Omid Barak

Serial killer hanged in public


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by comments on

به، به...چه گل پسری... 


Only way....

by opinionpost on

Well, he is dangerous to sociey, and to the people in Jail... so what can you do? Just protecting others from him....


Private execution!

by Milan on

Murder one and rape, a no brainer--should be strung up by his nuts. He withdrew his right to live the moment he took someone else's life and dignity.


Killing is wrong

by Vattan on

If some one make mistake and kill other people you should not repeat the same mistake and killing that person. God only give life and only he/she can take a life a way. killing is wrong !!!


Capital Punishment is always wrong and

by Nezami. on

it has been shown not to be an effective deterrent. In countries that have abolished capital punishment the crime rate has not gone up and in majority of cases these crime rates lower than the crime rates in countries that do practice Capital Punishment. The reason is that societies are better served by tackling the causes of crimes.

Moreover abolishing capital punishment encourages and promotes civility and human rights in a society.

The sooner Capital Punishment is abolished in Iran, the sooner people will appreciate respect for human rights.


Bavafa: be proud of being

by comments on

Bavafa: be proud of being in minority in this one.  There is certainly something wrong with those who like public hanging.  Who are the observers?  I have no idea what kind of person watches that.

p.s. I am against any types of killing people.  Life time and mental treatment make sense.


I am probably in the minority here

by Bavafa on

But public hanging is a barbaric way of dealing with these individuals and capital punishment is nothing but State sanctioned murder and must be stopped.



How is he

by MRX1 on

any different than the folks in leadership position of IRI that kill or killed hundreds at the time? How many people Mohamad reyshahri and nayeri condemed to death? how many rahbar, rafsenjani, opium fested mousavi and karoubi send to the gallow? what a f*ed up society we live at.....

Maryam Hojjat

They must Show the confessions of all of HangedPeople

by Maryam Hojjat on

but those others most probably did not kill anyone except they opposed the regime IRR/IRI.