Person | About | Day |
نسرین ستوده: زندانی روز | Dec 04 | |
Saeed Malekpour: Prisoner of the day | Lawyer says death sentence suspended | Dec 03 |
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day | Iterview with mother | Dec 02 |
احسان نراقی: جامعه شناس و نویسنده ۱۳۰۵-۱۳۹۱ | Dec 02 | |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Graffiti | In Barcelona | Nov 30 |
گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
محمد کلالی: یکی از حمله کنندگان به سفارت ایران در برلین | Nov 29 | |
Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
Darius Kadivar
by Ehsan karimi on Tue Sep 21, 2010 07:17 AM PDTOnce again you took so much space and avoided the questions.
Then you wrote, but what differentiates us is our interpretation of history based on our personal experience.
Precisely. my questions are based on our experiences, but not my up bringing and self interest as it is for you.
You wrote, One can legitimately claim that he may change his opinion if circumstances dictate otherwise and that the people wholeheartedly demand to see him as President if Iran becomes a Secular Republic
So what you really want to see is RP as the head of the country, not so much as a Shah, even if it is a president or velauateh Faghieh.
Then you wrote, But we are telling you that We are Monarchists and as such don't expect us to adapt ourselves to your demands if you wish to collaborate with the Crown Prince of Iranzamin. It is up to you to offer us something in return to our good will and friendly hand.
But you already adopted by accepting to be a president or Velayateh Faghieh perhaps.
You expect to get something in return for your good will? Now you sound like the Mafia not a president wanting to serve the public. we have already experienced that. The only one I see serving people and country without expectation since Mosaddegh is Ahmadinejad. I know you will mention the executions and tortures. He should try stop them but as you see it is not easy. However, you can, by doing what I already mentioned in another blog about Shiva. Knowing how brave and patriots you monarchies are this shouldn't be a hard task for you.
His message is appealing to me, im an iranian youth
by seannewyork on Tue Sep 21, 2010 06:56 AM PDTI think what people dont get is the younger gernation does not have all the issues of the past generations.
Im a part of the youth and we listen to the message and if someone has a clean track record and has a message of hope and unity and freedom that the we are attracted to that.
I was not a big fan (because i had listend to the propoganda) at first but the more i read and listen to him the more appealing he is. And this is true for many of the other young people I see, talk to in Iran and outside.
I think many people are upset because they are worried that he is appealing to the younger generation especailly when his message gets to them. His biggest issue is communiction and message not getting to the masses.
So you guys can fight all you want the youth will decide the future of Iran you guys already screwed it up.
Javid Shah
by Simorgh5555 on Tue Sep 21, 2010 06:36 AM PDT//
How the mighty have fallen!
by asadabad on Mon Sep 20, 2010 08:06 PM PDTI saw Reza Pahlavi shopping at Sports Authority in Northern Virginia a while back. He was on his hands/knees looking for clearance shoes in the lower shelves. No joke, true story.
by maziar 58 on Mon Sep 20, 2010 06:07 PM PDTIF I HAD THAT SUPER GUN AND THE POWER TO ENFORCE.........
I would start it with a fat Oregano joint followed by a cold beer and PUT DOWN the Islamist and their regimes out of IRAN and then if it takes just one day of work !
The next day will begin WITH a FREE OREGANO joint in a tail-gate party for all and a RENDEVOUZ for a fair referandum or election as they say it here. Maziar
by maziar 58 on Mon Sep 20, 2010 05:51 PM PDTthanks D K for the post and the links ,on that king by oath I've kept an old issue of Time magazine nov.10/1980 with a very short brief for that occasion with his picture as the new king of Iran. Maziar
divaneh Jaan You are the One who is paranoid
by Darius Kadivar on Tue Sep 21, 2010 04:23 AM PDTLike nearly All Your Jomhurykhah Likeminds to date...
I have answered ALL Your Questions to date and won't go through this again.
And if you have followed my blogs and writings over the years then I don't think I need to repeat myself.
Firstly Because YOU KNOW the Answers but keep dropping them in each and everytime you want to Bash the Monarchists or their Ideals in the name of some Republican Moral Superiority.
When I say YOU, I do Not mean YOU the individual ( although if you were not hiding behind an anonymous avatar and ID, it would at least be a fair and balanced exchange of thoughts) but the political constituency you belong to which is the Secular Republican Camp. I respect you and your likeminds to the degree that I consider you as Democrats but it stops there.
We Do not share the same Political Vision for Tomorrows Iran. In a democratic society I don't think our differences will be that extreme nor end in any direct or bloody conflict because we both believe in Human Right and Democratic values but what differentiates us is our interpretation of history based on our personal experience which for better or worse has shaped our intellectual and philosophical upbringing and or evolution if you will. At worst in a Democratic Iran our differences would be similar to those that separate a Left Wing to the Right Wing in a Republican Parliament or the House of Lords to the House of Commons in a Constitutional Monarchy. And I think such differences are not only healthy but necessary in any democratic society except that we are not even close to that prospect today ...
As such I can bring in all the arguments to try and convert you to Monarchism or Constitutionalism and Yet fail and so would you.
And the reason is not because we do not understand eachother's points of view but because we both know that the battle for Iran's future will be a political compromise dictated by circumstances and opportunities that may or may not appear.
That is the Only reason some of you Republicans have been supportive of our Crown Prince in the abscence of any other alternative.
I welcome that but don't expect us to have to justify our pattern of thought or reshape our beliefs based on your own evolution ...
We have Always said that the Restoration of the 1906 Constitution which is the Only Democratic and Secular one we have and which has a historical legitimacy which is embodied by the heir to the Throne as someone who Reigns and does not rule is the pre requisite to our democratic commitments:
And this is in full coherence with the late Shapour Bakhtiar's position on this question too:
But YOU guys or at least the majority of your likeminds even Reject the 1906 Constitution So what are we to conclude about Your Democratic commitments and claims to Legitimacy ? ...
But the Crown is Not Bargainable. If the people at large reject the Restoration of the Monarchy upon the Referendum in a Post IRI iran and in favor of a Republic Our Sovereign has given his word to abide to that choice but has CLEARLY stated that he will not accept the role of President or Prime Minister if that were submitted to him. In other words he does not see any Political role in a Post IRI Iran.
One can legitimately claim that he may change his opinion if circumstances dictate otherwise and that the people wholeheartedly demand to see him as President if Iran becomes a Secular Republic but that is a debate that is not of an immediate priority and remains unpredictable at this stage of our compatriots struggle to free our country and establish a viable democracy.
No Need to remind you that unlike most of your republican likeminds Monarchists don't think that France's Republic should be toppled and be replaced by a monarchy where as most of you guys hate the Very concept of the monarchy by essence and would love to see a Republic established in any country including Great Britain if given the chance.
That to me is precisely Republican Paranoia at it's worst !
Often stemmed by ignorance than anything else !
Most of you guys haven't even the slightest notion that Most of the democratic ideals including Republicanism were born in Great Britain centuries prior to the French and American Revolutions.
Yet In your Minds Republicanism has become a Dogma and Not a Practical and pragmatic solution to Iran's ills.
We are not rejecting your Republican demands all the more that Constitutionalism is about implementing Republican ideals within a Royal Framework.
But we are telling you that We are Monarchists and as such don't expect us to adapt ourselves to your demands if you wish to collaborate with the Crown Prince of Iranzamin. It is up to you to offer us something in return to our good will and friendly hand.
Politics has always been about give and take. Otherwise might as well forget Reza Pahlavi alltogether and go for some other candidate of your choice ...
Whose Stopping You ?
No one is forcing your hand. We are simply extending ours but your Republican Constituency has refused it to date on grounds of your political prejudice added to the fact that we are also to get the insults in addition through such terminolgies as dictator lovers and tyranical minded individuals.
Well YOUR Republic for the past 30 years has given us Constitutionalists sufficient Counter Examples to claim the same about YOUR Jomhurykhah DOGMA !
You can go and claim that the Islamic Republic is neither a Republic or Islamic it won't change the fact that it is an OFFSPRING of YOUR Republican Ideals.
It's Not our fault if Your Revolution Went Wrong ?
We Have Been and continue to be accountable for our mistakes and crimes:
ROYAL ACCOUNTABILITY: Crown Prince Reza on Torture During His Father's Rule
But ARE YOUR LIKEMINDS Accountable for Their POOR CHOICE ?
Obviously NOT since the latest scape goat Argument is to resort to putting even that blame on our King and therefore on us monarchists even when it comes to Religion.
That is where like the French I am rightly entitled to say ...
A Chacun Sa Merde :
a defaut de Vive LE Roi :
I rest my case for tonight got to go to Bed but may get back to this thread later on tomorrow or during the week if I have time.
Palestinians under NAJA
by Sargord Pirouz on Mon Sep 20, 2010 04:41 PM PDTPalestinians under NAJA command...
Do you have any idea how ridiculous that makes you look? (Of course not.)
Yeah, we're not exactly dealing with brainiacs among this anti-Iran crowd.
Brother Reza
by خلفای راشدین on Mon Sep 20, 2010 04:36 PM PDTIs a weak puppet with a fat pocket. His father was an *A*hole who destroyed a 25-century tradition. His mother is a very stupid woman who played a big role in her crooked husband's downfall. Goor babayeh pahlavi sag reed.
Stop being paranoid DK
by divaneh on Mon Sep 20, 2010 04:28 PM PDTNobody has blamed you or your like minded friends for your beliefs. On the contrary it's you who are accusing me of having labelled RP a traitor. Where did that come from?
As far as I am concerned you can shout Javid Shah as loud and as often as you wish. You can put the RP and his predecessors’ photos in your room and pray to them 20 times a day. That is your choice and no one else's. But don't try to enforce your personal choices on the rest of the society. You have been living in a republican country for a long time now. Have you noticed that none of its citizens tries to overthrow it? Have you ever compared it to your own country that has seen revolution after revolution? Does it ever make you think?
I have a hypothetical question for you and your like minded friends and I would appreciate if you could answer it in all honesty without docking the question. Imagine you have the super gun and the power to enforce any regime on Iran. Would you enforce the monarchy or would you ask people to vote their preferred style of government?
by Simorgh5555 on Mon Sep 20, 2010 03:58 PM PDTDude, you do not need to prove your Iranian credentials to a Cyber Basiji. You can tell that Haji Ehsani is a supporter of the Islamic Republic because no one else would you use the word 'Zionist'.
I then asked him a direct question which he refused to answer: What do you think of the Palestinians who were recruited in the Quds force to shoot at Iranian protesters. He refused to answer.
This is the typical thought pattern of Islamophiles in the IR: Palestinians and Muslims causes which have ruined our country and sided with Saddam Hussein is infinitely more important than Iran.
by Red Wine on Mon Sep 20, 2010 03:53 PM PDTMy favorite model :=) .
Ehsan karimi Geramy Precisely because
by Darius Kadivar on Mon Sep 20, 2010 03:50 PM PDTI don't answer to Bullying arrogant comments which start with ...
"I am an Iranian Unlike You " ...
In that case why should the opinion of a Non Iranian ( in your mind ) matter to you ?
Doost Nadary Nakhoon ... Beh Man Cheh ? ...
Shab Khosh Mon Ami !
Darius Kadivar
by Ehsan karimi on Mon Sep 20, 2010 03:54 PM PDTI am an Iranian unlike you who has a few questions. How do you expect people to support RP when you don't even want to answer their questions?
Maybe you think people should just support him since his Grandfather was a dictator and his father a traitor and he has a lot of stolen money left for him from his thief father. Is that so? or maybe just because they were forced to Iranian by foreigners? I am looking forward to your wise answers.
Ehsan karimi Geramy Aval Shoma Javab Bedeed ...
by Darius Kadivar on Mon Sep 20, 2010 03:41 PM PDTShoma Keeh Basheed ? ...
I don't believe we have ever been introduced ...
Haven't seen your slightest contributions to date ? ...
Oh and it's KADIVAR Not Kavidar ...
But I do enjoy Iranian Caviar ...
Khameni, Robah
by vildemose on Mon Sep 20, 2010 03:17 PM PDTKhameni, Robah Makkar
Long Lives "Meows"!!
by Demo on Mon Sep 20, 2010 03:15 PM PDTHailing the Persian Cats as the Kings of All Cats in the World!!
PS: With all the treasures Reza's grand daddy (an illiterate soldier) & his run-away daddy took out of the land of the most beautiful cats in the world he, his mom, and their grand grand grand children can outlive cat's 9 lives. But if they ever go back to that land they have to face the Persians Lions in wait for them.
You cannot blame Simorgh, or Me for Hailing him as Our King
by Darius Kadivar on Mon Sep 20, 2010 02:59 PM PDTBut you can ask yourself why after Rejecting him all these years as a neo con side kick, a Zionist and a Traitor to his people you have suddenly discovered who he really is and always has been and that is first and foremost a Patriot.
It is absolutely your right not to see him as your legitimate King but merely as a political leader or figurehead who can bring upon a constructive change as an alternative to the current status quo maintained by the corrupt Islamic Republic and it's murderous henchmen.
But what gives you the right to dismiss our claims and impose YOUR Republican Cloak on a Man we have been supporting from Day One not merely as a Political figurehead but as our Sovereign ?
Maybe in your Republican mindset Loyalty has no place or significance, in my Book as well as in that of my fellow Monarchists Friends it DOES !
October 31st, 1980, A few Months after his father's death, an emotional but determined Reza Pahlavi holds a Press conference in Cairo where he assumes the Responsibilities as "Roi de Jure" aka "King by Oath" upon his 20st birthday:
Part I:
Part II:
So before Arrogantly Preaching from Your Republican High Horse as if you had some Undisputed Higher Moral standards merely because YOU believe Republicanism in Iran has more legitimacy than Constitutionalism do consider that Even After All this Time :
BOOK: EVEN AFTER ALL THIS TIME By Afschineh Latifi ( A Memoir )
Whether or Not You like it ...
So indeed I Reiterate What Simorg and afshinazad Shouted out loud and Proudly :
You are Free Not to Do so But have Absolutely No Right to Preach us Not To !
Recommended Reading:
REZA's CALL: An Iranian DK
Divaneh jaan, with supporters like that
by Bavafa on Mon Sep 20, 2010 02:24 PM PDTRP has as much of a chance as Sargord to be the next leader in Iran. Heck, Simorgh has already profess not to follow RP guidance, wisdom and strategy in opposing IRI.
Unity??? what unity!!!!!
Good man
by divaneh on Mon Sep 20, 2010 02:06 PM PDTI have a lot of respect for the man but don't know what to make of some of his supporters like Simorgh who are the bowls hotter than the soup. RP announces that he is working towards a democratic Iran and these guys claim that he is the undisputed king and has always been. Does this group of monarchists support him or have a different agenda?
این آقا رضا دلش خوشه ... !
کلاه مخملیMon Sep 20, 2010 01:51 PM PDT
Khamenei Rap Song -
by vildemose on Mon Sep 20, 2010 01:47 PM PDTKhamenei Rap Song - Ahmadinejad come on, Yeah
by afshinazad on Mon Sep 20, 2010 01:36 PM PDTHe is the leader of Iranian nation and he is the only person who could restore the Iran, he is only person telling the truth.
Javid Shah
by Simorgh5555 on Mon Sep 20, 2010 12:58 PM PDTA wonderful orator and the only credible opposition leader to oust this regime. However, I wish he would renounce Islam and adopt his middle name 'Cyrus' for official occasions. Also he should not be embarassed by the title of Shah or Shahzadeh. He must show that he is still and always has been the legitimate sovreign King of Iran.
A Wolf in Rabbit’s Outfit Tale for the Old Toddlers!!
by Demo on Mon Sep 20, 2010 12:42 PM PDTSuch a “Big Nose” you got “Grand Ma??”
Taking leadership is not making your web better
by IRI on Mon Sep 20, 2010 12:29 PM PDTCome ONNNNNNNNNNNNN.
namak nashnas
by maziar 58 on Mon Sep 20, 2010 12:16 PM PDTsargerd were you living in "GLORIOUSE IRAN" during ghajar or pahlavi ? just asking . Maziar
Tribute to RP and FD: Big
by Sargord Pirouz on Mon Sep 20, 2010 12:09 PM PDTTribute to RP and FD:
Big man, pig man, ha ha charade you are.
You well heeled big wheel, ha ha charade you are.
And when your hand is on your heart,
You're nearly a good laugh,
Almost a joker,
With your head down in the pig bin,
Saying "Keep on digging."
Pig stain on your fat chin.
What do you hope to find.
When you're down in the pig mine.
You're nearly a laugh,
You're nearly a laugh
But you're really a cry.
Bus stop rat bag, ha ha charade you are.
You f*cked up old hag, ha ha charade you are.
You radiate cold shafts of broken glass.
You're nearly a good laugh,
Almost worth a quick grin.
You like the feel of steel,
You're hot stuff with a hatpin,
And good fun with a hand gun.
You're nearly a laugh,
You're nearly a laugh
But you're really a cry.
(Pigs by Pink Floyd, written by Roger Waters)