Nematollah Bavand

Islamophobia in the West




by Agha_Irani on

Yes I agree with you.

His job of trying to salvage even a slight bit of credibility for the islamist regime is similar to trying to sell a wrecked second hand car!


Simorgh, nothing could be further from the truth

by thexmaster on

//   "San Francisco is extremely congested so this would be great here," said car salesman Mark Merat, doing his best to interest people in the most unusual car at the show: the part-motorcycle, part-economy car known as the Sparrow, made by Corbin-Sparrow. "It's generated a lot of enthusiasm."



by Simorgh5555 on

Sargord would make an excellent crooked second hand car salesman. He will take a wreck of a car and try and talk you into buying it!


Corporal Pirouz

by Agha_Irani on

or Haji Firouz as you are more appropriately now named - what are you talking about?????

As well as your scholastic attainments in questionable history, obsolete military technology and backward, redundant islamist ideology you are now an expert in analyzing writing styles in both Farsi and English???

Give it a break, you make yourself and your islamist arab worshiping masters look more preposterous with every single comment you add.  




by asadabad on

Muslims aren't allowed to insult anyone, especially the Ahlel Kitab.  The only reason the US government doesnt want this quran burning to proceed is because all of the money it's spent on VOA persian/arabic/urdu will go down the tube. 

A few US troop might get killed in Iraq/Afg but its not like the US govt ever gave a damn about peoples feelings, if they did they never would have laid waste to the entire middle east in the first place!


هذیان های پیر و پاتال های بی‌ مخ ولایت فقیه


این دیوانه‌های آدم کشته اسلامی ۳۱ سال هست که چرت ا‌و پرت و مزخرف میگن. حالا که مسخره دنیا شدن با اون عدل اسلامیشون  هذیان گویی شروع کردن. فکر می‌کنم ۳ ماه تحریم شل اونقدر این بدبخت‌ها رو ترسونده که داره جونونیشون میکنه 

Sargord Pirouz

"Fred" writing "Type C" in Persian

by Sargord Pirouz on

The comment below appears to be of the same tone as "Fred" writing "Type C", only in Persian.

It's also interesting that Persian posts and comments by the "Fred" effort, by coincidence or not, seem to take place during US east coast working hours. 


"توحید، عدل و فضایل اخلاقی "


اسلام را این ابله السلطنه خوب خلاصه میکنه و میگه:

"توحید، عدل و فضایل اخلاقی "ا

اشکال اینه که تو نظام پر برکتی که این آقا از آن دفاع میکنه رهبر تجاوزگران جنسی خودشو برابر پیامبر میدونه و کم کم دارد صحبت اطاعت از او جزء اصول اسلام است هم میشود.

راجع به عدل هم که دیگه گفتن نداره که  عدالت حضرات زبانزد خاص و عامه.

فضایل اخلاقیشون هم که دیگه نوبرش رو آوردن.

پس بنا بر معیار خود این ابله السلطنه این نظام و کارچاق کنانش مسلمون نیستند و همون اسلامیست هار تشریف دارند.