Azaris Rally to Save Lake Orumiyeh

Anger over inaction on drying lake

Protesters pelt security forces on motorcycles in Orumiyeh:

Protesters shout "beesharaf" as woman is arrested, Orumiyeh:

Attack on police post, security forces move in, people shouting "beesharaf":

Rally in Orumiyeh (1):

Rally in Orumiyeh (2):

Large demonstration, Orumiyeh:

Motorized security forces on the move in Orumiyeh:

Security forces on patrol in the streets of Orumiyeh

Motorcycle set on fire, Orumiyeh:

Commentary by Mohsen Sazegara:


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Simorgh there is one thing that harms Iranians more than Mullahs

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on


and we are discussing it here.


نگذاریم دریاچه ارومیه جان بسپارد

Hooshang Tarreh-Gol

شدن دریاچه ارومیه نه یک مسئله زیست محیطی درازمدت، بلکه خطری است که هم
اکنون زندگی مردم را در تمام این منطقه و به ویژه در استان های آذربایجان
شرقی و غربی تهدید می کند و عوارض آن در درازمدت استان های مجاور را نیز در
بر خواهد گرفت
. شوره زارهای حاشیه دریاچه، روز به روز وسیع تر و آب های زیرسطحی نیز شورتر می شوند. مزارع حاشیه دریاچه ارومیه در آستانه نابودی
هستند و تعدادی از روستاهای حاشیه دریاچه خالی از سکنه شده اند. بادهای
نمکی در آینده به یکی از تهدیدهای جدی در منطقه تبدیل خواهند شد
. میلیون
ها هکتار زمین زراعی بر اثر وزش بادهای نمکی به شوره زار تبدیل می شود و
چندین استان با پدیده دائمی ریزگردهای نمکی مواجه خواهند شد و نتیجه اش هم
مهاجرت و بیکاری و نابودی کشاورزی و شیوع بیماری های نو ظهور و
... خواهد بود. تحقیقات
انجام شده، نشان می دهد که با خشک شدن این دریاچه، کویر پهناور دیگری در
این منطقه از ایران به وجود خواهد آمد و با توجه به شوره زار بودن آن چهره
زندگی مردم در این منطقه دگرگون خواهد شد



I totally support our Azari hamvatans

by Reality-Bites on

In their protests against the IR environmental vandalism and general misrule.

My thoughts are with those brave souls on the streets of Urumieh. I sincerely hope none of them loses their lives or ends up in IR's torture chambers as a result of their bravery.


تظاهرات در تهران و ساير شهرها سه شنبه 8 شهريور در حمايت از قيام

Hooshang Tarreh-Gol

.پيشنهاد تجمع حمايتی و نامگذاری سه شنبه 8 شهريور به حمايت از اعتراضات مردم تبريز و اروميه


پيشنهاد جوان آزادی خواه ايران: تظاهرات در تهران و ساير شهرها سه شنبه 8 شهريور در حمايت از قيام تبريز و اروميه

سه شنبه 8 شهريور 1390 ساعت 5 :00 تظاهرات اعتراضی در تهران از ميدان امام حسين تا آزادی و در ساير شهرها ميادين اصلی

هر شب راس ساعت 9:00 شعارهای شبانه و سوت زدن

انتخاب روز سه شنبه به علت فرصت برای اطلاع رسانی و هچنين شب عيد فطر و استفاده از شلوغی ذاتی اين روز است.  


شهريور.ايران جزء 5 کشور نخست تخريب‌ کننده جنگل است


نايب رئيس فراکسيون محيط زيست مجلس گفت: حجم بالای تخريب جنگلها در ايران، کشورمان را در رده پنجم رتبه‌بندی کشورهای تخريب‌کننده جنگل در جهان قرار داده است.

به گزارش خبرگزاری مهر، مهدی سنايی در تشريح سئوال خود از وزير جهاد کشاورزی افزود: وزارت جهادکشاورزی برای سوء مديريت موجود در حفاظت از منابع طبيعی و حجم بالای تخريف جنگلهای کشور چه برنامه‌ای را تدوين کرده است.



7شهريور: تعداد شاکيان پرونده خشک شدن زاينده رود از 3300 نفر گذشت


سليمی اظهار داشت: بر اساس گزارشی که اخيرا مرکز مطالعات و پژوهشهای شورای اسلامی شهر اصفهان منتشر کرده است، انتقال و برداشت بی رويه آب، زاينده رود را به کام مرگ تدريجی و خاموش کشانده است.

وی يادآور شد: در حاليکه بر اساس نظر کارشناسان، عدم مديريت صحيح منابع آبی زاينده رود را به خشکی کشانده است و در حاليکه در اکثر روزهای 5 سال گذشته زاينده رود بطور کامل خشک بوده است، معاون عمرانی استانداری اصفهان خبر از آن داد که قرار است در روزهای آينده به منظور تامين آبهای زير زمينی و جلوگيری از خشک شدن درختان حاشيه رودخانه ، آب زاينده رود به مدت يک هفته باز شود.

اين کارشناس محيط زيست افزود: تحت هيچ شرايطی نبايد فراموش کنيم که مشکل زاينده رود در اثر سوءمديريت در سالهای گذشته به وجود آمده است. از انتقال غير اصولی آب زاينده رود به شهرها و استانهای ديگر، احداث غير منطقی و طبيعت ستيزانه صنايع بزرگ در حاشيه رودخانه ، عدم راندمان مناسب در صنايع کشاورزی استانهای چهارمحال بختياری و اصفهان، کاشت محصولات کشاورزی نظير برنج، نگاه استانی به زاينده رود و... همه و همه در خشک شدن پر آب ترين رود فلات مرکزی ايران نقش داشته است.

سليمی تصريح کرد: زاينده رود يک رودخانه فصلی نيست، زاينده رود رودخانه ای دائمی است. زنده ديدن زاينده رود آن هم برای يک هفته کسی را خوشحال نمی کند. بهتر است مديران و مسئولان به دنبال درمان واقعی مشکلات باشند، صدقه دادن و باز کردن يک هفته ای آب دردی را درمان نمی کند.



Lake Orumiyeh

by Simorgh5555 on

If the IR was smart it would immediately release funds for the emergency conservation of Lake Orumiyeh and channel water from nearby rivers to replenish the water level. I am not an engineer but it is possible. This would at least contain some of the anger and help dispel some of the Fars v Azari feeling. 

 This an environmental disaster created by none other than the Islamic Republic and the reason why Ahmadinejad and the Majlis rejected spending money to save the Lake was because they have built cement factories and dams nearby. All of these contracts are Sepah and cronies of the Islamic Republic. It was in Press TV news today. Of course, Press TV does not even mention there were riots. 

Any attempt to carry out emergency conservation work to save the lake would mean shutting down factories and dams thus threatning the vested interest of those in power. Pure and simple. 

This is a sad day. The entire landscape of Iran, the lush beautiful forrests of Kurdistan, the splendour of the Alborz mountains are being destroyed by a rotten greedy regime which puts money and other muslims before them.

Make up your own mind. Do nothing and hope for the best is not the solution.    


A natural disaster aided by a disastrous govermnet

by Bavafa on

It seems and I am hoping that this natural disaster to be a catalyst for the Iranian people to unite and raise against their dictatorial regime.

This maybe a natural disaster but also aided by the disastrous government in power.

'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 


G. Rahmanian

Talking About A Revolution!

by G. Rahmanian on

Other Iranians Inside Iran Must Show Their Solidarity With Our Brave Azari Compatriots!


Now you know why!

by Simorgh5555 on

News from Lake Urumiyeh on May 26 2011


 The third largest saltwater lake in the world, Orumieh may well not exist after a few years, as predicted by experts. Orumieh is turning to salt with each and every passing day and so far 60% of the entire lake has turned into salt. Droughts, the incorrect irrigation policies and dams over the rivers are surely the main culprits of this incident.

As a result, the tourism industry of North West Iran is suffering a lot.


 News from Press TV Monday 29 August 2011 

 Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has inaugurated two major projects including a reservoir dam and a cement factory in Iran's northwestern province of West Azarbaijan.

Iran's Energy Minister Majid Namjou and Minister of Industry, Mine and Trade Mehdi Ghazanfari attended the inaugural ceremony of the national projects on Monday, IRNA reported. 

Agh Chai is Iran's biggest arch earth filled dam which has been built by the Khatam al-Anbiya Air Defense Base at the cost of about USD 150 million. 

The 826 meter-high dam has the capacity of storing 180 million cubic meters of water. 





Ahmadi Nut Jon inaugurates 600 m dam in Urumiyeh

by Simorgh5555 on

From Press TV (Press Terrorist Television) 



Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has inaugurated two major projects including a reservoir dam and a cement factory in Iran's northwestern province of West Azarbaijan.

Iran's Energy Minister Majid Namjou and Minister of Industry, Mine and Trade Mehdi Ghazanfari attended the inaugural ceremony of the national projects on Monday, IRNA reported. 

Agh Chai is Iran's biggest arch earth filled dam which has been built by the Khatam al-Anbiya Air Defense Base at the cost of about USD 150 million. 


The 826 meter-high dam has the capacity of storing 180 million cubic meters of water. 

Right and where is the water going to come from?  Where else but Lake Urumieh! Where is all the debris and pollution going to be leaked into? Lake Urumiyeh.

Now you know why the Majlis refuses to back emergency plans to save Lake Urumiyeh because special interests and Sepah contractors who have invested into destroying this lake by building factories  will lose their money! 

Now you know why the Majlis opposes plans to replenish the lake from a nearby river. Now you know why the Majlis has asked for people living in the vicinity of Lake Urumiyeh have been told to relocate.  




To be fair to the IR

by Simorgh5555 on

Here is one environmental diaster which the IR seems to be interested in. Apparently the IR spoekasman Mehmanparast has said that his regime will be ready to assist the victims of Huricane Irene


Yet environemntal disasters such as Urumiyeh will not see the light of day!  



by Simorgh5555 on

I fully agree with you.

This is not just about Azarbaijan. This is not about a local grievance. This is an issue which is of national interest. Lake Urumiyeh is the Apple in the Eye of Iran. Imagine the map of Iran without this lake and how naked it wil look without it.

The IR Majlis has voted to do nothing  about this lake and yet it can immediately release $20 million US to drought sticken Somalia or any part of the world which furthers their Islamist agenda such as Syria or South Lebanon. 

Azaris, Lors, Kurds, Fars and all Iranians of different colours are one and united. At least we should be united on this issue.

Mark my words this is just another Iranian landmark which has been destroyed or neglected by the IR. Persepolis and Cyrus's Tomb will follow soon.  



For democracy and unity

by choghok on

I think people from other parts of Iran than Azarbaijan should rally behind their azari countrymen and support them. This strengths the unity of the people and also would be a blow to the regime, but I would guess that nobody outside Azarbaijan would know about that this has happened thanks to IRI broadcasting censorship.


نهضت ادامه دارد


بر و بچه های ارومیه دمتون گرم.  مبارزه تا سرنگونی این رژیم ارتجاع و ضد اسلامی و ضد بشری ادامه خواهد داشت. از آقای سازگارا هم متشکریم برای پشتکارش در اطلاع رسانی در دو سال گذشته . اتحاد اتحاد اتحاد


islamic invaders wont budge

by alx1711 on

islamic invaders wont budge to fix the lakes problem. These are the same people who belive is islamists from deserts of A-rabia, what makes them care about future of Iran and Iran's Environment?

after all palastine is in danger of invasion by zionist regime, lets fix their problem 1st and if we have any time or moey we canput it towards the Salt lake!











by BoosBoos on

I hope they do also replenish the other lakes.

(But hopefully not with Jeesh) 


Mohsen sazegara now

by Khebedin on

Mohsen sazegara now qualifiies to be a full fledge comedian. He is even against VAT in Iran, and now supports the merchants of the bazar who have always refused to pay taxes.

Jeesh Daram

دریاچه ارومیه

Jeesh Daram

با دیدن این صحنه ها امام امت فرمودند " من خودم یک ترک هستم و بیش از این تاب و تحمل دیدن ناراحتی مردمم را ندارم"   حضرت امام سپس دستور فرمودند آب تازه و قابل نوشیدن را از تهران و از طریق لوله به ارومیه فرستاده و در آنجا ابتدا با نمک مخلوط کرده و سپس وارد دریاچه بنمایند و امید است کم کم سطح آب دریاچه بالا بیاید. در همین حال هزاران هزار نفر از اهالی ارومیه به مغازه های خواربار فروشی شهر رفته و با خرید بطری های آب و ریختن آن درون دریاچه مانع پائین رفتن و کم شدن آب شده اند. شهردار شهر قم اعلام نموده است که اگر این روش در ارومیه مثمر ثمر واقع شود، مردم غیور قم نیز همین ابتکار را در احیای دریاچه نمک قم بکار خواهند برد.  نقل از بی-بی-سی


Iranian MPs

by statira on

baraye laye jerz khooband.



by BaronAvak on

Great to know that you Izghailis stand with us Ighanians, we really couldn't have done it without your help.  However, I think Ighanians realize that fake anti-Iranian spam propagandists like yourself are using the Lake Urumiyeh issue as an excuse to advance your goal of general destabilization of Iran on ethnic lines. 

BTW - There is no such thing as a "Fars" people.  There are Iranians, and Azaris are Iranians.  All Iranians speak Persian fluently, though many speak local languages and dialects in addition to Persian, such as Azari, a Persian-Turkish hybrid language.   Moreover, most Iranians have intermarried for centuries and have relatives in all corners of the country, as well as in other parts of Greater Iran, such az Baku, Irbil, Yerevan, and elsewhere. 


Stand in solidarity

by Simorgh5555 on

I stand by all my Iranian compatriots in Urumiyeh who are fighting to preserve this Lake. This is of a vital Iranian national interest and there is no evidence from these video reports that demonstrators were shouting anti-Fars (or anti-Pars) statements even though they spoke in Azari. Most proud Azari speaking Iranians are proud Iranians. 

Even if evidence of anti-Fars sentiment can be found in the protests it is a minority opinion and the IR is clearly to blame for it because of their incompetence in handling this important environmental issue.

Yesterday was Quds day and Ahmadinejad seemed more interested in the fate of Palestinians than Iranians. Why did he not stop to send a message of support to the people of Urumiyeh?  

To the people of Urumiyeh: Resist and destroy all apparatuses of oppression the Islamic  Republic. 


Pasdar Sazegara

by BaronAvak on

Pasdar Sazegara's involvement in this situation now confirms that the whole "Lake Urumiyeh" issue is just a pretext to destabilize Iran, especially in Azarbaijan province.  

I wonder if JJ even really runs this site anymore.  Too much coordinated "perception management" operations being run off this site, with fake anti-Iranian bloggers and commentators pushing the neo-con party line under the guise of being sympathetic, freedom-loving Iranians.  Notice an interesting coordination and echo-chambering of comments and issues by "Simorgh555", "Fred", and "Roozbeh_Gilani", on, which then matches with Pasdar Sazegara on Youtube.  


Translation Please

by ghalam-doon on
