Boy Soldier: Iran-Iraq War

13-year-old Mehrdad Azizollahi in charge of clearing mines



Zamin he was a child, his misfortune was to be among mullahs

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

these young guys had to fight...

What a comment, children never have to fight, what kind of animals did islam make of our people that islam condoned this boy to his death and then glorifies it.  The ones that lived became basiji's and raped/beat/tortured their fellow persian.

Some people like zamin I feel just need to develop remorse for their shameful feelings that are purely self serving and with harm to the majority.  It works for every other nation, our mullahs should feel regret for their crimes and victims like zamin need help to.

And the mullahs crimes are numerous.  Not just this child, but the child in every one of us.



Zamin and Reality-Bites.

by comments on

Zamin was not wrong, perhaps, a few IC readers needed to hear that.  All Iranians, who lived in Iran at the time, participated in war as well.  Every night you never knew if you and your family were the one.

I also have a story for Zamin.  A friend who was at an IRI prison for a year when he was only 10 only because he attended couple of meetings of an opposition group.  He is 40 years old now.  Whenever he goes to Iran he has to go to an interrogation room for 3-4 hours in a remote area before going to his parents home.  He even don't know any more if if interrogators are really Iranians officials.  He was lucky because he was not allowed to go to the war area neither Kordestan when he did his military service.  Lucky him!  I know him very well and I believe you never knew any one well other than yourself in Iran.


We did not flee.

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

We were there, we were bombed, we suffered. we lost family members fighting for our motherland.  

I dont know who these people "kooshan" and "zamin" are. I am begining to doubt if they are even Iranian or if they have ever lived there, judging by their comments. I have no issue with them supporting islamist regime's line, it is a free world. But I have issue with them saying things they obviously have no clue about.

One thing for sure: both of these valiant cyber fighters, just like khomeini's son, will faint and rush to ER if they have a slight cut and bleeding on their fingers :)  

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


The irony is

by Arj on

The irony is that most of these guys died after Iaqis were pushed out of Iran six months into the war (Iraqis retreated beyond their borders after being forced to evacuate Khramshahr back when the regular army was mostly in charge and basij was newly formed)! Hence, most of these guys and many conscripts died in the seven and a half years after freeing Khoramshahr, when Khomeini promised to free Ghods via Karbala and Baghdad!  

Indeed, that makes these guys shahids of Ghods and Karbala, rather than fighting for motherland. An absolute majority of there guys were Asheghan-e Karbala and Haramein-e Sharifein!


I have seen

by Raoul1955 on

Programs on PBS on how Iranians used kids like this one [from poor families] to run across the minefields during the Iran-Iraq war...  I suppose that if these kids had not killed in such operations that they would have grown up to become devout muslim militias, torturing and killing Iranians who oppose the current regime.

Darius Kadivar

FYI/Fereidoun Farrokhzad helps child soldiers of Iran Iraq War

by Darius Kadivar on

One of the Folks Who 'Fled' In order to 'Help' to the best of his ability ...


SARBAZ: Fereidoun Farrokhzad helps child soldiers of Iran Iraq War


While many of Those who chose to 'Stay' Kept Complaining without ever doing any Better ...



COMPLAINING JOMHURYKHAH: What Have the Pahlavis EVER Done For Us ? ;0) 


Ta Gabre, Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah ... 



by Reality-Bites on

First off, as someone already pointed out, how do you know who "fled" and who didn't? While on the subject how about YOU? By the sounds of it you live outside Iran, so can we automatically assume you "fled" too?

Second, regarding your astoundingly inane comment that  "we have no idea how many young guys volenteered", where do I even start? We are talking children here, not "young guys", CHILDREN. Do you not understand the difference?

Even if young guys (never mind children) volunteered you think it's perfectly ok to let them walk on minefield and blow themselves up? More to the point, have you not heard of the concepts of brainwashing (key to heaven, 72 virgins etc) or coercion or promises of financial help to families of the poor, which can affect adults, never mind children, that the regime uses to pretend to the hapless young people are "volunteering"?

Kooshan, yes there were brave souls, including my own Daei who gave his life and another who is now disabled who were tue defenders of Iran zamin. But what you are proclaiming to be "defence of Iran zamin" here tantamounts to defending child exploitation and child murder, pure and simple.

Seriously, some comments here really make you wonder about people's mentality!


me too

by عموجان on

I was there too


He was only 13 then but his

by Kooshan on

He was only 13 then but his heart was bigger than 100 of us who did not give a damn from comfort of our home minding our business or education abroad.


Strange thing is some feel pitty for him from abroad and he feels pitty for them!


These are true defenders of Iran zamin.


here's another angel:


یادی از فرشتگان
از آنان که جان شان را برای وطنشان فدا کردند و امروز نه تنها فراموش شده
اند, بلکه دنیا طلبان زاهد ریاکار با نام آنها یکه تازی کرده و اوضاع را به
کام خود میچرخانند. 
  تمام اعضای خانواده‌ همیشه دوست دارند،
حداقل یك وعده غذا را دور هم بنشینند اما چندین سال است كه این زن به
تنهایی در گوشه آشپزخانه غذا می‌خورد طوری كه حتی صدای چیدن میز غذا به گوش
همسرش نرسد؛ او خیلی وقت است كه غذای عطردار درست نمی‌كند و می‌گوید «من
چگونه چنین غذایی را بخورم در حالی كه ابراهیم‌ام نمی‌تواند از آن بخورد».



مهران‌راد سال 1342 واد ارتش شده بود؛ در روزهای نخست جنگ تحمیلی با مدرك
فوق دیپلم رشته پرستاری در بخش بهداری لشكر 81 زرهی اهواز مشغول به فعالیت
شد؛ بعد از مجروحیتش نیز دوباره به منطقه بازگشت و به لشكر 58 ذوالفقار و
پادگان ابوذر منتقل شد كه اثرات موج‌ بمب‌های خوشه‌ای دشمن در گیلانغرب و
خونریزی سمت راست مخچه وی را از 15 سال گذشته خانه نشین كرده است.

در گوشه‌ای از اتاق داروهای این جانباز از جمله سرنگ بزرگی به چشم می‌خورد
كه به نوعی ظرف غذای ابراهیم است؛ در معده این جانباز عزیز دستگاهی به نام
«پیگ» كار گذاشته شده است كه از این طریق تغذیه می‌شود؛ این زن فداكار در
ابتدا مواد مغذی ماهی، گوشت یا مرغ را به همراه سبزیجات و برنج پخته، از
صافی عبور می‌دهد سپس این مواد یا
داروهایی را كه در آب محلول شده است را با سرنگ وارد معده همسرش می‌كند


كنار این
مادر و زن مهربان می‌نشینیم تا از زندگی خود برایمان بگوید و این گونه
اظهار می‌دارد: در امیریه تهران بزرگ شدم؛ از سوم ابتدایی چادر و روسری سر
می‌كردم؛ چادر سرمه‌ای با گل‌های ریز سفیدرنگ كه به خاطر آن حرف‌ها و
كنایه‌های زیادی شنیدم به طوری كه گاهی مرا با این چادر به عنوان كارگر
منزل صدا می‌زدند اما تا امروز بر آن افتخار ‌كردم و خواهم كرد




* دخترم هیچ گاه نمی‌خواست با پدر خداحافظی كند

او از روزهای پرالتهاب جنگ تحمیلی برایمان می‌گوید: قصرشیرین در دست دشمن
بود؛ ابراهیم و ابراهیم‌ها نیز برای آزادسازی آنجا به منطقه رفتند؛ او سال
1362 مجروح شد و به محض بهبودی مختصر دوباره به منطقه ‌رفت؛ هر بار كه او
به جبهه اعزام می‌شد، دخترم
مرضیه خود را در گوشه‌ای از اتاق پنهان می‌كرد تا لحظه خداحافظی با پدرش
را نبیند.

او در پادگان ابوذر تكنسین اتاق عمل بود؛ یكبار كودكی تركش خورده را در
بیمارستان معالجه اولیه كرد تا زنده بماند؛ پس از آن می‌خواست آن كودك را
به مادرش بدهد تا دست نوازشی بر سر او بكشد ناگهان كودك به شهادت می‌رسد،
دیدن چنین صحنه‌ای با شرایطی جسمی و روانی به قدری برای همسرم سخت بود كه
همان لحظه سكته‌ كرد و حدود 44 روز در بیمارستان قلب 502 ارتش بستری شد.

همسرم در جبهه به قدری مهربان بود كه همرزمان و دوستان او
می‌گویند «مهران‌راد وقتی برای مرخصی به تهران می‌آمد، همه می‌گفتند یتیم شدیم تا مهران‌راد از مرخصی برگردد».

وی ادامه می‌دهد: در یكی از شب‌های برفی و زمستانی ابراهیم در منطقه جنگی
بود؛ برای پارو كردن پشت‌بام مجبور بودم خودم اقدام كنم؛ وقتی پدر متوجه
این موضوع شد گفت «به من می‌گفتی تا خودم هزینه كارگران را برای پارو كردن
برف‌ها می‌دادم» به وی گفتم «می‌خواستم كمتر دلتنگی كنم به همین خاطر
برف‌ها را پارو كردم ».

* خنده تلخ من از گریه غم‌انگیزتر است

این روزها هوا گرم است؛ امروز شیرین و ابراهیم از تفریحی كه به بیمارستان
داشتند، برگشته بودند؛ او خیلی خسته بود اما با این حال برای اینكه حرارت
بدن ابراهیم زخم‌هایش را اذیت نكند، آب هندوانه را گرفت و از طریق سرنگ
وارد معده همسرش كرد.

ما میزبان اشك‌ها و لبخندها در این سفر كوتاه به یك سرزمین آسمانی بود؛
گاهی قطرات اشك از گونه‌های شیرین جاری می‌شد و می‌گفت «خنده تلخ من از
گریه غم‌انگیزتر است؛ كارم از گریه گذشته بدان می‌خندم».

ادامه می‌دهد: خدا صدام را لعنت كند؛ اینها یادگاری‌های جنگ هستند؛ شب‌های
یلدا و عید بچه‌های من دوست دارند، به منزل ما بیایند اما به خاطر اینكه
سر و صدا و شلوغی پدرشان را اذیت می‌كند، اینجا نمی‌آیند.

این همسر جانباز بوی زحمت می‌دهد؛ در حالی كه اشك روی گونه‌هایش سوسو
می‌كند، خاطره‌ای از شب یلدا را برایمان اینگونه روایت می‌كند: انار روی
میز بود؛ نیمه شب یادم ‌افتاد كه نكند سردار من، انار را دیده و دلش خواسته
باشد؛ از رختخواب دل كندم؛ انار را با دست‌هایم فشار دادم تا آبی از آن
چكانده و به او بدهم؛ دیدم او خواب است اما با سرنگ برایش گاواژ كردم تا
این محبت به مغزش برسد و به او
بگویم كه تنهایش نمی‌گذارم؛ گاهی آب میوه و غذاها را بر لب‌های او می‌زنم
تا طعم‌ها فراموشش نشود

* سالهاست عطر غذا در این خانه نپیچیده است

اعضای خانواده‌ همیشه دوست دارند، حداقل یك وعده غذا را دور هم بنشینند
اما چندین سال است كه این زن به تنهایی در گوشه آشپزخانه غذا می‌خورد طوری
كه حتی صدای چیدن میز غذا به گوش همسرش نرسد؛ او خیلی وقت است كه غذای
عطردار درست
نمی‌كند و می‌گوید «من چگونه چنین غذایی را بخورم در حالی كه ابراهیم‌ام
نمی‌تواند از آن بخورد».

یك بار با زبان بی‌زبانی از من نان و پنیر خواست؛ نان و پنیر و چایی را
میكس كردم و برایش آوردم تا وارد معده‌اش كنم؛ او از این موضوع خیلی ناراحت
شد و آن را كنار زد

* به مونسم افتخار می‌كنم؛ از دیدن دردهایش ذره ذره می‌میرم

زن ایثارگر هر روز صبح مانند سرباز وظیفه بیدار می‌شود و می‌گوید
«فرمانده! در خدمتم؛ فرمان بده تا سربازت اجرا كند»؛ او می‌گوید:
این راه زندگی را كه با ابراهیم طی كردیم خیلی ناهمواری داشت اما از این
جهت كه مونسم یك جانباز است افتخار می‌كنم و گاهی از دیدن دردهای او ذره
ذره می‌میرم.

عقد دخترش می‌رسد؛ او به امیر نهاوندی و خرم‌طوسی می‌گوید پدر بچه‌ها قدرت
تكلم ندارد، شما در مراسم عقد حضور پیدا كنید بلكه دل دخترم كمی آرام

جانباز مهران‌راد، روحی لطیف و
احساس شاعرانه‌ای دارد؛ برای پرنده‌ها و یاكریم‌هایی كه پشت پنجره
می‌نشینند، دانه می‌پاشد و به آنها می‌گوید برای شفای تمام مریض‌ها دعا



و انتقال این مطلب برای دوستان شاید راهی برای حفظ یاد آنانی باشد که با
عشق و علاقه به وطن و هموطن ازسلامتی و  جانشان گذشتند وآسایش امروز مان را
مدیون انانیم





how do u know we 'fled'

by shushtari on

I was in ahwaz and khoramshahr during the war.....doesn't mean I support that idiot khomeini.....

iran would have NEVER BEEN ATTACKED under the pahlavi dynasty- and it was his investment in great weapons that save our ass- yes, the same weapons, which your stupid akhoond called a waste of money  


We obviously knew who fled

by Zamin on

We obviously knew who fled the country when the war started (everyone in this thread). You have no idea how many young guys volenteered. I know it might be hard to believe, no one forced anyone. While you cowards fled the country, me and these young guys had to fight



by yolanda on

Well-said! RG! Great post!

khomeini seems to be a emotionless and uncaring guy. I was wondering if he ever grieved the countless casualties in the war and felt indebted to them?


I feel very sad watching this clip...

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

 make no mistake, this is not patriotism, this is shameless exploitation and brain washing of an innocent child. What the heck did he know about US before deciding that it was "Iran's main enemy"?

Let us not forget, non of khomeini's sons were "martyred" in the war. The murdering SOB sacrificed hundreds of thousands of innocent souls like this child for nothing other than his own illusions of grandeur 

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


Alternative? Depends on what your goal is.

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

If we wanted a freer and more just Iran and less casualties/even no war Iranians should have fought to keep the Shah.  Isn't that obvious?  It's still as true today as it was back then.

Instead people struggle to hold on to their misinformed knowledge and not question that they have been deceived 100%.  If Iranians start to question their ignorance, following mullahs in place of good leaders, then they will be noble people for having done that and earn the admiration of other good people.


Immortal Guard

What would have been the alternative!

by Immortal Guard on

This is more like a propaganda footage and is not representative of the majority of soldiers.

But one has got to ask the question what if these soldiers had not gone to war and made sacrifices? Who would have defended our country? It is so easy to judge from our haughty seats up here!

The son of our gardener went to war and he cursed after returning. He ended up with shrapnels lodged in his head and was wave-shocked (Moji).He used to say that after heavy losses the Iranian troops had advanced enough on Basra to take the city but were then ordered to retreat and almost everybody used to wonder why retreat when they are so close to taking a major strategic Iraqi city like Basra after so many casualties!!!???


He Gave his life .. for the misery Iranians enjoy today... sad.

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

Irans economy is so unjust today in comparison to when the shah ruled iran that instead of having the largest growing middle class in the world our mullahs enjoy ice cream with pieces of gold in it at $280 a scoop.

His death did not beefit Iranians, in truth, he fought for an Islamic system that has terrorized his people.  And the USA/UK/France and Germany that helped bring this Regime to power and even start the war are sncerely grateful to their islamic maids running iran.


72 x 500,000 virgins!

by Arj on

Ironically, there is no indication of "fighting for motherland" here in the speeches of this kid. Only a cult-style reference to Jebheh as necessary for cleansing one's soul and "washing one's sins!" The notion of patriotism had no place in these kids' (or their handlers') psyche as evicent here: //

Indeed, they weren't old enough to fathom the notion of patriotism. What these kids -- in the absence of fully grown adults who would believe in the Emam Zaman impersonators and their white, plastic keys to heaven -- were utilized for was (that is after brainwashing) to clear the path for the infantry units through the mine-fields!

In addition to the regime who took advantage of such innocent kids, their parent were to blame for throwing their kids to the wolves for a Haj trip and $2000 compensation money! In other words, the common denominator of the two, that is the ideology which justifies such an abuse in the name of going to heaven and 72 virgins should be held responsible!  



Related to deev's comment.

by comments on

Have we ever asked ourselves why many Iranians are so superficial?  Deev was only concerned with the shallow image of a death by a bullet.  He only cares about an Iranian if he was killed by a bullent and in a war.

Many Iranians (not only Alireza) were killed as the result of our country's instabilty, which originated from the view and action of many not-informative Iranians.  Should we care less about the life of many elderly Iranians in abroad who had always wished to see a free Iran before they die?  Won't an IC reader be one of those? 

Soosan Khanoom


by Soosan Khanoom on

Could not watch all of it .....

But even an 18 year old is a kid ...

While old people decide for the faith of the countries it is the innocent youths of that country who are being killed. I think a new law should be established at the U.N preventing this and that is to raise the age limit from 18 to at least 50 .. better 60 .... I am not kidding 

Seriously, let the old farts who failed to achieve it peacefully fight over it ..... what ever that is that they are fighting for ....  Who knows, may be their egos, love of life, and the fact that they are less likely to be brainwashed, and their old age make this world even a safer place by them not being able to practically implement their sick theories ....  



چه جنایت ها که نشد در این سالها


وای بر ما...


This is of shameful act by two distinct groups...

by Bavafa on

First and foremost, a shameful act by the IRI regime who allowed, accepted and in fact encouraged such young kids to join the fight against Saddam. Also a shameful act by those adults who by escaping their duty to defend their mother-land left room to be filled by these young kids.

'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 



How worthless life is in Islam

by عموجان on

Did you know, Shah before left the country he had made a very power full and professional military in the middle east (even Sadam was afraid of it) so Iranian’s Childers didn’t have do this.

Oh sorry, I forgot Khomeini ordered to execute them all right after he took power.

This kid spoke well he could have serve his people better with his big brain than his small dead body. His Imam preferred his dead body more than his brain so in future he wouldn’t appose him. Why do you think Khomeini was promoting baby factories?

Muslim killing Muslim (Shia on top of that) and they blame America. Why didn't both side stop buying weapon fromAmerica and tell them go F12k himself?



He gave his life for his country

by deev on

This kid committed suicide and so did Alireza Pahlavi, he did it to save his people from invasion, Alireza did it to save himself from depression, this kid is nearly forgotten while the prince gets a royal ceremony with live broadcast.



by yolanda on

The boy with the same name is in another video:


according what I read on internet, he was killed at age 14! Very sad story!


Pro and against MRX1

by comments on

Against:  How could they finish the war if they didn't have all sorts of assistants?  Thirteen years old boy is a child in developed countries, but not in a third world country.  Haven't you seen / heard about 13 years old Iranian boys or girls who work hard to feed whole family who are desparate, usually sick or addicted.

Pro: What about 10 years old boys / girls who spent such a valuable time at IRI prisons?  This is what happens for us Iranians who belog to a third world country.  Aren't we from a third world country?! 



by MRX1 on

Is this video not an evidence of crimes against humanity? sending a 13 year old boy to clear mines. (Speciality of Sayad Shirazi. Glad some body iced him) Why doesn't international community generate an enditement against members of this regime instead of giving them U.S visa to lecture in universities? how are these acts any different than  what happend in places like Boznia? how come theose people are subject to international law and these guys aren't. Simply pathetic.


that monster

by shushtari on

khomeini should be enjoying the fires of hell right now....

to see these brave young iranians sent to their deaths by a gutless monster is heartbreaking.....these were the future of our nations, and that pitiful old murderer treated these brave young men as they were expendable.....

now, keep blaming the shah for what has happened to iran.......we would have NEVER been attacked if he had stayed in power....nor would he have sent 12 year old boys to 'clear mines'......

may that devil khomeini rot in hell for eternity