Haghe Shekam

Even your stomach has rights in Islam, says Naghabian



How come they've got a school kid doing the interview?

by Reality-Bites on

And is he dating that topoli Akhund?



by Demo on

To choose your way of life, with all the due respect!

We are all responsible for our own actions, and there will be a pay back time. That is the same message of all prophets, whether one believes in that or not.


Verily, those who [despite all evidence] are bent on denying the truth - [be they] from among the followers of earlier revelations or from among those who ascribe divinity to aught beside GOD - will find themselves in the fire of hell, therein to abide: they are the worst of all creatures (in the GOD's sight). 98-6

Verily, the vilest creatures in the sight of GOD are those who are bent on denything the truth & therefore do not believe. 8:55

Verse 7:176 is not about a comparision, but about a parable of those who are bent on giving the lie to GOD messages, so they might take thought. Need to begin with 7:172 to fathom the meaning.

Verse 7:179 - inasmuch as animals follow only their instincts and natural needs & are not conscious of the possibility or necessity of a moral choice.

5:60, 7:166, 2:65 That is a mtaphorical description (mathal) of the moral degradation which such sinners undergo: they become wildly unpredictable like apes, and as abandoned to the pursuit of lusts as swine.

Sorry, can not verify or comment on any Hadith, all but hearsay.

46:29-35 Jiins are not demons, they are rather unseen beings. Need to read the entire Surah 72 to get the true meaning of such. Where does it say the unbelievers are worse than Jiins?? 

25:52 hence, do not defer to [likes & dislikes of] those who deny the truth, but strive hard against the, by means of this [divine writ], with outmost striving.

66:9, 9:73 :The imperative Jahid is obviously used in both verses in its spiritual connotation, implying efforts at convicing both the unspoken unbelievers and the waverers, including the various types of hypocrites spoken in other passsages in the book.

PS: No swords in the world could make one to believe either in Torah, Bible, or Quran. All 3 books forbid such compulsion in religion. One shining verse in Quran even goes beyond the thinking boundaries of all Doctors in Religion!! & says: And ere that suffering comes upon you of a sudden, without your being aware [of its approach] follow the most goodly [teaching] that has been revealed unto you by your Sustainer (39:55)!!!

As IC is not a religious forum, let's not to go any further with 'WhichFirst' arguments. Thank you my "HamVatan" & let's pray that GOD bless all of us, either First or Last in the row!! 



by IranFirst on

Did George Bush or Cheney claim to be prophets?! please show when
they did that. Charlatan Mohamd did. By the way who are "WE"? are you
representing a group?

These are from Hadith that Islam is partially
based on, millions of idiots mimic all the actions of that criminal
Mohamd everyday, from their appearance to marrying under-aged girls (as
he did), so his actions 1400 years ago ARE very relevant today, if not
please show an ayeh that says Islam or Mohamd's idiotic teachings are
only valid for until year such and such. That is the whole point, Islam
does not allow change with time. It wants to impose the barbarism of
1400 years ago in 21st century, by force. Other major religions have
adopted themselves over time. Islam can't reform itself and its proud to
practice Islam-e NAb-e Mohamadi. Mohamad's recommendation to eat locust
and drink Camel urine 1400 years ago was the limits of  understanding
of an uneducated primitive desert dwellers of Arabia and it does not apply today. The same way that Islam's beheadings, cutting limbs, stoning, forced hejab, jihad/terrorism and lashing should not be tolerated by humanity in 21st century.
If Muslims want to follow Quran (with all its mistakes) and Mohamd
(with all his Character flaws), and stay backward, why do they to impose
it on other people of the world (as in Iran)?

Just few wonderful Islamic words(Quran and Hadith)

Those who reject (Truth), among the People of the Book and among the
Polytheists, will be in Hell-Fire, to dwell therein (for aye). They are
the worst of creatures


Surely the vilest of animals in Allah's sight are those who
disbelieve, then they would not believe.


compares unbelievers to "panting dogs" with regard to their idiocy and
worthlessness.  Verse
7:179 says
they are like "cattle" only worse.

5:60 even says that Allah transformed Jews
of the past into apes and pigs.  This is echoed by verses
7:166 and

A hadith says that Muhammad believed rats to be
"mutated Jews" (Bukhari

, also confirmed by Sahih Muslim



46:29-35 even say that unbelieving men are
worse than demons who believe in Muhammad. 

Listen not to the unbelievers, but strive (Jihad) against them with the
utmost strenuousness.


Strive hard (Jihad) against the Unbelievers and the Hypocrites, and be firm
against them. Their abode is Hell,- an evil refuge indeed.

(66:9, See also




by Demo on

We all can testify about the big tickets crimes against humanities of our times by like of George Bush & his Dick in Iraq & Afghanistan, for instance, but none of us, & repeat none of us, could testify about what anybody in the Arabian desert was eating or drinking 1400 years ago unless retarded we are like most Owl-Khoonds!! Narrations are only good for the NationFirst people!!

"That was a nation that has passed away. theirs is what they earned, and yours what you have earned. you shall not be questioned about what they did." (Quran, 2:134, the same repeated in 2:141)


Stomach rights & Eating Locusts & drink Urine by Mohamad

by IranFirst on

Does this Mullah follow Mohamad the Charlatan Child-molester, in eating habits? Mohamad enjoyed eating Locusts (Malakh).


Volume 7, Book 67, Number 403:

Narrated Ibn Abi Aufa:

We participated with the Prophet in six or seven Ghazawat, and we used
to eat locusts with him.



How about Drinking Camel  Urine, as Mohamad recommended?

Anas:Some people from the tribe of 'Ukl came to the Prophet and
embraced Islam. The climate of Medina did not suit them, so the Prophet
ordered them to go to the (herd of milch) camels of charity and to
drink, their milk and urine (as a medicine).







Have you ever seen a skiny Akhoond?

by Bavafa on

No counting the very 'taryaki' Akhoond of course



mahmoudg's Shekami Discharges!!

by Demo on

Neither the "Nah-see-aught'' of this 'Owl-Khoond' on the video, the "Lotta-a-lotte" of any other 'Akhoonds' from the same 'Lot', nor "Mozmahelate" of the long known "Jaw-Hell" mahmoudg on IC have anything to do with the implied Islam in Quran. They all talk, rather discharge, straight out from their 'Shekams' without having bothered to read Quran at leat once in their miserable lives!!

"Far-fatched, far-fetched is indeed what you are promised!" (Quran 23: 36) 


mozmahelate Eslami

by mahmoudg on

Straight out of the worthless Quran.


So why all the criminal mollas,robbing Iranian

by rain bow movment on

first of all Emam sajad or (zeynolaubedine bemar) was allways sick and skipping school so that it  can't be his word(besavad bood).

even you guys thinking that is his word,why all you criminal mollas  Killing ,robbing and looting Iranian.

such a hypocrite