Arresting "bad hejab" woman

As she screams for help and people try to intervene


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Battle at Kurger

by statira on

I just saw this video last night. Even wild animals are more united than us.


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I do get your point about institutionalization of discrimination. But my arguments still hold valid. China is a perfect example of it. Not to mention Japan say India where there was and is a caste called "untouchables".

How much worse does it get than that! A whole ethnic group considered so low they may not be touched by other people. Individual civil rights are a relatively new phenomena. Many nations including England used a tiered system. They still have a "house of Lords". In United States they could not even pass the "Equal Rights Amendment". Which just wanted to give women legal rights of men. In fact it was not until 1920 when women got full voting rights in the USA.

And there is the matter of rights of black people with "Jim Crow" laws. Gay rights are another one. We are still debating whether they have a "right" to openly serve in the military. It is a fact that women get paid less for the same work in USA. So while Iran has huge Civil Rights problems it is by no means the only one. Plus I am not sure if Iranian people buy into it as much as you think. Every woman in my family has a college education. Many of them are in their 80s now. If our society is so backwards then how did this happen. Why is it that right now Iran has more women in universities than men. A female friend of mine just started her engineering studies in Iran under IRI! We Iranians like to trash ourselves. From trashing our culture to beating ourselves in "Sineh Zani and Gameh Zani". 



by Arj on

Again, I"m not sure if you get my point! I'm not necessarily talking apout the extent of the violations of human rights, or how Chinese treat Tibbetans or Bosnians(?!). I'm talking about the institutionalization of breach of civil rights and its acceptability among our population. It's more about the cultural issues than political. Moreover, it's not limited to the IRI era (although it's become dramatically more prevalant during IRI), but even before 1979 disregard of individual civil rights was almost a social norm. Amr-e beh Ma'ruf and Nahi az Monker were widely practised in smaller communities, and even certain parts of larger cities (e.g. Qom, Mashad, religious communities, Bazaar...). Indeed, as our friend, Amirparviz... aptly pointed out; it has more to do with people's desensitization and apathy towards such practices!

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I am not defending the indefensible acts of IRI so don't go there. However China has very serious human rights violations. Just because we don't see it does not mean it is not there. They are just smarter than the Mollahs.

If IRI was a bit smarter Iran would also have a huge tourist industry. You could have a very despotic regime and great tourism. So I do not count that as any indicator. IRI is just bad at publicity. The reason is they act like they are in the 6th century. Maybe give them some credit and make it the 9th :-) However do not discount the violations in China. Whole villages are uprooted to make way for "progress". The food is so bad my Chinese American friends refuse to eat local food when visiting.

Don't get me going on Tibet or Chechnya. How about Bosnia? None of these of course excuses the IRI actions. They are wrong and very evil. Just want to put things in perspective. We Iranians have a way of thinking either we are superior or inferior. Many times we think of both at the same time! Maybe because we want to be superior and are mad that we are not. Yes hijab rules are totally asinine as is disrespect of people specially women.


Re: 7000 years...

by Arj on

VPK, I believe you didn't get the gist of what I said. History of civilization is what defines a people as what and who they are in the eyes of the outsiders. Yes, both China and Egypt, like us, have been ruled by despots and dictatorial regimes, and still are! But in neither you find a system that allows jumping people on the streets for the most basic and personal matters that have nothing to do with the poiltics of the nation (e.g. drinking water, smoking cigarettes, wearing tight clothes, wearing makeup, holding hands, walking a dog...)! This in most instancces takes place while people stand or pass by as if nothing out of the ordinary is happening! On the other hand, no one is surprised if the similar violations of basic rights of people take place let's say in, Sudi Arabia!

P.S. Tourism industry is a multi billion dollar industry in both China and Egypt. That means a foreign tourist would feel safe and secure enough to walk the street or bathe on the beach without being harrassed or even accosted by the authorities or anyone else for that matter!


We were devout muslims, Islam was about being a good person.

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

Good point, sanitized islam in iran was even better than christianity in europe and islam elsewhere.

I used to pray with my grandfather, in our iranian islam men and women were equal (when my grandfather and his grandfather before him, when they passed away, each child got an equal share of his will).  

Then we were forced to read the koran for ourselves.  It took a few years but eventually he stopped praying and so did our parents and all, eventually we found a happier more truthful way.

Though losing the religion was very sad/depressing at first.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


It is not just Iranian Muslims. The rest of Muslims are much worse. You must know of "honor killing" that Pakistani and others practice. At least I do not hear much of it in Iran so we are relatively progressive!

Really in light Muslim response to opposition it is no wonder people do not like it. But God forbid you mention anything and they call you "Islamophobe". We are lucky to be Iranian. We have something pre-Islamic to fall back on. Imagine Pakistan whose sole identity is based on Islam. We got hope; what do they have going? I am not anti-Pakistani just feel bad for them. Slowly but surely Iranians are rediscovering their past. Thank Islamic Republic for opening our minds to real Islam! 

While Shah was ruling we had a sanitized version of Islam. Where all was nice and tolerant. People like me called themselves Muslim: no more thanks to that stupid revolution.


Re humiliation

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

I never understood irans muslims either,

socially speaking if a woman is raped... or a man in prison is raped, she or he should be embarrassed and humiliated.  Are you kidding me!!!!

shame on all of us for not speaking up, shame on the regime, on its leader and its paid mercenaries, shame on every person that goes on with their life as if everything is normal when the crimes in iran are systemic for 33 years non stop.

Side note: also shame on each and every person that supported the removal and undermining of the administration of the late Angel of God (if god exists) after the shah deserved our 100% loyalty for working for Iranian freedom and progress and never hesitating to pursue injustices whether committed by Americans or Russians or Iranians.  It has been Your Ongoing and never ending ignorance that lead us away from a patriot who worked for all our freedom and justice, towards a religous system of criminality.


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Re: humiliation

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

In a small city humiliation is in the greatest extent, which is more unfortunate.

Maybe I just don't get it but why should it be the woman's humiliation? If sounds to me that real humiliation goes to those who beat her. I really mean it because beating an unarmed innocent is self humiliation.

What kind of self respecting person would beat an unarmed innocent woman. Boy the IRI has some real "tough" goons. They beat up a girl what bravery; note sarcasm. I want to know how they do against nasty goons like themselves.



by comments on

Thank you for reading.


comments jaan

by Truthseeker9 on

thanks for explaining.


dear Truthseeker9

by comments on

As a general rule people who live in Tehran are not affected much because nobody knows them and police do not keep record of the person.  Women are able to shout, disagree, run or reject the police. 

In a small city humulation is in the greatest extent, which is more unfortunate.


dear Comments

by Truthseeker9 on

Lets hope she jut got a fine. I was wondering if different Districts have different standards when enforcing hijab maybe.



by comments on

Her punishment could be bad mouthing in maximum, but arresting a female for her improper hejab and humulating her in public are ones mainly hurting the person, in my opinion.

Jeesh Daram

چاره آخر

Jeesh Daram

بنده بخود مرحوم بختیار هم عرض کردم که این مملکت درست شدنی نیست وتنها راه بازسازی فرهنگی ما بستن سفارت انگلستان و بیرون کردن تمام اتباع  (جاسوس و جاکش) آن کشور از ایران است.  تا زمانی که انگلستان از آخوند جماعت حمایت میکند و مردم ما اسلحه ای برای دفاع خود در دست ندارند، وضع فرهنگی ما بدتر و بدتر خواهد شد.  ایشان قرار بود به این موضوع رسیده گی کنند که انگلستان برگ دوم را بزمین زد و شبانه هزاران نفر لات بی پدر و مادر را از فلسطین به ایران آورد و زمینه را برای ورود خمینی آماده کردند و سپس انگلستان طرح اشغال سفارت آمریکا را پیاده کرد // از خاطرات مهین بچه باز در مصاحبه با بی-بی-سی  و کتاب پرفروش "شهر نو و ملکه انگلیس" چاپ گوتمبرگ


Fair Reflections...

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

Bad Hejab is one of the Regimes Imposed crimes on people.

Yet this then leads to some of the most despicable and contemptible crimes any of us can imagine, if the person tries to continue rebelling for the sake of theirs and societies dignity, character and freedom.

Disgusting and Corrupt Regime only stays, by opposing most peoples wishes, with time this stupidity of mixing church and state, will only cause this sitution to get worse.


Why they don't defend her.

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

Guys Real picture honestly is more complex and sad too.  According to national estimates for iran by foreign sources, half of those people around her are in depression and on heavy illicit drugs (it is the #1/worst case in the world), they're standing and watching is sadly a cry for help in its own way. I know you don't believe it, I can't believe it and don't want to acknowledge it, but thats because we can't see with our eyes the real scars present in society.

The few healthy ones, with motivation, are truly hero's considering what they are risking.

Living in hell, a real arabic/islamic &%^$ hole.  Victims of tyranny with absolutely no possibility to defend themselves effectively against the states crimes.


In USA they have freedom, allows for rebelling like 70's Iran

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

If people resist they risk being tortured for 3-5 years in a 2 man cell with 6-8 people in it. They are terrorized.  Truth is more than 70% want end to IRI completely as it is not reformable.


Does anyone know her punishment?

by Truthseeker9 on

Why do you get some Female basij advising women their hijab is unacceptable and they are let go with advice, while some are arrested?   

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Re: What the hell do they want ...

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


They want to generate more fear. The only way Islam will survive in Iran is be terror. Fear of being attacked; beaten or turned to a soosk. It is also why Islam will fail. Because it has lost its place in people's hearts.

The really sad thing is the indifference of people. They should be protecting her. Shame on the people who stand and watch this. I bet they are murmuring curses to the Akhoonds. But are not man enough to stand and protect her. That is the difference of Iran and USA. In America people do not put up with *** from government. In fact they are rather quick to go off rioting and beating the police. There is the real difference.


What the hell do they want more from her?

by comments on

Really sad.  Ordinary people are harassed for nothing.  She respected the IRI law by wearing a scarf and manto.  What the hell do they want more from her?  Only because they didn't like her mano and scarf selection style?


They say Reza Shah forced women to….

by عموجان on

You got to love cell phones, future generation don’t have to just hear how RI forced Women to ….They can watch it.

RI came to power in wrong time in history, every thing being recorded on video and books. There will be a clear view of how they ruled. Nothing last forever . 



by afshinazad on

Only two guys were trying defend this girl, and rest were watching and this is not acceptable, whole neighbourhood should have attacked those thugs and every neighbourhood should be ready for these thugs.

This is been Iranian women daily life and get harassed every day and this becomes norm in society.

shame on Iranian who they let bunch of thugs and cleric do this to their daughter and wife and mothers.


Iranian be proud

by rain bow movment on

It,s time to get united and say it,s enugh and No to Islam .start to reveal the name of the IR colabrators living in US,UK,canada,Australia,Europe.

name and shame the reformist out of Iran .

start rally against this barbaric regime in front of embassies across the world, this regime will not go by ballot box we have to fight it in any ways .then you can call yourself a proud Iranian.

There is no limit to stupidity & ignorance  of some Individual

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Re: 7000 years of history

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Both China and Egypt have similarly long histories. Both have very serious violations of human rights. I see no relation between history and freedom; history tends to solidify authority.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


  • SK: You are right IRI is just like the Spanish Inquisition and just as stupid.
  • Amirparviz: When people get desensitized they get less compassionate. When IRI falls the rulers will see very little compassion from people. Digging their own graves.
  • Zamins: The rules in IRI are not democratic. They are dictates of an ***hole named Khomeini and reaffirmed by Khamenei. Hence they have no legitimacy. Unlike those of France which are democratic and valid.


Psychopath ruling !

by Shemirani on

برای یک تیکه پارچه چه میکنند با زنان ایران


F' all Dictators

by Sialashgar on

Make holes in the tires!

put lots of lotion on girl's hands and wrist!

Help her free. 

Shah Hossein


what you need to realize is

by alx1711 on

what you need to realize is that Islam was forced in Persians and Iran by Arabs through means of Sword, rape, Murder and Torture

This is evedent today how barbaric and forced this religion is.

On the other hand I dont underestand the hole Hejab thing! why do they have to cover up and for what purpose. If you think hard and imply the rigth logic, Hejab is nonsence.



by fidelio5 on

You're a willing slave.
I'm glad of your chains