani on

I wish you and your basiji brothers a long and miserable retirement in the Afghan mountains with your al-Qaeda brothers or perhaps a nice sojourn in Gaza with your terrorist Hamas cousins - please leave Iran and stop polluting that glorious land by your presence.


اگر برای شاه نان نشد برای احمدی آب می شود

I Voted Ahmadinejad

این کوروش(لوحه) 40 سال پیش هم یک سفر آمد ایران. شاه برای ایشان اتاق خواب درست کرد و اعلام کرد سلطنت تخت طاوس بر اساس تعالیم کوروش خواهد بود. البته چون کوروش خوابش برده بود نتونست نظارتی در احرای صحیح تعالبمش داشته باشد.
احمدی امروز کوروش را اورده که آنهای که ممکن است در خواب خود(همچون بعضی اینجا) فکر کنند که ما ایران پرستی را می گذاریم  برای  همانهای که 30 سال پیش با اولین بمب صدام فرار بر قرار ترجیح دادند را از خواب بیدار کنذ.
چفیه بسیجی هم گردن کوروش رفت تا اسرائیل بداند ذوالقرنین (کوروش-احمدی)ازحمایت بیش از یک میلیارد مسلمان بر خوردار است.

ram jams



by Agha_Irani on

I wish the akhoonds and hezbollahis had followed your advice and left the revolutionary islam to al-qaeda, muslim brotherhood and the rest of the fanatic arab muslims.

But no they decided to stuff that freak show down the throats of innocent Iranians who have suffered for 31 years as a result.

But soon the hezbollahis can go hide in the Afghan mountains with their al-Qaeda buddies or in Najaf with their extremist Iraqi "brothers"  when the Iranian people get rid of them. 


Niloufar Parsi

it's so annoying

by Niloufar Parsi on

when someone else steals your own freak show!

leave the nationalist bs to our revolutionary expats pls or they will have nothing else to play with...


Ahmaghi and Mashaei Not as stupid as they look!

by choghok on

They know what feeds most Iranians ego, Hossain and Koorosh. If you want to rule you have to kiss their ass. Now those who love one of these two and hate the other would cry here that what atrocity to mix these 2 together, but Ahmaghi and his gang are smart, they want to go for the big crowd that idolize both of them like Tahgerd and No Fear here.

 Once again they show they know how to manipulate and rule the ordinary people.



by Majid on



احمدی عرصهء سیمرغ نه جولانگه تُست  

تو برو گی تَه بَخور ای قِرشمالِ نادُرُست!


Korosh ba shale Felestini

by statira on

Az key talah korosh arab shode va dastmale felestini gardanesh mindazeh?  why ke cheghadr een hezbolahiah ahmaghoo kharand!


very odd....

by shushtari on

that a bunch of iran-haters and arab worshipers wanted to display the biggest symbol of persian heritage while they are trying their best to destroy everything that is truly iranian- chahar shanbe souri, eid, etc.


the last thing we need is to have a bunch of no good idiots who worship arabs and try to shove islam down the throats of iranians to come and pretend to be iranians.


let's face it, kourosh the great is turning in his grave!!!! 

Mohammad Ala

I am not happy about it.

by Mohammad Ala on

I am not happy about it.


حالا کوروش می تواند آسوده بخوابد

I Voted Ahmadinejad

از کوهای هندو کوش تا رود نیل بار دگر امپراطوری پارس نشانه پاکی از ملتهای منطقه در برابر اسرائیل این نشانه اهریمن محافظت خواهد کرد. همچون کوروش که یهودیان را از بند آزاد کرد امروز ایران خواب اسوده را از چشم بختن النصر زما ن ربوده است.

ram jams


The way that I see it

by divaneh on

Ahmadi just couldn't resist playing with Cyrus's beard.

Shazde Asdola Mirza

Dear nationalists, please bend over

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

for Ahmaghi to Palestinize you.

War War Till Victory!


DK jan: The irony is too

by vildemose on

DK jan: The irony is too painful to watch.


What is Koroush? You mean Koroush e Kabir

by spatima on

No where in the world a founder of a nation is humiliated the way cryus has been throughout the past 30 yeas in Iran.

First he was a homesexual pedophile

now he is a Basiji.........

nang bar een regime es-hali

you can dress up a Persian as an Arab

you can make him talk and write like an arab

but in the end, he is a Persian in the way that he places civility over arrogance.




In hope of a Free, Independent and Secular Iran


Doncha just love it? Oh, I

by Agha_Irani on

Doncha just love it? Oh, I forgot the arab worshipers who put islam and palestine before Iran are trolling the blogs again.


مشائی چیکارَس، استاد



بنا بر اصول فقه حجتی، مرحوم کورش هم ایشالّا مسلمون بوده و از روی تقّیه اون جوهودا رو آزاد کرد...

Never increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything.


Sargord Pirouz

Doncha just love it? Oh, I

by Sargord Pirouz on

Doncha just love it? Oh, I forgot, the anti-Iran crowd are haters...

No Fear

مشايي: چرا منشور كوروش را آيت خدا ندانيم؟

No Fear


What a complete idiot

by Mehrban on

I second that "واقعأ شرم اور که ملت ایران و تاریخ ایران به زباله تبدیل شده.


Fake Arab Kaveh

by IranFirst on

The only reason the real Kaveh will come to see Taazi Zahaak (Khamenei),
or his monkey (Antari) will be to kill them and revenge the blood of his
sons (who Zahhak had killed for his snakes).  IRI's Arab leaders need
someone to read them the Shahnameh.



How stupid he could be?

by afshinazad on

اخرش پرچم تروریستی را به گردن سربازان کورش کردند واقعأ شرم اور که ملت ایران و تاریخ ایران به زباله تبدیل شده.