"Tehran Prostitutes"

Shirin Fakhim's installations

Saatchi Gallery: Shirin Fakhim’s Tehran Prostitutes uses absurd and sympathetic humour to address issues surrounding the Persian working-girl circuit. In 2002 it was estimated that there were 100,000 prostitutes working in Tehran, despite Iran’s international reputation as a moralistic country with especially high standards placed on women. Many of these women are driven to prostitution because of abusive domestic situations and the poverty incurred from the massive loss of men during the war; in response to Iran’s strict religious laws, some even consider the profession as an act of civil protest >>>

" tehran prostitutes " from massod vadiee on Vimeo.


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more from mehrdadm

You're talking of the $14 billion US porn and hooker industry?

by BoosBoos on

by Jahanshah Javid on Women as inanimate dolls used and abused.  

Didn't you see it first hand at the Nevada brothel?   


Remind me

by Truthseeker9 on

NOT to go to this Palstic Surgeon. 

Jahanshah Javid

Dead-on reality

by Jahanshah Javid on

Women as inanimate dolls used and abused. It is expeciall revealing for they represent a state of false religiosity where the government is trying to impose "chastity" and "protect" women by covering them up. Bold and provocative.



by pedramx on

in ham shold lebas padesha vaseh inkeh az ghafeleh aghab namooni va adayeh rooshanfekri darbiari bayad be har ashghali bah baho chah chah begi in rooza....



by ramintork on

Yes and the phrase coined ( by yours truely!) for this altermodernist school of using the absurd to highlight the negative impact of fundementalist religion on society ( in our case Iranian society) is called DaGod.

I wrote about Shirin Fakhims's work back in "//iranian.com/main/2009/feb/zahak-plastic-prostitutes-tehran" on Feb 2009.

And have dedicated a site to DaGod which I recoginzed as a new Art school:
