Tony Blair: Radical Islam, Iran threat

Former British PM: "We must be prepared to confront Iran"

AFP: Former prime minister Tony Blair warned on Sunday that the roots of radical Islam were far deeper than we think and said Al-Qaeda would have killed 300,000 on September 11, 2001 if they could. "This is actually more like the phenomenon of revolutionary communism," Blair said in an interview with ABC News, commenting on the reach of Islamic extremism. The former leader took a similarly hard line on Iran. Blair said he did not favour war with Iran but added: "I'm saying I think you cannot exclude it because the primary objective has got to be to prevent them from getting a nuclear weapon." >>>


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I Voted AN

by AMIR1973 on

A hypocrite is a Groupie of a "Death to America", "Death to (Fill in the Blank" regime who lives in the West rather than among fellow Islamist hoodlums. Cheers.


yes, you are

by I Voted Ahmadinejad on

"In the West (unlike in your piece-of-garbage IRI regime), one is free to be a hypocrite"

thanks for sharing, indeed you are hypocrite 

hypocrisy when you talk about democracy in Iran

ram jams


I Voted AN

by AMIR1973 on

In the West (unlike in your piece-of-garbage IRI regime), one is free to be a hypocrite and propagandize on behalf of an anti-Western, anti-Iranian terrorist regime. You are free to live in America (or elsewhere in the West) and support a regime that says "Death to America", burns the American flag, etc, etc. I am also free to call you a West-residing IRI Groupie. Cheers  :-)


living in exile!!

by I Voted Ahmadinejad on

This guy, Amir, is so pissed to see iranian people who dont share the same ideology with him are living in the 'west'!!!! he must be in bad pain!!

something must have happened to him , makeing him becoming so selfish. Tell us Amir, share it with us, it could help you cope with your psychological issues.

ram jams


and do you trust Brezinski's judgment,Mr. MOOSIRvaPiaz ?

by bushtheliberator on

 I don't ! Mr. ZB advocated the PARTITION of Iraq into 3 states,and gave comfort to the Surrender Monkeys when the war in Iraq was hanging in the balance>  His silly war hysteria story here is just another example of why you might better trust other analysts.



by Doctor X on


It is a definite sign of frustration and desparation particularly when it is flavored with "oh you have that exilish attitude" in every single god damn comment. enough already dude. get a life. a real one.

My god. When are these critters and day-dreamers gonna freaking grow the hell up.


ram jams

by I Voted Ahmadinejad on

ram jams



by Iraniandudee3 on

try to say that Arabs ruined islam, but it's always been the same from the beggining, it's always been an Arab based religion


islam is

by Iraniandudee3 on

And has always been radical

Mola Nasredeen

He has cancelled his so called book signing event due to rallies

by Mola Nasredeen on

held against him.

He's a war criminal who should be put on trial for being responsible for the death of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis.

"Tony Blair said on Monday he had canceled a book-signing in London this week to mark the launch of his memoirs, over fears the event would be hit by protests.

Three people were arrested after eggs and shoes were thrown at Blair, 57, as he arrived to sign copies of "A Journey" at a bookshop in Dublin on Saturday and some of the 200 protesters clashed with police."


And this low life two faced whore has his own following on this website and it includes the Zioinist groupies who pop up when he's exposed for his crimes.


The way this guy...

by Midwesty on

Shamelessly pushing, I'm afraid he'll be the next PM again. You don't believe how shortsighted and with short term memory some westerners are!
It's like a lame thief comes to your house to rob you then he sues you the next day for not having an accessible house!
Just sheer shamelessness!


Must be doing something right

by AMIR1973 on

When not one, but several, West-residing IRI Groupies are obsessively sniffing up his nether regions on a daily basis trying to gather personal details on him, one knows that Fred must be doing something right. Cheers  :-)


Shoot The Dog

by Daadaash on

George Michael said it best in his video:



Mola Nasredeen


by Mola Nasredeen on

You must have said something. You woke them up and they're crawling out, creating new accounts, attention! and starting the attack! 

They've become so predictable and boring these days. Although, not to be taken lightly.


"What a Low life, Two faced Whore he is."

by I_Voted_Missinglink on

Either you have been reading too much of the islamist mouth piece rag "Keyhan" recently, or as a follower of your Islamist poster boy "shaban bi mokh" are closely related to some whore. 

Sargord Pirouz

Whatever Amir, it's always

by Sargord Pirouz on

Whatever Amir, it's always just me. It isn't a number of different writer types, stamping out two blog posts a day without a trace of meaningful personal detail. 

You're not that way. We may disagree. I may take issue with your lack of competency in argument, as well as your malignant, exile attitude, with all it's inherent weaknesses for all to see. But at least your writing can't be classified into different types, with all that that suggests.

Really weird, this "Fred" thing. 

Mola Nasredeen

Mr Tony Blair,

by Mola Nasredeen on

What could one say about him or his comments but: What a Low life, Two faced Whore he is. 


Isn't it ironic?

by AMIR1973 on

Isn't it ironic that someone who uses a number of different names depending on the website he is on ("Sargord Pirouz", "Mark Pyruz" or simply "Pirouz") is accusing others of having multiple identities and seeking to discover personal details regarding Fred and other individuals on this website? Needless to say, when a West-residing IRI supporter asks for such details, one has to be wary that they may be up to no good. The individuals whom they are targeting have every right to maintain their privacy, at their own discretion.


Islamist Palestinian crop-dusters

by Fred on

Rabid Islamists including the Islamist Palestinian crop-dusters need to look for an honest job. Their Islamist Rapist Republic sugar daddy will not be able to support their  parasitic  life for that much longer.  

Get a job and earn your living for a change, Iranians have repeatedly said they do not wish their money going to support Islamist parasites.

Sargord Pirouz

Isn't this "Fred" thing weird?

by Sargord Pirouz on

Mola, isn't this "Fred" thing weird? I've only started to classify the effort. I know of at least three types of writer, and have since assigned letters to two, now.

Even if JJ doesn't wish to "out" this effort, he would probably be interested in performing a DNS lookup. After all, he wouldn't tolerate a CENTCOM effort, why tolerate an organized Hasbara presence?

Facilitating this classification work is the fact that the effort is continuous and predictable. There are generally two blog posts a day, every day, with incidental commenting.

More on this queer presence of "Fred" later. 

Mola Nasredeen

Jenabe Sargord,

by Mola Nasredeen on

You're right on the money about Fred INC aka Fred CO. Your observation is correct, there are more than one "Fred" who write under this brand name. They have different styles of writing in English and Persian/Farsi. Fred INC is probably related to Hasbara (// promoting Israel on this website. 


Zbigniew Brzezinski back in 2007 said the following:



A mythical historical narrative to justify the case for such a protracted and potentially expanding war is already being articulated. Initially justified by false claims about WMD’s in Iraq, the war is now being redefined as the “decisive ideological struggle” of our time, reminiscent of the earlier collisions with Nazism and Stalinism. In that context, Islamist extremism and al Qaeda are presented as the equivalents of the threat posed by Nazi Germany and then Soviet Russia, and 9/11 as the equivalent of the Pearl Harbor attack which precipitated America’s involvement in World War II. - Zbigniew Brzezinski


He also says this about Iran:


If the United States continues to be bogged down in a protracted bloody involvement in Iraq, the final destination on this downhill track is likely to be a head-on conflict with Iran and with much of the world of Islam at large. A plausible scenario for a military collision with Iran involves Iraqi failure to meet the benchmarks; followed by accusations of Iranian responsibility for the failure; then by some provocation in Iraq or a terrorist act in the U.S. blamed on Iran; culminating in a “defensive” U.S. military action against Iran that plunges a lonely America into a spreading and deepening quagmire eventually ranging across Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan.


Perhaps an airtight cork for Fred will be much more appropriate

by Bavafa on

As the suggestion to get help from a war criminal that is of the same caliber and magnitude of Netanyahu, Sharon, GWB, Saddam and as blood thirsty as Khamenie himself can not and should not help Iranian people.

This puddle along with his master GWB are responsible for the loss of more innocent lives then Netanyahu, Sharon, and Ben Laden all combined together.

"Tony Blair scraps London book signing"




Looking for Tony Blair's memoir? Try the crime section


Looking for Tony Blair's memoir? Try the crime section


Facebook protest group takes time to 'reclassify' the former prime minister's memoirs in British book shops

leave it to the brits to do the right thing!



Darius Kadivar

I love the British ;0))

by Darius Kadivar on

They sure know how to get away with it each and everytime.

Who is going to buy George's Memoires ? or do what Tony is doing and gaining millions as a business consultant in the Middle East where he has his share of responsability for the enduring mess ...

Halah Socialist ham hast ( Translation he is a socialist aka Labor) va Millionnaire ! ... 

Only Bush has to take all the blame ...

Bush can hardly be invited to a Conference or go on a Book Tour without getting a Shoe thrown at him including by fellow Americans:


Yet ... 




Recommended Blog:

PREMIERSHIP: Historian Simon Schama's Tour of 10 Downing Street (BBC)

Sargord Pirouz

"Fred" writing "Type A"

by Sargord Pirouz on

I'm starting to categorize the different types of writing put out by this "Fred." So far, I think I detect 3 types. We'll call this type, with its subpar written English, "Type A."


Keep singing the same tune Fred


Nothing changes the fact that airtight sanctions are immoral and target ordinary iranians. you can sugar coat it however you like. Airtight sanctions will LEAD to war, as any expert would tell you that. 



by Fred on

While the rabid messianic Islamist Rapist Republic with avowed mission to “manage the world” continues with its aquisition of weaponized nuke, one cannot expect the sane world to sit ideally by doing nothing.

If with the help of the civilized world lead by Democracy Central, DC, Iranians do not overthrow their Islamist Rapist oppressors, “reformist” and all, others will do it their own destructive way.

Blair being out of office can afford to innunciate this fact of life that others can't do so bluntly.

Airtight sanctions with material help from DC. will avoid the war Islamist Rapists are imposing on all.


Do not know what to think of Wests politics?

by choghok on

I do not understand how to think of it. UK and USA decides to go to war and defeat the Talibans and Alqaeda as a security measurements for themselves. Then they fail on that so they come up with the excuses like we want to protect the Afghans, well if you do want to protect the Afghans why do you get out of Afghanistan before Talibans are uprooted from there?

The same thing with Iraq.

Another thing Mr Blair, it is not Taliban that kill or stone Afghan people for having relations, it is the Afghan people who do that. You can not save Afghans from Afghans, only Afghans can do that. 

Sargord Pirouz

It would be nice if Mr.

by Sargord Pirouz on

It would be nice if Mr. Bush's poodle would just go way. Far, far away.